Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2016
Valerie Lambert, David Anderson, Dan Hamalainen, Edward Kwiatkowski, and Sam Spaeth, Computer Science (CS) 2016, Slitherlink
Halie M. Langanki, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, An Effective Model of Alzheimer's Disease
Aidan Robin Larse, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Caffeine can increase incidence of musical chills: Interactions with song familiarity
Caroline Anna Lauth, Geology (GEOL) 2016, An Integrated Stratigraphic Analysis of the "Problem" of the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary at Monte Conero, Italy
Jae Eun Lee, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Can Reframing the Label Feminist Reduce its Stigma?
Abhimanyu Lele, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Causes of Individual Foraging Specialization
Ambrin Chi-En Ling, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Basic Needs/Higher Order
Kera Chi-Hwei Ling, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Introspective Bodies
Julia Barritt Lisi, History (HIST) 2016, Wearing the Robes: Gender Performance, Religion, and Power
Tsi Yan Jacqueline Liu, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, My Conversation with Gong-gong (myself)
Nathan Matz Livingston, Chemistry (CHEM) 2016, Editing in the Aminoacyl tRNA-Synthetases
Margaret M. Lloyd, Religion (RELG) 2016, Embodied Sikhism: Sikh Navigation of Prejudice and Identity in Post-9/11 America
Nicoletta Irey LoVerso, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Effects of Social Anxiety on Visual Perspectives in Memory and Episodic Future Thought
de Macedi Khuaten Maaneb, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The role of carbohydrate subtypes in T cell population modification, intestinal epithelial cell tight junction integrity, and autoimmune disease
Lindsey Kirk Main, Economics (ECON) 2016, How Efficient is the Art Market? An Analysis of Art Market Efficiency and its Evolution Across Time in Comparison with the Stock and Housing Markets
Henry Dillon Maler, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, A Small Revolution: Reconstructing A National Identity in Post-Financial Crisis Greek Cinema
Brandon Lamar Marks, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Correlation of Identity Style and Personality with Prosocial Behavior
Philip-Peter Joachim Maxeiner, Geology (GEOL) 2016, The Origin of Cetaceans and Observational Based Lessons
Madison Lee McBride, History (HIST) 2016, "The Circle is Complete': Adoptive Heritage Tourism as a Structure in the International Adoption Complex
Grace McNeely, History (HIST) 2016, Bleeding Beyond the Frame: Understanding the Relationship Between Biblical Battle and Kingship in the Thirteenth-Century Morgan Picture Bible (MS M.638)
Alice Mei, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, He Said, She Said: Exploring Cognitive Processing and Gender in Perceived Influence of Speech
Sarah Miriam Meister, English (ENGL) 2016, How May I Compare this Prison ... unto the World? The Interpretive Value of Prison Shakespeare
Matthew Allen Mensinger, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The Ecological Influences of Semelparous Salmon and Anthropogenic Nutrient Subsidies in Riparian Systems
Ian George Mercer, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Extracting Plato from Platonism: Beyond Good and Evil as a Response to Republic
Anil Tomi Methipara, Economics (ECON) 2016, Income Inequality and Population Health Outcomes in Developing Countries: A Cause for Concern?
Darcy Mishkind, Biology (BIOL) 2016, A Codon of Silence: The effects of synonymous codon optimization and de-optimization on translation
Ilana Joy Mishkin, Linguistics (LING) 2016, Ladino Copular Variation: A Case Study of Seattle Ladino Heritage Speakers
Anya Moradian, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Commissural axons require additional cues that modulate the Netrin pathway and ensure proper guidance
Brent Alexander Murcia and Jacob Thedore Wasserman, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2016, Beefing Up Local Meat Production: Studying Constraints on Local Meat in Southern Minnesota
Christian Paul Nagy, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, In-group facilitation through athletics
Hannah Jean Nayowith, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2016, Being Palestinian, It's a Curse: Non-Activist Women's Perspectives on Palestinian National Liberation
Shaylin Fay Nguyen, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, The Travelogue Meets The Diary Film in Change of Course
Robert Nieves, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Family Moments
Christopher William Nootenboom, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Whale Falls and the Species-Energy Theory: Dual Resource Pulses that Promote Global Diversity as Evolutionary Stepping Stones
Hallie Ojala-Barrett, Art History (ARTH) 2016, Bernardo Daddi's Triptych at the Minneapolis Institute of Art and Fourteenth Century Private Devotion
Robert Otsuka, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, The Transistor
Florence Emily Pollard, Economics (ECON) 2016, The Relationship between Parent and Child Occupational Safety and Health Risk Levels in the African American Community
Jordan Marie Pruszenski, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Examining migratory ungulates as a resource pulse and their effects on the species in their migratory range
Victoria Elisabeth Rachmaninoff, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Proximity
David Clinton Racine, Philosophy (PHIL) 2016, Reconciling Partiality and Impartiality: How Morality Separates Good Partial Reasons from the Bad
Shraddha Raghavan, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Extracellular matrix components play a critical role in the segmental migration of trunk neural crest cells
Caroline Leigh Roberts, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Positive Outcome in Siblings of Children with Developmental Disabilities
Andy Rodgers, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Understanding host shifts in phytophagous insects and their role in diversification
Sofia Aidee Rosales Juarez, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, detached
Emma Adrienne Rossby, French and Francophone Studies (FREN) 2016, Du mythe vers la réalité : Perceptions de la désillusion chez Baudelaire
Emma Adrienne Rossby, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Sub-State Nationalism and Social Welfare Policy in Belgium: Unravelling Flemish and Walloon Narratives of Institutional Reform
Zach Franklin Rubin, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Visual Search in Cotton-top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) and College Students
Emma Louise Russ, Economics (ECON) 2016, Higher Standards for Female Coaches: Gender Discrimination in Division I Women's College Basketball
Aaron W. Sala and Vincent DeZutti, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Cornered
Brittany Salazar, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Effect of gut microbiome on TH17 cell activation and Toll-like receptor signaling in rheumatoid arthritis development
Samantha Rose Saltzman, English (ENGL) 2016, Do, Boatman, Do: Christina Rossetti's Case for Granting Power and Autonomy to Girls
Hannah Elizabeth Sanchez, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Unapologetically Me
Roberto Stephen Sande, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The Netrin-1/DCC/ERK Pathway and its Effects on Axonal Branching
Grace Marie Sassana, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Feeding Our Immune Systems: Microbiota-Derived Short Chain Fatty Acids Regulate Colonic Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cell Generation
Berit Hendrickson Schurke, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, et stille friluftsliv
Tamar Shirit Segev, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, An Exploration of Bodies within Space and Time
Cameron Meyer Shorb, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Factors regulating invasive plant responses to resource pulses
Bing Shui, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Gastric Cancer Metastasis: Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Promoted By Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts
Reilly Anne Simon, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2016, The Perfect Storm: The Role of Military Decision-Making in the Success or Failure of Arab Spring Democratization Movements
Annie Adele Sinner, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2016, Navigating the Liminally-Classed Self: First Generation, Low-Income Carleton College Students' Reflections on the Impact of Class
Moira Smith, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, How do we look at bodies?
Ximou Song, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Synonymous Codon Bias in Translational Elongation and Protein Folding
Dana Wells Spencer, Linguistics (LING) 2016, Il y a des problèmes ici: An analysis of current theories of preposition stranding through the lens of Canadian French
Emily Jo Spoden, Political Science (POSC) 2016, The Making of an Undocu-Friendly State: Partisanship and Issue Framing in the Passage of Post-Secondary Education Benefits for Undocumented Students in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Abigail Peterson Star, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, A Study of Light and Trees
Nathaniel Allen Strauss, Physics (PHYS) 2016, The Thermodynamics of Black Holes: Energy and Quantum Mechanics in Spacetime
Christopher Ely Sundquist, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Commensal Communication: An Examination of the Bacteroides fragilis Polysaccharide A Dependent Immunosuppressive Pathway
Emma Rose Sunog, English (ENGL) 2016, Secrets
Rui Su, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2016, Striking the Impossible Balance: How College Students Imagine Juggling Career, Marriage, and Parenthood in the Future
Erwin Daniel-Saah Swaray, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Influence of an Odor's Emotional Salience when Acting as a Retrieval Cue for Episodic Memory
Sarah Hui Ying Tan, Theater Arts (THEA) 2016, Perpetrators
Melanie Suzanne Taub, Economics (ECON) 2016, Who Pays for the ACA? The Differences in Compensation between Public and Private Sector Workers
Hayden Phillip Tornabene, Physics (PHYS) 2016, Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry: Why is there something and not nothing?
Wing Hei Agnes Tse, Economics (ECON) 2016, Educational Mismatch, Wage Levels, and Wage Growth: A longitudinal analysis of the U.S. labor market
Wing Hei Agnes Tse, Music (MUSC) 2016, The Crystallization of the Song Cycle: from An die ferne Geliebte to Frauenliebe und Leben
Jack Christopher Turzillo, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Hunk
Erika Tyagi, Economics (ECON) 2016, The Effect of Mega-Events on Housing Prices: The 2012 London Summer Olympic
Emma Katherine Vinella-Brusher and Joseph Philip Haase, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2016, Assessing Urban Habitat Connectivity: Using Circuit Theory to Model Blanding's Turtle Movement
Jack Anthony Violetta, Economics (ECON) 2016, Entry-Level Productivity and Compensation: A Comparison between the National Hockey League and the National Basketball Association
Lindsey Kay Walters, History (HIST) 2016, Confronting the History of Slavery: Seeking Retrospective Justice at Harvard and Brown
Lindsey Kay Walters, African/African American Studies (AFAM) 2016, Obruni! Obruni!: African American Experiences in Ghana and the Politics of Diaspora
Gail J. Waltz, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Synonymous Codon Use: Effects on Ribosome Speed, Protein Folding, and Protein Function
Jessica Kate Weaver, Economics (ECON) 2016, Does the ACA Break Down Barriers to Self-Employment? A Predictive Model to Measure an Individual's Probability of Being Self-Employed in the Years 2008-2015
Lindsey Catherine Weber, Chemistry (CHEM) 2016, HIV-1 Entry Inhibitors: A Review of Structure-Based Drug Design Targeting the Conserved Hydrophobic Pocket of gp41
Lindsey Catherine Weber, History (HIST) 2016, Magic, Midwives, and the Grapevine: Negotiating Women's Healthcare in 18th-Century Colonial Mexico
Ryan David Wegner, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Periodic Cicadas as a Resource Pulse
Dylan Meyer Wells, Economics (ECON) 2016, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Emerging and Frontier Economies
Alexander Coffin Welna, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, How Students' Drinking Choices Impact Perceptions of their Gendered and Socially Desirable Traits in College
Laura Elinor Westneat, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Psychological Profiling of Criminal Psychopaths: An Investigation into the Relationship between Behavior and Personality
Samuel West, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The roll of the cytokine CXCL12 and its receptor CXCR4 in the metastasis of tumor cells in breast cancer
Mason Fobes White, Physics (PHYS) 2016, The Physics of Self-Driving Cars
Samuel William White, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Maintenance of DUOX-pathway Homeostasis in the Drosophila Gut
Forrest Faix Williams, Geology (GEOL) 2016, Rainfall-Influenced Turbidity and Nutrient Fluxes in Rice and Heath Creeks
Florence Chi Hang Wong, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Humanimals
Chielon Scott Yang, Jonathan Green, Kiley Maki, Austin Infante Lane, Dean Knetzger, and Charles Eyermann, Computer Science (CS) 2016, Self-Driving Comps
Xue Yang, Art History (ARTH) 2016, Plurality of Chinese Modern Art
Richard Michael Yeker, Biology (BIOL) 2016, ROS/RNS impair sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release and decrease calcium sensitivity to induce skeletal muscle fatigue
SeungJoon Yoo, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Skills-Mismatch in Republic of Korea: Consequences of Unbalanced Skills Among College Graduates on Growing Youth Unemployment
Jianxiong Yu, Economics (ECON) 2016, Country Risk During the Great Recession: Does Financial Development Matter?
Joyce Yu, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2016, Neuroprosthetics: Reconnecting with the World