The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2017

Mika Chmielewski, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Quantum Computation: Physical Realizations of Qubits and Quantum Gates

Hanbit Shiny Choi, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, The Foreign Language Effect on The Sunk-Cost Fallacy with English-Chinese Bilinguals

Lydia Chu, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, I am Taiwanese, not Chinese: A comparative study on how second-generation Taiwanese-Americans and Taiwanese-South Africans conceptualize their Taiwanese identity

Allison Lee Clark, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Understanding the mechanism of Myc-induced glutamine addiction in cancer cells

David William Coleman, Economics (ECON) 2017, Health vs. Home: An Analysis of the Impact of Health on Elderly Household Mobility

Lillie Catherine Cox, Economics (ECON) 2017, School Grades and Home Prices: An Empirical Exploration of the Housing Market within the Madison Metropolitan School District

Joshua Benjamin Creel, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, The Enemy's Enemy

Margaret Crenshaw, Zoe Peterson, Charlotte Mann, and Alli Domingues, Mathematics (MATH) 2017, Bar Modeling: Adventures in Algebra

Laina Cross, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Evolutionarily Conserved Regulatory Programs Inform Treatments for Myocardial Infarction

Lucas Gregory Curtis, Political Science (POSC) 2017, A Dictator’s Guide to Keeping Power: An Institutional Approach to Understanding How Autocrats Prevent Transitions to Democracy in the Face of Nonviolent Resistance

Evan Michael David, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Curious Case of the Missing Mass

Peter James Dehkes, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Does false familiarity affect confidence?

Cyrus James Deloye, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Evolution within the urban environment: the two mechanisms of human driven genetic variation

Brian Stephen DiGiorgio, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

Lydia Ding, Linguistics (LING) 2017, What's with 'why? On the non-existence of why-clefts in Nukuoro

Jinhong Dong, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Macrophage Activation and Extracellular Matrix Destruction in Tuberculosis

Charlotte Duong, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Effects of Foreign Language of Decision Making

Elizabeth Rose Durling, History (HIST) 2017, Setting the Boundaries of Sodomy Narratives of the Male Prostitute in the German Gay Rights Movement (1927-1932)

Annemarie Ruth Eayrs, English (ENGL) 2017, The Dying Room

Conor Jett Eckert, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Studio Art Integrative Exercise - "From the Outside In"

Madilyn Emenheiser, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, The Social Horror Cycle in American Cinema

Kelly Elizabeth Fahrner-Scott, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Tumor-associated macrophages and vascular endothelial growth factor in the tumor microenvironment

Benjamin Fischer, Political Science (POSC) 2017, Do the Poor Soak the Rich?: Explaining Variations in Individual Attitudes towards Redistributive Taxation in Contemporary China

Kara Reid Forde, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Laughing Away Our Troubles: How Humor Functions as a Mechanism for Coping with Stress

Annie Foxen, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Ocean Views

Malcom Halpern Fox, Political Science (POSC) 2017, Buying Elections in a Post-Citizens United World: The Effect of Campaign Spending in House Elections Since 2010

Jacob Levi Frankel, Political Science (POSC) 2017, The Politics of No Technical Solution Problems: The Sustainability of Social Enterprise in the Context of Complex Adaptive Systems

William James Freimuth, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Using Invertebrate Traces to Assess Sedimentation at a Rich Terrestrial Vertebrate Locality from the Cretaceous of Montana

Caroline Glazer, Music (MUSC) 2017, Pretty Peggy and the "Bonnie Lass": 250 Years of Folk and Commercial Transmission of a British-American Folk Song

Shayna Gleason, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, "It's Late but Everything Comes Next": Creative Aging in Modern America

Brian Sandler Gordon, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Project Daedalus

Emma Leah Grisanzio, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, La Familia es la Fundación: Children, Change and the Reproduction of the House and Family among the Kaqchikel Maya

Jacob Robert Gunderson, German (GERM) 2017, Der Diktator und der Schriftsteller: Eine Analyse der Beziehung zwischen Stalin und Brecht durch Politik und Theater

Jacob Robert Gunderson, Political Science (POSC) 2017, The Gatekeeper of the Welfare State: The Role of the Political Left in the New Politics of the Welfare State

III Robert Harris, Hannah Liatris Conklin Marty, and David Nevarez Meraz, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2017, Shifting Tallgrass Prairie Management Practices: The Influence of Fire on Public Health, Grassland Ecology, and Ranching Activities

Gina Helen Hatch, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2017, Cultural Inclusion in the Cowling Arboretum Restoration: Evaluating Ethnobotanical Connections and Assessing the Educational Value of Ethnobotanical Resources

Ingrid Leonore Hofeldt, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, Conflicting Legal Consciousness in Partner Abuse and Rape Crisis Legal Advocates

Shannon Clare Holden, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2017, Democratic Responses to Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis of the 2004 Madrid Bombings and the 2015 Paris Attacks

Emily Huang, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Stress-Induced DNA Methylation and MicroRNA Regulation Lead to Stress Vulnerability and Resilience

Yuping Huang, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal

Qiyuan Hu, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Physics of Ion Beam Therapy

Charlie P. Imhoff, Brennan BF Kuo, Caitlin L. Donahue, Graham P. Earley, Chris K. Shoemaker, and Matt J. Javaly, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Prairie

Jessi Gant Jacobsen, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Talking to nonnative speakers: Investigating language-specific audience design and cognate use

Hailey Jones, Jonah Tuchow, Tristan Leigh, and Caleb Braun, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Mytinerary

Ann Treesa Joy, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Growing Out

Emily Marie Kampa, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Rest, Roll

Emily Marie Kampa, Evie Sarah Rosenberg, Allie Claire Warren, and Phoebe Katherine Nell Wooldridge, Computer Science (CS) 2017, GoScenic: A Navigation System Enhancing Visual Experience

Andrew Parker Keene, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Paleomagnetic analysis of the Løkken Ophiolite sequence, central Norway

Paul Jenison Keller, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Physics of Music

Joyce Kim, Biology (BIOL) 2017, The STING pathway: molecular mechanisms and potential for innovative cancer immunotherapy

Elissa Ann Koele, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, The Effect of Emotional Valence on Primacy/ Recency Memory in College Students, Geriatric Patients, Alzheimer's Patients, and Cotton-Top Tamarins

Joshua Huang Kwan and Erick Sirisoukh, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Was That a Compliment? The Costs and Benefits of Positive Stereotypes Through the Lens of the Asian American Model Minority Stereotype

Jennifer Kwon, English (ENGL) 2017, Exploration and Trial of Translation Theory in Korean Literature

Evan John Lahr, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Longitudinal Profiles Along the North Shore of Lake Superior: Understanding Controls on Local Slope

Saehee Lee, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a model for epigenetic modifications

August Jackson Leinbach, Religion (RELG) 2017, Christian Folk Art in Socialist Modernity: Visual Culture of China's Protestant Revival

Charles Craven Linneman, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Impact of Constructions on River Morphology: River Engineering Survey, Cannon River, SE Minnesota (Faribault to Lake Byllesby)

Katin Pilialoha Liphart, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2017, Fueling the Pariah: Using Ethnic Manipulation to Flaunt International Norms

Yining Liu, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Using Self-paced Reading to Test the Syntactic Structure of Serial Verbs in Mandarin Chinese

Yuan Shen Li, Physics (PHYS) 2017, An Introduction to Free-electron Lasers

Zizi Li, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, Theorizing Instagram: Ontology, Epistemology, Aesthetics

Zizi Li, Political Science (POSC) 2017, The Road Toward An Inclusive Civil Society in China: On-screen Representation and Institutional Design

Alphonso Gaston Cera Lopez, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Inventing the Universe of Matter: An Account of the Origin of the Elements by Astrophysical Nucleosynthesis

Mara Catherine MacDonell, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Formation of amygdules in the North Shore Volcanics Group basalts North Shore of Lake Superior, Minnesota

Lalangi Shanika Marasinghe, Biology (BIOL) 2017, What in hydroxylation! Hypoxic tumor environments reduce the ability of lysyl hydroxylase 2 to induce collagen deposition

Benjamin Azaria Matson, English (ENGL) 2017, Finding a Sense of Place in a Postmodern World: The Postpostmodernity of Cloud Atlas

Benjamin Azaria Matson, Mathematics (MATH) 2017, Shift Spaces, S-gap Shifts, and S-limited Shifts

Elliot C. Mawby, Bowman Brown, Josh You, Kiet Tran, and Tao Liu, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Fast and Futuristic

Patton Craig McClelland, Biology (BIOL) 2017, R-Smads mediate the dual nature of TGF-β1 signaling in inflammatory bowel disease

Rebecca McGehee, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Deuterium Excess in a Deep Greenland Ice Core: A proxy for Arctic Sea Ice Concentration

Sanders Kai McMillan, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Creativity Embodied

Leslie Shuying Mei, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, The Effect of Feedback Presentation on Perceptions of Personality Assessment

Madeleine Merchant, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Group Differences in Audiovisual Integration

Brynna Mering, Wanchen Yao, Sam Neubauer, Marco Dow, Zoe Peterson, and Margaret Crenshaw, Computer Science (CS) 2017, AlgeBar: A Bar Modeling iPad App for Algebra Students and Teachers

Kazia Mermel, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Sex gets hotter: Evolutionary responses of reptile sex determination to climate change

Moses Misplon, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Closing loopholes in experimental Bell tests

Zachary Taylor Montes, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Hallucination as a Response to the Ecological Approach to Perception

Charles Hancock Moore, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Multisensory Illusions in Peripersonal Space Using Tools in Reality and Virtual Reality

Jeanne G. Moua, Biology (BIOL) 2017, M2 Macrophage Polarization and Tumor Invasion: Regulating Anti-Inflammatory NF-kB

Kyle Martin Mou, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Autophagy-mediated aerobic glycolysis in the tumor stroma supports oxidative metabolism in cancer cells: metabolic coupling in the tumor microenvironment

Laura Nakasaka, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Gallery

Justin Ross Nathan, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Cardiac Fibroblasts as the Primary Drivers of Cardiac Fibrosis: A Study of Injury-Induced miRNA Dysregulation

Aidan Thomas Murphy Neher, Biology (BIOL) 2017, DNA methylation transformations essential to cocaine action

Amelia Julie Neilson, Biology (BIOL) 2017, The Flux Capacity: A mechanism for PCK-driven glutamine utilization and mTORC1 activation in cancer

Austin Reid Neureiter, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, ADHD: A Cross Cultural Examination of Measured Prevalence

Alexander Christopher Newkirk, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Evolution of C:The Development of the Modern Understanding of Light Speed

Nicole Alexandra Nipper, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2017, ISIS and al-Qaeda: Understanding and Differentiating Worldviews

Spencer Roman O'Bryan, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Beaver occupation and sediment budget: Panther Brook, Huntington Wildlife Forest, Newcomb, NY

Haley Caldwell Olson, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Detrital zircons from the Yakutat terrane, Alaska: Differentiating the Schist of Nunatak Fiord from the Yakutat Group flysch and mélange.

Rachel Elizabeth Olson, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Factors Contributing to Eating Disorder Prevalence in Post-Communist Czech Republic

Amanda Jin Yu Owensby, Linguistics (LING) 2017, Interpreting [e]: The Reformulation of a Gricean Framework in Understanding Null Categories in Mandarin Chinese

Acer Kaiaina Takeo Pahukoa, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Perceived Differences and Stigma Associated with Gender in Sports

Nayon Park, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Designing a Super Material: Sonochemical Functionalization of Graphene

Erin L. Patrick, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Characterization of a calcareous fen in the Cannon River Wilderness Area, Minnesota

Erin L. Patrick, Classical Languages (CLAS) 2017, The Greek δό μ ος‚ as an interpretive model of relational space within the Medea

Stefan Erik Payne-Wardenaar, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Creating Documentary Films in Geology: The Geology of Northfield, Minnesota

Emily Morissa Perlman, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2017, I Am the Flag of Islam: Identity Negotiation Among Somali Muslim Women in Minnesota

Lauren Tolkemitt Pflughoeft, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Salmon migratory adaptation in the Anthropocene

Riley Jacob Phelps, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Choking Under Pressure in Sport and the Ameliorating Effects of Education

Katharine Johanne Picard, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, The Role of Family in the Development and Treatment of Eating Disorders