Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2015
Anna Zimmer, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Weapons of natural killers: the role of KIRs and their cognate ligands in progression to AIDS
Graduated in 2014
Sakr Hanan Abo, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The End is Just the Beginning: The Ubiquitin Proteasome System and the Transcription of Estrogen Receptor Alpha
Daniel Alabi, Mikenna Everett, Jonathan Ahn, Will Martin, Carissa Knipe, and Carlton Keedy, Computer Science (CS) 2014, Simba: Simulating a BikeShare Network
Sarah Ostergren Alexander, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Using field and laboratory data to characterize deformation in the outside corner of a ridge-transform intersection in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
Stephanie Allen, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Stress-Induced Diet Preferences and Associated Microbial Changes
Adit Bipin Alreja, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut Microbiota Influence Systemic Inflammation And Eating Behavior Associated With Obesity
Amber Gelena Armstrong, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The role of mTOR signaling and ER stress in the development of type 2 diabetes in obese individuals
Madeline Long Arnold, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The UPS, Autophagy, or Both: Tau Degradation Pathways and the Role of p62 in Alzheimer's Disease
Kaitlin Kuehn Bagley, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Insulin-like growth factor 1, mammalian target of rapamycin, and the system A amino acid transporters: possible treatment targets for intrauterine growth restriction
Julia Gaebe Bakker-Arkema, Molly Elizabeth Bostrom, Julia Edith Greenwald, Kevin Lynch Johnson, Lucas Alexander Morrill, Brandon James Taitt, and Conor Chase Lynch, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, We're so F'd: Poly- and Per-Fluorinated Alkyl Substances in the Environment
Jared J. Beck, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Phylogenetic community structure and the functioning of ecosystems
Mary Dahlman Begley, American Studies (AMST) 2014, Wake Up, It's Over: Punk in American Culture Today
Marcos Ernesto Beltran, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Tool-Use and Functionality in Cotton-Top Tamarins
Jeffrey Jordan Berg, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, A Bat and a Ball and a Ballot: Proposing a Cognitive Foundation for Partisan Ambivalence
William Henry Biagi, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, The Poetics of Javier Pérez Andújar
Emily A. Boghossian, English (ENGL) 2014, Slouching Towards Zeitoun: Narrative Nonfiction From Joan Didion and the New Journalists to Dave Eggers and the Millennials
Trey Aaron Brademan, Sakr Hanan Abo, Michelle Dano Yuen, and Benjamin Kibort Breen, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, abcd...EFG - Ideal Behavior in Fields Relating to Iterated Polynomials
Eleanor Marta Brown, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Empathy Deficits in Psychopathy, ASD, and Schizophrenia: Implications for Empathy Functioning and Structure
Peter Scripps Brown, Chinese (CHIN) 2014, Consistency or Confusion: The Aftermath of Simplified Chinese Characters
Ross Jeffrey Brown, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Puzzle of Primary Plastids
Adrienne Keith Bruder, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Increased Placental Expression of Soluble Fms-like Tyrosine Kinase-1 (sFlt-1) in Preeclampsia
Anschel Kaufman Burk, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, Breaking the Silence: A Critique of the Union Organizing Model by Migrant Farmworkers in North Carolina
Patrick Kevin Burke, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Why Don't We Elect One of Our Own? Somali and Hmong Civic Engagement in Electoral Politics in the Twin Cities
Isaac Artin Burns and Simon Emilio Lansberg-Rodriguez, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Out Of Commission
Holly Ruth Buttrey, Latin American Studies (LTAM) 2014, Hip Hop in Cuba: The Underground Sphere for Expressive Youth
Elizabeth Leona Callen, English (ENGL) 2014, (Re)imagining History: Memory as a Challenge to Hegemonic Histories in Sandra Cisneros Caramelo and Junot DiÌaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Emilia Lucia Calma, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Health Care Provision in Sierra Leone: Answering the trend toward centralization
Andrew Glen Campbell, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Give Me Freedom, or Give Me Death: The Role of Violent vs. Non-Violent Tactics in Separatist Movements
Mitchell Robert Campbell, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, From Antipathy to Acceptance: The Process of Overcoming Internalized Homophobia
Adrian Charles Carpenter, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Recoil
Sanchez Elizabeth Castillo, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Effect of Taste on Supertasters' Moral Judgments
Michael Aaron Chappell, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Labor Market Effects of National Health Insurance: Evidence from Singapore
Phoebe Lynn Chastain, American Studies (AMST) 2014, Save the Orphans: An Examination of Media Response to Operation Babylift, April 1975
Loren Rae Cherry, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Assumed Common Ground in the Language of Advertisements
Yuna Lee Choi, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Schizophrenia Pathophysiology a Product of NMDA Receptor and GABA Interneuron Dysregulation in the Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus
Lauren Kathleen Chuin-Wei Chow, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, Use What You Already Know: Positive Language Transfer in Adolescent Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners
Catherine Ann Christenson, Geology (GEOL) 2014, A Site History and Soil Contamination Source Study in the Area of 5th and 7th Streets and Washington and Water Streets, Northfield, MN
Claire Cocroft, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Musical Experience and the Shared Syntactic Integration Resource Hypothesis
Sylvie Nguyen Cohen, Biology (BIOL) 2014, mTORC1 as a Nutrient-Dependent Regulator of Autophagy in Mammalian Cells
Zoe Katarina Cohen, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, A Few Weeks Ago When I Was Younger
Anderson Richard Cole, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Provenance analyses of siliciclastic dikes and Paleozoic formations near Colorado Springs, CO using detrital zircon U/Pb ages
Kelsey Christina Cox, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Do Leaders Really Matter: Understanding Leaders' Impact on World Stability Using an Agent Based Model
Charlies Scott Cross, Religion (RELG) 2014, Will the Revolution Be "Spiritual?" Occupy, Spirituality, and Social Change
Giancarlo Salvatore Danno, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, ... Del Fuego: Razing Cthulu
Sophia Catherine Davis, Peter Danforth Briggs, Hilary Curtis Marshall, and Huaiyu Wang, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Measuring the Mississippi
Tony Carlos Daza, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Depression: A pro-inflammatory cytokine response to commensal bacteria
James Thomas Dibb, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway in advanced hormone receptor positive breast cancer
Scott Steven Dossa, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Interpretations of Gravity
Annie Borg Doubleday, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Impact of News Source on Public Perception of the Affordable Care Act: An Examination of the Format, Framing, and Delivery of Primary News Sources
Jeffrey Andrew Dsida, Economics (ECON) 2014, Spend it Like Beckham
Courtney Ruth Dufford, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Polycentric Flood Governance: A Case Study of the Greater Northfield Action Arena
Polly Garfield Durant, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Peer Interactions Throughout Development in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome
Qwilleran Chapin Duvall, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, The Stories Our Bodies Tell
Emily Catherine Epperson, French (FREN) 2014, « Une province, et beaucoup d’avantage » : Rome et la création d’un espace poétique français chez du Bellay
Joshua Estes, Economics (ECON) 2014, Does Scoring Matter? The Effects of Scoring on Team Revenue and and Player Salaries in the NBA
Emily Jean Luebker Fairfax, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Flying Behind Enemy Lines: Stealth Aircraft Technology of the U.S. Military
Olivia Marie Fantini, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, Miley Cyrus has taught me that people think acting overtly sexual incites disrespect and violence Examining the Failings of High School Sexual Violence Prevention Education in the United States
Brianna Audrey Farley, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Womb of requirement: The role of placental hormones in myometrial activation
Max Felderman and Nona Schamus, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Some Nights Are Better
Gillian Fitz, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Every time we touch: Cell-to-cell contact allows BMP signaling to establish primordial germ cells in embryos
Felicity Flesher, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, COLT
Nicole Althea Forner, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Effects of Exercise Intensity on Explicit Memory and Implicit Memory
Brendan Haughie Fowl, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Too much of a good thing: chronic activation of mTOR-1 complex leads to the development of obesity and Type-2 diabetes mellitus
Diana Mary Fraser, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Mainstreamed Marginals: A New Cycle in Romantic Comedy & "The Little Things"
Molly Rachel Gallop, Biology (BIOL) 2014, A Gut Response: The Influence of Diet and Gut Microbes on Fat Storage
Julia Elise Gamache, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Impact of Gut Microbiota on Memeory Through Cholecystokinin (CCK)
John Rybeck Garlow, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Grain shape and microtexture analysis to interpret provenance and transport history of Upper Mississippi Valley Cambrian - Ordovican supermature quartz arenites
Daniel A. Geiger, Economics (ECON) 2014, An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between the New York Yankees World Series Performance and U.S. Equity Markets
Simon Thomas Ginet, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, From Habit to Practice: Exploring the Mind-Body Habitus of the Student
Casey Hansen Goodge, Daniel Isaac Barter, Benito Gregor Ramirez, Adan Fabian Nunez, and David Andrew Himelick, Computer Science (CS) 2014, Broad Phase Collision Detection
Katherine Brooks Goodyear, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, What Does "Home" Mean? A comparative study of the undergraduate experiences of transitioning and repatriating Third Culture Kids
Chase James Gottschalk, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The role of PDK1 activation in the Warburg effect and apoptosis evasion under hypoxia and nutrient deprivation
Jesse David Gourevitch, Madison Jean Halloran, Henry Merton Peyronnin, and Maggie Marie Sullivan, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Small Dam Management: A Case Study of the Ames Mill Dam, Northfield,MN
Will A. Gray, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Emilean Self-Sufficiency, Or, Rousseau's Education of Cosmopolitan Love
George Adam Jacob Guenthner, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Changes in Pollinator Diversity Reduce Insular System Resilience
Jacob Daniel Hamalian, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Relief to Reconstruction: Mapping Disaster Response Funding
Dorae Diamond Hankin, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Untitled
Taylor Carl Hanson, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Impact of Contracts and Guaranteed Money on Production in the NBA
Hannah Catherine Happ, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Common sensing: the role of class-3 semaphorin/neuropilin signaling in trunk neural crest cells and metastatic tumor cells
Katrina Ann Harper, Rachel Ann Ewing, Samuel Ihlenfeldt, and David Stillerman, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Predictors of Alcohol Use for College Students: A Social Network Approach
Mary Reagan Harvey, Geology (GEOL) 2014, A Geochemical analysis of the Bagmati River in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Molly Ann Hemes, English (ENGL) 2014, Children of the Troubles: The Portrayal of Fragmented Identity and Experience in Contemporary Northern Irish Fiction
Marina Kathryn Herrera-Heintz, History (HIST) 2014, Stanley Baldwin's Cabinet and the Abdication of Edward VIII
Nicholas Henry Herringer, Physics (PHYS) 2014, The Physics of Photography
Anthony Hill-Abercrombie, Yuanbo Wang, and Liz Wilson, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Languages of Legitimacy: Understanding Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Cannon River Watershed Through Methodological Complementing
Naozumi Hiranuma, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Early Evolutionary Origin of Spliceosomes
Jacob Scott Hoerger, Russian (RUSS) 2014, Hamlet. Act 0
Jacob Scott Hoerger, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Structure of Bacon's Scientific Revolution
Margaret Constance Holladay, Religion (RELG) 2014, God is Not a God of Confusion: Language Comprehension and Experience of God at a Haitian Immigrant Baptist Church
Drew Farrington Holmen, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Origin of Tubulin
Michael C. Holter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Pluripotency and differentiation: A look at a potential iPSC-derived motor neuron treatment for familial ALS
Michael Knutson Hovick, Economics (ECON) 2014, Examining the Flight-to-Quality Phenomenon in Europe during the Global Financial Crisis
Jessica Huang, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Gut-Brain-Enteric Microbiota Axis from an Ecological Perspective: The Role of Microbiota Biodiversity in Immune Functioning and its Implications in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders
Cassandra Bryce Iroz, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Escaping a nutrient deprived environment: mTOR-dependent pathways involved in cancer metastasis
Kayla Elizabeth Berge Jackson, Religion (RELG) 2014, You Are What You Eat: Exploring the Construction of a Black Social Body through Elijah Muhammad's Prescribed Rituals of Consumption
Matt Barnes Jaquette, Zoe Frances Craig, Colleen Louise Stewart, and Jia Yang, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Wading through the Muddy Floodwaters: Social Vulnerability to Flooding in Northfield, MN, a Case Study
Gwendolyn Jenkins, Sebastian Bouknight, and Lauren Young, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Historic Preservation on an Industrial Riverfront: Local Perspectives of Minneapolis's Upper Harbor Terminal
Rachel Elizabeth Johnson, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Delta Progradation in a Flood Control Reservoir: A Case Study from Littleville Lake, Huntington, MA
Nicholas Robert Jones, Noah Carnahan, Marcus Huderle, Zach Wood-Doughty, Tony Tran, and Cole Stephan, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, Plagiarism Detection
Jonathan Geoffrey Kagan-Kans, History (HIST) 2014, THE ‘GOOD’ NAZI: SS-Obergruppenführer Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and the Role of Morality in the Holocaust