The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2017

Marcus A. van Ginkel, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Cognitive Enhancement Effects of Adrafinil on Spatial Working Memory of Rats

Amrit Kaur Vasdev, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Analysis of Activation and Inactivation of TrkB receptor in the Context of Sarcopenia

Robert Joseph Volpendesta, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, Licorice Beach

Eric Thomas Walker, Isaac Howard Garfinkle, Dylan Drew Forbes, Mica Mantilla, Kai Pei, and Reilly William Hallstrom, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Personal Puzzle Producer

JordiKai Ka ua aloha nou 'oe o lakea Watanabe-Inouye, Ryan Gorey, Sofia Serrano, Shatian Wang, and Eunjin (Jinny) Cho, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Reading User's Preferences

Martha Lynn Waterfield, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Do Classic Hallucinogens Have Therapeutic Properties? A Focus on Depression Treatment

Maria Wetzel, Biology (BIOL) 2017, A BCL-2 Family Affair: Apoptotic proteins, metabolism, and chemosensitivity

Sarah Elizabeth Whisler, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, The Beneficial Use of Dog Therapy as a Complementary Non-Traditional Treatment in the Elderly Population

Benjamin Madisen White, Economics (ECON) 2017, Assessing Flood Risk As Sea Levels Rise: The Effects of Hurricane Sandy on Flood Zone Risk Discounts In New York City

Benjamin Madisen White, Mathematics (MATH) 2017, The Distribution of the Longest Run of Heads

Rebecca Wiersma, Biology (BIOL) 2017, The role of dynamic DNA methylation in long-term memory consolidation

Olivia Ruth Williams, English (ENGL) 2017, The Art of Imitation: Multivalent Narratives and the Question of Culpability in William Blake's Paradise Lost Illustrations

Renzhi Wu, Grant Terrien, Aidan Holloway-Bidwell, and Lucy Lu, Computer Science (CS) 2017, AccuRate: iPhone Heart Rate Monitor

shun yang and liyang liu, Mathematics (MATH) 2017, Sketch of an analytic proof of the Prime Number Theorem

Wanchen Yao, Economics (ECON) 2017, Analyzing Police Behavior: A VAR Study on Police Budget and Arrest Rate

Erin Elisabeth Young-Dahl, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Comparing instrumentation techniques for microfracture analysis and quantification

Graduated in 2016

Joshua Michael Aarons, Economics (ECON) 2016, Referee Bias: the Presence and Theory of Own-Nationality Favoritism in European Soccer

Besim Ademi, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The Role of the Gut Microbiota in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Chet Patrick Aldrich, Greg Erlandson, Sherry Gu, Haley Hinze, Nayely Martinez, and Ibrahim Rabbani, Computer Science (CS) 2016, Carleton Sesquicentennial Mobile App

Corey Pence Allred, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, The role of anxiety levels in cognitive performance: A study of the emotional Stroop test

Dani Mae Andrusko, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Coming of Age: Morphological maturation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is dependent on extracellular DNA

Michele Jessica Arima, Studio Art (ARTS) 2016, Ambivalence

Jessica Hellring Arnell and Alexandra Sophia Jordan Dulles, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, What You Did Not Nose About Olfaction: The Psychobiology of Smell

Alexander Auyeung, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2016, Beyond Bambini: Montessori Methods for the College Classroom

Jackson Thomas Pollan Bahn, Political Science (POSC) 2016, An Examination of the Effects of Uneven Labor Migration on Informal Village Insurance in Myanmar

Jonah Castaneda Barry, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, John: The Day In The Life

Eric Michael Bauer, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Ethnic Stacking: The Key Indicator in the Suppression of Popular Uprisings

Charlotte Harte Beal, Geology (GEOL) 2016, Characterizing stable carbon isotopic records in the mid-depth southwest Atlantic during deglaciations throughout Marine Isotope Stages 5 and 6

Josephine Ruth Bealle, Julia Liebmann Kroll, Anmol Raina, Phuong Khoat Hoang Dinh, Josh Lipstone, and Laura Jean Press Biester, Computer Science (CS) 2016, Event Detection: For People Who Are Too Lazy to Read the News

Camille Metina Benson, Julia Bindler, Jonathan Brodie, Stephen Grinich, Sam Hinh, and Risako Owan, Computer Science (CS) 2016, CaregiverNet

Jeffrey M. Bissoy-Mattis, American Studies (AMST) 2016, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: A Narrative on Race, Class, and Black Brotherhood

Anais Elena Boyd, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Decoupling C and N cycles: Drought differentially affects plant and microbial activity in arid ecosystems

Alec John Bunnell, Eric Alexander Ewing, Erika K. Fitzpatrick, Samuel Adam Vinitsky, and Jerry Ye Zhou, Computer Science (CS) 2016, Pitch Perfect: A Vocal Manipulation Tool

Noah Barak Bunnell, English (ENGL) 2016, The Re-Birth of the Critic: Deconstructing Metacriticism in House of Leaves

Joseph Roche Burson, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2016, Law and Order: Strategic Considerations and Legal Development Assistance

Reed Thomas Cammarota, Economics (ECON) 2016, The Mark of a Criminal Record: An Analysis of Post-Arrest Labor Market Outcomes

Amelia Marie Campbell, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Mechanisms of Centrally-Mediated Skeletal Muscle Fatigue: Small Fibers Have a Big Impact

Adam Canady, Hami Abdi, Raven Pillmann, Ian Kapelke, David Pickart, and Greg Sharpe, Computer Science (CS) 2016, 3D Scene Reconstruction

Kathleen I. Casados, Physics (PHYS) 2016, Exploring the Physics of Diamonds and Their Applications

Alexandra Katherine Chang, Philosophy (PHIL) 2016, Self-as-Process: Towards and Existential Account of Agency

William Alan Longhurst Chapman, Geology (GEOL) 2016, Paleomagnetic analysis of deformation and rotation associated with the Húsavík-Flatey Fault, northern Iceland

Anna Catherine Cich, Andre Field Miller, and Elizabeth Drew Higgins, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2016, The Backyard Birder: Ecological citizenship and motivations behind backyard chicken keeping on the urban edge, a case study of Northfield, Minnesota

Senya Rae Combs, Biology (BIOL) 2016, A mesoscopic model for force generation in Listeria monocytogenes

Ilana Marishka Crankshaw, Geology (GEOL) 2016, Analysis of Continuous Multi-Year Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data for the Cascade Range Volcanoes

Kathryn Rae Crofton, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Mom Teaches Tolerance: Breast Milk, Gut Microbes, and the Induction of Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells

Connor Ryan Dale, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2016, Inattentional Blindness in Early and Middle Childhood

Elizabeth Rae Davis, Geology (GEOL) 2016, A review of the applications of soil science to archaeological fieldwork and a preliminary study of the soils of the Mazi Plain, northwest Attica, Greece

Grace Kelsey Davis, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Rhoda the Beautiful: Negotiating Gender and Proper Femininity in Television Sitcoms, Mary Tyler Moore (1970-1977) and Rhoda (1974-1978)

Jlor Mesa Dizon, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The directionality of neural crest migration relies on chemotactic signaling to counterbalance contact inhibition of locomotion

Owen Thomas Duncan, Art History (ARTH) 2016, The Transformation of the Black Square: Constructing a Religious Icon through Revolution.

Claire Edgley, English (ENGL) 2016, The Power of Social Policing: Internalized Discipline in Victorian Heroines

Lily Marie Eisenthal, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Excess and a Radical Feminine Aesthetic in Daisies and Fruit of Paradise

Joshua Ryan Elmore, Linguistics (LING) 2016, Gender, Animacy, and Variable Constraints: An OT Analysis of Leísmo, Loísmo, and Laísmo

Robert Lancaster Emmet, Mathematics (MATH) 2016, Empirical Bayes

Robert Lancaster Emmet, Classics (CLST) 2016, The waters sat down: The Poetics and Politics of Embodied River-Fights in Latin Epic

Brian Noah Engelstein, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Twitter Terrorism: Understanding and Combating The Islamic State's Use of Twitter For Recruitment and Information

Patrick H. England, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Codon Usage Bias: A Not So Silent Mechanism in Regulating Gene Expression

Thomas Rickey Felton, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Junction-Mediated and Regulatory Protein Connects Cellular Adhesion and Protrusion Regulatory Pathways.

Libby Ferris, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2016, Philanthropy and the Great Recession: A Study of Three Generations

Jeremy Adams Fisher, Biology (BIOL) 2016, A Specialist in a Strange Land: The Role of Multi-Species Interactions and Non-Adaptive Mechanisms in Lepidoptera Specialization

Caleb Eisen Flack, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, The Effects of Supplementing the Brain Disease Model of Mental Illness with Non-Dangerousness Information on Public Stigma

Max Flignor, Economics (ECON) 2016, The Impact of MLB Player Injuries on Team Performance and Player Valuation

Natasha Alexis Flowers, Physics (PHYS) 2016, The Origins of the Cosmic Microwave Background

William Keith French, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Media, The Public, & The Westboro Baptist Church

William Fritz, History (HIST) 2016, Castles as Control

Veronica Garcia, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, Casa, Home, Leaving

Taylor William Gee, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2016, Identity, Immigration, and Islam: Radicalization in the Twin Cities

Ruiqi Geng, Classics (CLST) 2016, Phalli and Vaginas in the Rites, Jokes, and Obscenities in Plautus' Rudens, Casina, and Bacchides

Grace Elizabeth Gilmore, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, SAD all Winter: The Biological Basis of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Berit Hansen Goodge, Physics (PHYS) 2016, Micro-scale Energy Generation

Samuel Evan Greaves, Biology (BIOL) 2016, The Silent Treatment: The Consequences of Synonymous Codon Selection In Exonic Binding Sites

Nora Johnson Gregor and Jackson Hudgins, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, The Church That Jesse Built

Justin Grossman, History (HIST) 2016, The Prioritization of National Security and Local Distrust of Military Institutions in the case of Nomans Land Island, Massachusetts

Anna K.L. Guasco, American Studies (AMST) 2016, From Devil Fish to Friendly Leviathan: Guilty Wildlife Histories and American Gray Whale Ecotourism in Baja

Michael Ettel Archibald Habermann, Economics (ECON) 2016, Executive Compensation Tournaments: Competition Within and Across Corporate Boardrooms

Brandon Michael Hagans, Physics (PHYS) 2016, Spacecraft Propulsion

Carrie Anne Hanson, French and Francophone Studies (FREN) 2016, Les recherches et les représentations des identités croisées dans Shérazade : 17 ans, brune, frisée, les yeux verts de Leïla Sebbar

Russell Anthony Hanson, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, No Boundaries

Sara Elizabeth Hastings, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Storm runoff pulses and their effects on phytoplankton community composition and primary productivity in estuaries

Sam Hayward, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, The Role of Language and Culture in the Better Than Average Effect: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Between India and the United States

Michael Andrew Heflin, History (HIST) 2016, The Real Eastern Front: A Grassroots View to the Wehrmacht Experience

Theresa M. Heitz, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, We Call Each Other Sister: Melodrama, Ideology, and Women's Bodies in Orphan Black

Jody He, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Need for Speed: The Role of Translational Efficiency in Codon Usage Bias

Clare Zearfoss Hiyama, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2016, Kinship Across the Color Line: conceptions of Race, Racial Identity, and Racial Socialization in Interracial Mother-Daughter Relationships

Michelle Hoge, Chris Nootenboom, and Caroline von Klemperer, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2016, Spatial Optimization in Tallgrass Prairie Restoration: Tradeoffs between Ecosystem Services and Restoration Costs

Emma Frances Hughes, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2016, The New Global West: Redefining the Borders of Genre in the Post-Revisionist Western

Margaret Seidel Humm, Economics (ECON) 2016, Bringing it Home: Work, Wages, or Both?

Ellis Sweet Johnston, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Sequestration of Plant Metabolites and its Varied Usage by Generalist and Specialist Herbivores

Sarah McCook Jordan, Geology (GEOL) 2016, Strain path and thermal history of quartzite in the deep crust of Andean-style orogenic plateaus: a case study from the Wood Hills, Nevada

Nora Anderson Katz, History (HIST) 2016, Mapping Norumbega: Aesthetics of Barren and Bountiful Landscapes in Samuel de Champlain's New France, 1607-1632

Claire Anne Kelloway, Political Science (POSC) 2016, Cows, Colleges, and Conservation: How Carleton and St. Olaf Colleges managed erosion and promoted biodiversity on their rented agricultural lands

Prasidda Khadka, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Reprogramming of the immune cells by gut microbiota plays an important role in anti-tumor immunity

Madeline Butler King, English (ENGL) 2016, Disclosure

Megan Marie King, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Microbial Metabolites as Messengers: Bifidobacterium uses metabolites to modulate dendritic cell maturation, differentiation, and function with implications to Celiac Disease

Katherine Marie Koza, Philosophy (PHIL) 2016, Secrecy, Self-Determination, and Sacred Lands: Motivating Native American Land Policy Reform Through International Political Philosophy

Robert Dakota Krossa, Economics (ECON) 2016, Skill Spills: A Cross-Skill Group Analysis on Wage Spillovers of Good Jobs

Julia Krumholz, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Lyme Disease Host Frequencies Change in Response to Acorn Masts, Altering Prevalence of Borrelia Burgodorferi in Northeast American Environments

Alexander Richard Kulacki, Linguistics (LING) 2016, Dialectal Variation in German Verb Cluster Ordering

Alexander Richard Kulacki, Biology (BIOL) 2016, Generalists and Specialists in Response to Ecological Disturbance

Adam John Lacroix, Physics (PHYS) 2016, An Analysis of Space Elevator Physics