Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2018
Emma Lee Nesbitt Westbrook, Art History (ARTH) 2018, Disparate Truths: An examination of the ethics of political art
Andrew Liebenstein Wheeler, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Membrane Permeability and the Origin of Cellular Life
Caroline McConnell Wheeler, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Statistical Inference in College Students and Cotton-Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)
Sara White, Religion (RELG) 2018, Confronting Black Suffering, Resisting Systemic Violence: An Anabaptist Theology of Racial Justice
Catharine McCurdy Williams, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Intuit
Issa Sylvan Wilson, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Critique, Collect, Connect
Tegan Ellen Wilson, Mathematics (MATH) 2018, Electrical Networks and Applications in Mathematical Theory
Kadin William Woolever and Willa Freidl Gruver, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2018, Rice County Farmers & the Conservation Reserve Program: Comparing Congressional & Local Perspectives
Andrew Thomas Lawrence Woosnam, Olivia Carwen Phillips, John William Kennelly, Martin Richard Green, Veronica Child, and Jesse Jerome Pierre Bolton, Computer Science (CS) 2018, Carleton Energy Mobile App
Solomon Blake Yanuck, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Exercise Induces Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation in a Platelet-Dependent Manner
Alexander James Yeagle, Economics (ECON) 2018, Google Search Trends and the S&P 500: A Behavioral Explanation of Inefficient Markets
Will Daniel Yetvin, American Studies (AMST) 2018, The Organization Formerly Known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: HIAS' Organizational Development and the Invention of Jewish American Tradition
Anne Sophie Zanger, Linguistics (LING) 2018, All of Our [dʌdz] in a Row: Individual Differences in the Effects of Intervening Vowels on Consonant Assimilation
Eddy Zaragoza, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, Fra,le
Miko Nathaniel Zeldes-Roth, Political Science (POSC) 2018, Jewishness and Zionism, Justice and Forgiveness: Approaching Binationalism in Israel/Palestine
Jia Zhang, Chemistry (CHEM) 2018, The Palladium Mediated Aromatic-Trifluoromethylation Reactions
Christine Zheng, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Life in the Stuff of Dreams Project
Elizabeth Zheng, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Re-Poopulating the Gut: Why Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) is a more effective treatment of Clostridium difficile infections
Arielle Liang Zuaro, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Sudden Arrival
Arielle Liang Zuaro, Religion (RELG) 2018, Saints Alive: Devotion and Destruction Through Kinetic Sculpture
Graduated in 2017
Kennyi Aouad, Reina Desrouleaux, Teddy Donnell, Clare Leahy, Calvin Phan, Eli Ruffer, and Emily Tonogai, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Breaking News: X-ray Crystallography Catches Metalloenzymes in Action!
Gillian Margaret Applegate, Religion (RELG) 2017, Buddhists Who Kill: Buddhist War Ethics in Sri Lanka
Josephine Li Arcuri, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Why are lakes expanding in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain?
Moriah Rebecca Arnold, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Matrix metalloproteinase dysregulation during various stages of neuronal development leads to Autism Spectrum Disorder phenotypes via integrin α/β and BDNF signaling pathways
Lauren Azuma, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Examining the evolution of insecticide resistance in Bacillus thuringiensis crops and a recommendation for delaying resistance
Peter Alexander Barron, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Monitoring the Fate of Artificial Reefs: Using Hydrographic Methods to Examine Degradation and Movement
Andrew Benjamin Bernstein, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Antioxidants are not the Cure: Glutathione-mediated Redox Homeostasis Promotes Cancer Initiation and Survival
Serena Rose Bernthal-Jones, Economics (ECON) 2017, Does Female Labor Force Participation Affect Fertility? A Time Series-Analysis of Sweden between 1974 and 2014
Kharmen Bharucha, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Dendritic Cells: Crucial Mediators of Chemotherapy Response and Resistance
Gabrielle Bierlein-De La Rosa, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Increased Fos Expression in the Right Prefrontal Infralimbic Subregion of Sexually Experienced Female Rats
Sam Blackburn, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Controls on Microbial Respiration in the Sandy Beach Face at Cape Henlopen, DE
Daniel Max Black, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Pair Bonding and Romantic Love are Driven by Parallel Reward Areas but Differ in Recruitment of Cortical and other Sub-Cortical Areas
Pete C. Boerma, Geology (GEOL) 2017, The Formation of Basaltic Amygdules in the North Shore Volcanics Group
Kyra Bornong, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Development of Boulder Beach Facies Models and Characterization of the Depositional Environment of the Mill Street Conglomerate at Taylors Falls, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Samuel Boswell, Ryan Saeta, Tore Banta, Alex Mathson, Aditya Subramanian, and Charlie Enriquez-Sarano, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Making Your Advisor Obsolete: A Dialogue System
Danae Bowen, Jackie Dowling, Owen Freed, Dylan Saline, Mike Trenerry, and Seth Waag-Swift, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Dyes and Dots: The Chemistry of Harvesting Sustainable Energy
Alexandra Lee Braiedy, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Abiotic drivers of regime shifts in shallow benthic polar communities
Claire Anne Branigin, Biology (BIOL) 2017, The Consequences of Broad-Spectrum Antibiotic Use for the Invasibility of the Gut Microbiome
Allison Anna Brown, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, The Comorbidity of Psychopathy and Substance Abuse Disorder
Hunter Emmet Brown, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, f = (c/2)((n/L)^2+(m/W)^2+(p/H)^2)^(1/2) Hz (Resonance)
Samuel Hunter Brown, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Environmental Stress and a Model for Epigenetic Inheritance
Violet Aurora Brown, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, More Than Meets the Ear: Contributions of Vision to Spoken Word Recognition
Peter Anthony Bruno, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2017, The Role of Globalization in Latin America's Social Policy Expansion: Evaluating the Linkages of the Compensation Hypothesis in Argentina and Costa Rica
Jocelene Caballero, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Exploring Prejudice Reduction Models: How effective is Intergroup Contact in Reducing Prejudice in School Children?
Margaret Mary Carragher, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, My Big, Fat, (Expensive) American Wedding: Insights from wedding industry content
Felicity Renate Baxter Carroll, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Is Specialization a Dead End? Effects of Specialization on Evolutionary Success
Cynthia Chang, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Role of p300/CBP Histoneacetyltransferase Activity in Long Term Memory Formation of the Hippocampus
Amy Chen, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Modifications and Properties of Catechol-Functionalized Self-Healing Polymers
Gabriella Sophia Chen, Chemistry (CHEM) 2017, Understanding the Mechanisms by which phosphorylation of Site 1 of PDH-E1 and an adjacent Tyr272 residue promotes the Warburg Effect in Cancer cells
Sijin Chen, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Tactical Deception in Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)
Sanjay Nathan Field Chepuri, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Cosmic Microwave Background
Lisa Cheung, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Activation of SREBPs induce de novo lipogenesis to support tumorigenesis in cancer cells
Rachel Stephanie Cheung, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Expansion of the Outer Subventricular Zone in the Neocortex: aRG Differentiation & bRG Proliferation
Mika Chmielewski, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Quantum Computation: Physical Realizations of Qubits and Quantum Gates
Hanbit Shiny Choi, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, The Foreign Language Effect on The Sunk-Cost Fallacy with English-Chinese Bilinguals
Lydia Chu, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, I am Taiwanese, not Chinese: A comparative study on how second-generation Taiwanese-Americans and Taiwanese-South Africans conceptualize their Taiwanese identity
Allison Lee Clark, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Understanding the mechanism of Myc-induced glutamine addiction in cancer cells
David William Coleman, Economics (ECON) 2017, Health vs. Home: An Analysis of the Impact of Health on Elderly Household Mobility
Lillie Catherine Cox, Economics (ECON) 2017, School Grades and Home Prices: An Empirical Exploration of the Housing Market within the Madison Metropolitan School District
Joshua Benjamin Creel, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, The Enemy's Enemy
Margaret Crenshaw, Zoe Peterson, Charlotte Mann, and Alli Domingues, Mathematics (MATH) 2017, Bar Modeling: Adventures in Algebra
Laina Cross, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Evolutionarily Conserved Regulatory Programs Inform Treatments for Myocardial Infarction
Lucas Gregory Curtis, Political Science (POSC) 2017, A Dictator’s Guide to Keeping Power: An Institutional Approach to Understanding How Autocrats Prevent Transitions to Democracy in the Face of Nonviolent Resistance
Evan Michael David, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Curious Case of the Missing Mass
Peter James Dehkes, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Does false familiarity affect confidence?
Cyrus James Deloye, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Evolution within the urban environment: the two mechanisms of human driven genetic variation
Brian Stephen DiGiorgio, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
Lydia Ding, Linguistics (LING) 2017, What's with 'why? On the non-existence of why-clefts in Nukuoro
Jinhong Dong, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Macrophage Activation and Extracellular Matrix Destruction in Tuberculosis
Charlotte Duong, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Effects of Foreign Language of Decision Making
Elizabeth Rose Durling, History (HIST) 2017, Setting the Boundaries of Sodomy Narratives of the Male Prostitute in the German Gay Rights Movement (1927-1932)
Annemarie Ruth Eayrs, English (ENGL) 2017, The Dying Room
Conor Jett Eckert, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Studio Art Integrative Exercise - "From the Outside In"
Madilyn Emenheiser, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2017, The Social Horror Cycle in American Cinema
Kelly Elizabeth Fahrner-Scott, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Tumor-associated macrophages and vascular endothelial growth factor in the tumor microenvironment
Benjamin Fischer, Political Science (POSC) 2017, Do the Poor Soak the Rich?: Explaining Variations in Individual Attitudes towards Redistributive Taxation in Contemporary China
Kara Reid Forde, Psychology (PSYC) 2017, Laughing Away Our Troubles: How Humor Functions as a Mechanism for Coping with Stress
Annie Foxen, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Ocean Views
Malcom Halpern Fox, Political Science (POSC) 2017, Buying Elections in a Post-Citizens United World: The Effect of Campaign Spending in House Elections Since 2010
Jacob Levi Frankel, Political Science (POSC) 2017, The Politics of No Technical Solution Problems: The Sustainability of Social Enterprise in the Context of Complex Adaptive Systems
William James Freimuth, Geology (GEOL) 2017, Using Invertebrate Traces to Assess Sedimentation at a Rich Terrestrial Vertebrate Locality from the Cretaceous of Montana
Caroline Glazer, Music (MUSC) 2017, Pretty Peggy and the "Bonnie Lass": 250 Years of Folk and Commercial Transmission of a British-American Folk Song
Shayna Gleason, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, "It's Late but Everything Comes Next": Creative Aging in Modern America
Brian Sandler Gordon, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Project Daedalus
Emma Leah Grisanzio, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, La Familia es la Fundación: Children, Change and the Reproduction of the House and Family among the Kaqchikel Maya
Jacob Robert Gunderson, German (GERM) 2017, Der Diktator und der Schriftsteller: Eine Analyse der Beziehung zwischen Stalin und Brecht durch Politik und Theater
Jacob Robert Gunderson, Political Science (POSC) 2017, The Gatekeeper of the Welfare State: The Role of the Political Left in the New Politics of the Welfare State
III Robert Harris, Hannah Liatris Conklin Marty, and David Nevarez Meraz, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2017, Shifting Tallgrass Prairie Management Practices: The Influence of Fire on Public Health, Grassland Ecology, and Ranching Activities
Gina Helen Hatch, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2017, Cultural Inclusion in the Cowling Arboretum Restoration: Evaluating Ethnobotanical Connections and Assessing the Educational Value of Ethnobotanical Resources
Ingrid Leonore Hofeldt, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2017, Conflicting Legal Consciousness in Partner Abuse and Rape Crisis Legal Advocates
Shannon Clare Holden, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2017, Democratic Responses to Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis of the 2004 Madrid Bombings and the 2015 Paris Attacks
Emily Huang, Biology (BIOL) 2017, Stress-Induced DNA Methylation and MicroRNA Regulation Lead to Stress Vulnerability and Resilience
Yuping Huang, Physics (PHYS) 2017, Nuclear Waste Management and Disposal
Qiyuan Hu, Physics (PHYS) 2017, The Physics of Ion Beam Therapy
Charlie P. Imhoff, Brennan BF Kuo, Caitlin L. Donahue, Graham P. Earley, Chris K. Shoemaker, and Matt J. Javaly, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Prairie
Jessi Gant Jacobsen, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2017, Talking to nonnative speakers: Investigating language-specific audience design and cognate use
Hailey Jones, Jonah Tuchow, Tristan Leigh, and Caleb Braun, Computer Science (CS) 2017, Mytinerary
Ann Treesa Joy, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Growing Out
Emily Marie Kampa, Studio Art (ARTS) 2017, Rest, Roll
Emily Marie Kampa, Evie Sarah Rosenberg, Allie Claire Warren, and Phoebe Katherine Nell Wooldridge, Computer Science (CS) 2017, GoScenic: A Navigation System Enhancing Visual Experience