The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

Browse comps and student work by academic department.


Graduated in 2015

Jacqueline M. Lombard, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Monumental and Minuscule

Jacky Lu, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Got Guts to be a Killer? The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Gut Mucosal Immunity

Chloe Marie Mark, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Moment of Impact

Noah Mason, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The Role of Epigenetics in Ventricular Septal Defects

Elisabeth Anne Massey, Biology (BIOL) 2015, This Is Tau We Do It: The Role of Tau O-GlcNAcylation in Alzheimer's Disease

Emiri Matsuda, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Killing the Messenger: NK cell editing of APCs as a therapeutic target for MS

Callum Laird McCulloch, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Timing of Proterozoic deformation of the Needle Mountains, Colorado: using U/Pb isotope geochronology to unravel the Yavapai Orogeny

Claire Elizabeth McDonald, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Mammalian Solutions to an Xistential Problem: Dosage Compensation in Eutherians and Marsupials

Katherine Chandler McLellan, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Timing of the Fluvial Response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, northwest Wyoming, USA

Tanner Austin McNamara, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Hands-On Neuroscience: Teaching Content, Critical Thinking, and Communication

Vivian McNaughton, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Trevor & Janeson's Cool Learnings: Sherlock Holmes Through The Ages

Shail Maharshi Mehta, Physics (PHYS) 2015, An Analysis of the Physical Principles Underlying Limb Prosthetics and Associated Control Mechanisms

Lucy Miller, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Nature, Mind

Sarah Anne Milstein, Linguistics (LING) 2015, To be or not to be, that is the copula

Kelsey Wynne Moede, Economics (ECON) 2015, Economic motivations in self-presentation strategies: an experiment on how online dating affects the presence of deception

III Frank Rudolph Molinek, Geology (GEOL) 2015, etrital zircon U/Pb ages and provenance study of the Paleocene to Miocene Tofino basin sedimentary sequence, Olympic Peninsula, Washington

Marina Kubisch Montgomery, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2015, African States and an Emerging World Order

Leslie Steltz Moore, History (HIST) 2015, Illustrating Women's Roles in the Civil War: An Analysis of Popular Illustrated Magazines' Female Propaganda and Its Impact on Northern Middle-Class Women

Yer Moua, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Mus Pw Tuag Tes Tuag Taws: Sleep Experiences as Predictors of Sleep Paralysis of Hmong College Students

Eleanor Beatrice Munger, Art History (ARTH) 2015, Creating the Melancholic Artist

Eleanor Beatrice Munger, Wanqi Yu, Rebecca Morelle Velazquez, Shant Raffi Douzdjian, Joe Willenborg, and Ahna Weeks, Chemistry (CHEM) 2015, How do Proteins Fold?

Leah Nelson, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Evaluating a method of thermal infrared remote sensing of sub-debris ice ablation: Emmons Glacier, Mount Rainier, Washington

Terese M. Nelson, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Paternal imprinting plays a key role in embryonic X chromosome regulation differences between mammalian infraclasses

Binh Duc Nguyen, Chemistry (CHEM) 2015, The Development of Organic Polymer Solar Cells

Robert Asher Olney, Economics (ECON) 2015, The Growth Wall of China: A Study of Provincial Fertility, Mortality, and Income

Johanna Maren Hjelle Olsen, Linguistics (LING) 2015, Sarcasm Detection Using Grice's Maxims

Sarah Drage Olson, English (ENGL) 2015, Woeful Woman's Tragedy: Sibling Incest, the Family, and Female Agency in Jacobean Drama

Victoria Rae Ostenso, American Studies (AMST) 2015, Healthy Food y La Comida Saludable: Perspectives on Healthy Eating from Mexican Immigrant Women in the Borderlands

Richard Jordan Palacios, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, un(masc)ing desire: navigating gender desire on gay social media

Scarlet Park, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, What Triggers Activity-Based Anorexia? An Investigation of the Interaction between Diet Restriction and Activity and the Necessity of Gonadal Hormones

Jayne Herta Pasternak, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Geophysical explorations: a case study of two archaeological sites in Grevena, Greece: Aghios Giorgios Aghia Varvara and Itea Panaghia/Profitis Ilias

Corina Dominga Perez, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Controls on Trophic Status of Freshwater Systems

Anna Persmark, Latin American Studies (LTAM) 2015, Aquí hablamos un poco más de la autonomía de la vagina: The Rhetoric of Women's Rights and Health from NGOs in Highland Chiapas

Andrew Davis Polasky, Physics (PHYS) 2015, The Physics of Weather Prediction

Cassandra Athena Prenn-Vasilakis, Jamie Laura Harrison, and Ingrid Freganse Lyons, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2015, Seeing Biodiversity: Exploring the factors that influence perception

Alyssa Christine Puritz, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Changes in foraging patterns due to urbanization affect reproductive success in terrestrial vertebrates

Alyssa Christine Puritz, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, The cross-sensitization of the dopaminergic system by sex and amphetamine in female rats

Carolyn Raithel, Physics (PHYS) 2015, The Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays

Jeremy Spencer Randolph-Flagg, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Remote Sensing of Water Isotopes to Detect Transpiration: An Initial Investigation in the Amazon and central Siberia

John MacVeagh Raynolds, Biology (BIOL) 2015, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Green Fish, Orange Fish: The Significance of 3 Evolutionary Factors on Rapid Diversification in Fish

Hannah Jane Reed, American Studies (AMST) 2015, In Defense of Babies: Framing the Family Cap in American Welfare Reform

Ian R. B. Reeves, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Assessment of Two Stormwater Retention Ponds in the Spring Creek Watershed, Northfield, MN: Flood Mitigation Capabilities and Sedimentological History

Julia Anne Reich, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Microbial response to nitrogen deposition, invasive species presence, and flooding in the Upper Mississippi River floodplain, La Crosse, WI

Lucas Reppe, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Stordahl Church

Theodore Spring Retzloff, Economics (ECON) 2015, Be Careful What You Wish For: Competition, Profit Orientation, and Repayment Crisis in Microfinance

David Reiss Reynolds, Economics (ECON) 2015, An Examination of Health Savings Accounts' Effect on the Utilization of Healthcare

Brendan Macklin Richard, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Lucrecia Martel: An Accusatory Cinema

Kathryn Emily Richards, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Cancer's Sweet Tooth: The Role of O-GlcNAcylation in the Metabolic Reprogramming of Cancer Cells

Zachary Walter Richmond, Linguistics (LING) 2015, Appealing to a Higher Projection: Determining the Possibility of a Unified Analysis of Algonquian Relative Clauses

Tenzin Rigden, Physics (PHYS) 2015, Physics of Non-Volatile Digital Data Storage Technologies

Samantha Suzanne Rix, Economics (ECON) 2015, Messing with Motivation

Haley Marina Ryan, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, b l v t

Lauren M. Salberg, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Assessing Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTWs) as a Best Management Practice to Remove Nitrates in Constructed Lakes in Northfield, MN

William Spencer Salon, Economics (ECON) 2015, Productividad y NAFTA: A Comparative Analysis of Mexico's Maquiladora Industry

Victoria Dianne Sanchez, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2015, Sex, Respectability, and Candy: The New Limits of Normativity in Queer El Paso, Texas

Rachel Julia Schuh, Economics (ECON) 2015, Are Good Neighbors Good Insurance? The Role of Social Capital in Informal Mutual Insurance

Emily Sarah Semaya, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Building a Better Valve: Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Tissue-Engineered Heart Valves

Katherine Anne Shaffer, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2015, Informed but Not Consenting: The Construction and Negotiation of Embodied Knowledge Among Vaccine Refusers in Minnesota

Erica Kimberly Sheline, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Examining Phosphate Precipitation: Impact of Biological Nucleation Sites on the Precipitation of Fluorapatite Crystals as Liesegang Bands in a Double-Diffusion Setup

Jay Shen, History (HIST) 2015, Shades of Gray: An Examination of Joan Morgan's Hip Hop Feminism and Black Female Rappers' Connections with It

Sofia Shrestha, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The role of natural killer cell receptor NKG2D and its ligands in tumor surveillance and receptor mediated anti-tumor immunotherapy

Runze Si, Chemistry (CHEM) 2015, Synthesis, Purification and Characterization of Coordination Polymer Made with [Ni(acacCN)2(H2O)2-2H2O and AgBF4

Dimitri Smirnoff, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Trans-Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle into Electrocytes: Innervation Is a Driver of Phenotypic Plasticity via a Notch Pathway

Shaun Demoy Stewart, Biology (BIOL) 2015, NK Cells and Adaptive Immunity: A look at NK cell modulation of T-cells

Rebecca Anne Stimson, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, The Showrunner: Hannibal and the Question of Television Authorship

Katherine Anne Strong, Spanish (SPAN) 2015, Hija luchadora de Cuauhtémoc: Un análisis teórico del rol de la mujer en la Revolución

Nami Sumida, Jordy Cammarota, Kan Wang, and John Lee, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, Measuring Fractal Sets

Lindsay Nicole Szper, French and Francophone Studies (FREN) 2015, The Writer's Power and the Translator's Challenge: A New Translation of Sartre's "The Wall"

Caitlin Mary Throne, Economics (ECON) 2015, The Helicopter Effect: Parental Participation's Impact on Academic Achievement in India

Devint Martin Tomson-Moylan, Economics (ECON) 2015, Content Villagers and Unhappy Urbanites: Exploring the Rural-Urban Happiness Divide

Phuoc Tien Tran, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Connecting Genotypes and Immune Regulations through the Licensing Effect of Natural Killer Cells

Alexander John Trautman, Larkin Flodin, Avery Johnson, Maraki Ketema, Will Schifeling, and Abby Lewis, Computer Science (CS) 2015, Planet: A Spatial and Temporal Task Planner

Chun-Che Tseng, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Reversing tumor microenvironment induced natural killer cell exhaustion via T cell immunoglobulin mucin molecule 3

Skylar Masuko Tsutsui, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Audviovisual Speech Integration and Cultural Differences in Gaze Aversion

Raina van Duym, American Studies (AMST) 2015, Duck for Turkey Day: Immigrant Celebration of Thanksgiving and Assimilation in the United States

Jackson Vanfleet-Brown, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Plant dynamics and soils influencing ecological restoration of Potentilla hickmanii at Rancho Corral de Tierra, San Mateo County, California

Abraham Villarreal, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Temporal and Spatial Mismatch by Anthropogenic Climate Change

Elizabeth Thessalon Walcott, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Psychology of Psychopathy: a five week course

Zachary William Walsh, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, A Property of the Number Six

Ken Wang, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Diary, Fragments, Eulogy

Shenlun Wang, Economics (ECON) 2015, Examining the effect of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Act on Bank Risks and Derivatives Risks

Shuchao Wang, Economics (ECON) 2015, To hoard, or not to hoard? Motives for reserve accumulation and its long-run economic consequences

Marina M. Watowich, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Complexities of elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on marine predator-prey dynamics

Ashanti Raheem Wavy-Soldier, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Voice

Ben David Wedin, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Cyclic electron flow is a crucial component in maintaining photosynthetic efficiency in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Taylor Katharine Wells, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The role of monocyte-derived macrophages in central nervous system regeneration

Kiera Bridget Wilhelm, Christian Abel Olivares, Isabel Zhen Han, Aurapat Ngamnithiporn, Mary Eleanor Wootton, Tamara Damjanac, and Katie Emma Blise, Chemistry (CHEM) 2015, Picking Up Good Vibes: Following Structural Dynamics of Fibril Aggregation with Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy

Claire Hannah Willeck, Economics (ECON) 2015, Is Education the Key to Happiness? An Examination of the Impact of Educational Attainment on Female Life Satisfaction

Claire Hannah Willeck, Political Science (POSC) 2015, State Funding for Public Schools: An Examination of Public School Funding Formulas on Racial Academic Achievement Gaps

Chavonn Williams, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Is Poetry A Therapeutic Tool To Heal Survivors of Sexual and In Partner Violence?

Christopher Todd Williams, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Kickin It With Big J

Christopher Gorman Winter, Physics (PHYS) 2015, A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS: Particle Detectors at the Large Hadron Collider

Eric Timothy Wittenburg, Philosophy (PHIL) 2015, Vagueness and Fuzzy Logic

Rachel Womack, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The roles of endothermy and the tribosphenic molar in the ecological diversification of mammals: Potential key innovations

Austen Roxanne Yeager, Philosophy (PHIL) 2015, Memory Enhancement and Emotional Authenticity

Robert Sanford Yeagle, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, España Reimagined

Robert Sanford Yeagle, History (HIST) 2015, Guiding Light: How the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 Changed the History of Electricity in the United States

Jocelyn Meredith York, Biology (BIOL) 2015, How and when does organic farming affect pollinator diversity?

Kathy Yu, Crystal Lai, and Benjamin Russell, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, A solution to the arithmetic problem of finding a number which, divided by given numbers, leaves behind given remainders [translated from the original Latin by Carleton math students]

Yue Zhang, Economics (ECON) 2015, Payment Method on Spending: The Impact of Payment Transparency on Consumer Behavior