The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2014

Emily Catherine Epperson, French (FREN) 2014, « Une province, et beaucoup d’avantage » : Rome et la création d’un espace poétique français chez du Bellay

Joshua Estes, Economics (ECON) 2014, Does Scoring Matter? The Effects of Scoring on Team Revenue and and Player Salaries in the NBA

Emily Jean Luebker Fairfax, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Flying Behind Enemy Lines: Stealth Aircraft Technology of the U.S. Military

Olivia Marie Fantini, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, Miley Cyrus has taught me that people think acting overtly sexual incites disrespect and violence Examining the Failings of High School Sexual Violence Prevention Education in the United States

Brianna Audrey Farley, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Womb of requirement: The role of placental hormones in myometrial activation

Max Felderman and Nona Schamus, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Some Nights Are Better

Gillian Fitz, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Every time we touch: Cell-to-cell contact allows BMP signaling to establish primordial germ cells in embryos

Felicity Flesher, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, COLT

Nicole Althea Forner, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Effects of Exercise Intensity on Explicit Memory and Implicit Memory

Brendan Haughie Fowl, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Too much of a good thing: chronic activation of mTOR-1 complex leads to the development of obesity and Type-2 diabetes mellitus

Diana Mary Fraser, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Mainstreamed Marginals: A New Cycle in Romantic Comedy & "The Little Things"

Molly Rachel Gallop, Biology (BIOL) 2014, A Gut Response: The Influence of Diet and Gut Microbes on Fat Storage

Julia Elise Gamache, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Impact of Gut Microbiota on Memeory Through Cholecystokinin (CCK)

John Rybeck Garlow, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Grain shape and microtexture analysis to interpret provenance and transport history of Upper Mississippi Valley Cambrian - Ordovican supermature quartz arenites

Daniel A. Geiger, Economics (ECON) 2014, An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between the New York Yankees World Series Performance and U.S. Equity Markets

Simon Thomas Ginet, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, From Habit to Practice: Exploring the Mind-Body Habitus of the Student

Casey Hansen Goodge, Daniel Isaac Barter, Benito Gregor Ramirez, Adan Fabian Nunez, and David Andrew Himelick, Computer Science (CS) 2014, Broad Phase Collision Detection

Katherine Brooks Goodyear, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, What Does "Home" Mean? A comparative study of the undergraduate experiences of transitioning and repatriating Third Culture Kids

Chase James Gottschalk, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The role of PDK1 activation in the Warburg effect and apoptosis evasion under hypoxia and nutrient deprivation

Jesse David Gourevitch, Madison Jean Halloran, Henry Merton Peyronnin, and Maggie Marie Sullivan, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process to Small Dam Management: A Case Study of the Ames Mill Dam, Northfield,MN

Will A. Gray, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Emilean Self-Sufficiency, Or, Rousseau's Education of Cosmopolitan Love

George Adam Jacob Guenthner, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Changes in Pollinator Diversity Reduce Insular System Resilience

Jacob Daniel Hamalian, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Relief to Reconstruction: Mapping Disaster Response Funding

Dorae Diamond Hankin, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Untitled

Taylor Carl Hanson, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Impact of Contracts and Guaranteed Money on Production in the NBA

Hannah Catherine Happ, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Common sensing: the role of class-3 semaphorin/neuropilin signaling in trunk neural crest cells and metastatic tumor cells

Katrina Ann Harper, Rachel Ann Ewing, Samuel Ihlenfeldt, and David Stillerman, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Predictors of Alcohol Use for College Students: A Social Network Approach

Mary Reagan Harvey, Geology (GEOL) 2014, A Geochemical analysis of the Bagmati River in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Molly Ann Hemes, English (ENGL) 2014, Children of the Troubles: The Portrayal of Fragmented Identity and Experience in Contemporary Northern Irish Fiction

Marina Kathryn Herrera-Heintz, History (HIST) 2014, Stanley Baldwin's Cabinet and the Abdication of Edward VIII

Nicholas Henry Herringer, Physics (PHYS) 2014, The Physics of Photography

Anthony Hill-Abercrombie, Yuanbo Wang, and Liz Wilson, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Languages of Legitimacy: Understanding Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Cannon River Watershed Through Methodological Complementing

Naozumi Hiranuma, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Early Evolutionary Origin of Spliceosomes

Jacob Scott Hoerger, Russian (RUSS) 2014, Hamlet. Act 0

Jacob Scott Hoerger, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Structure of Bacon's Scientific Revolution

Margaret Constance Holladay, Religion (RELG) 2014, God is Not a God of Confusion: Language Comprehension and Experience of God at a Haitian Immigrant Baptist Church

Drew Farrington Holmen, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Origin of Tubulin

Michael C. Holter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Pluripotency and differentiation: A look at a potential iPSC-derived motor neuron treatment for familial ALS

Michael Knutson Hovick, Economics (ECON) 2014, Examining the Flight-to-Quality Phenomenon in Europe during the Global Financial Crisis

Jessica Huang, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Gut-Brain-Enteric Microbiota Axis from an Ecological Perspective: The Role of Microbiota Biodiversity in Immune Functioning and its Implications in Chronic Inflammatory Disorders

Cassandra Bryce Iroz, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Escaping a nutrient deprived environment: mTOR-dependent pathways involved in cancer metastasis

Kayla Elizabeth Berge Jackson, Religion (RELG) 2014, You Are What You Eat: Exploring the Construction of a Black Social Body through Elijah Muhammad's Prescribed Rituals of Consumption

Matt Barnes Jaquette, Zoe Frances Craig, Colleen Louise Stewart, and Jia Yang, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Wading through the Muddy Floodwaters: Social Vulnerability to Flooding in Northfield, MN, a Case Study

Gwendolyn Jenkins, Sebastian Bouknight, and Lauren Young, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Historic Preservation on an Industrial Riverfront: Local Perspectives of Minneapolis's Upper Harbor Terminal

Rachel Elizabeth Johnson, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Delta Progradation in a Flood Control Reservoir: A Case Study from Littleville Lake, Huntington, MA

Nicholas Robert Jones, Noah Carnahan, Marcus Huderle, Zach Wood-Doughty, Tony Tran, and Cole Stephan, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, Plagiarism Detection

Jonathan Geoffrey Kagan-Kans, History (HIST) 2014, THE ‘GOOD’ NAZI: SS-Obergruppenführer Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and the Role of Morality in the Holocaust

Maureen Jennings Kahn, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Constraining exhumation using zircon (U-Th)/He dating in the Sawtooth and White Cloud Mountains, Idaho

Woody Kaine, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, The Low Place

Ella Jensen Kampelman, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Internal Structures

Shamir Amir Kansakar, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Material Exploration: Daily Enlightenment

Shamir Amir Kansakar, Biology (BIOL) 2014, NK Cell: Receptor ligand interaction for immune-tolerance in pregnancy

Clara Elizabeth Kappelman, Biology (BIOL) 2014, HLA-G-mediated immunomodulation at the fetomaternal interface permits successful growth of the semi-allogeneic fetus

Kelly Elizabeth Kapsar, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Trait mediated interactions among sympatric carnivores and their effect on behaviorally mediated trophic cascades

Rebecca Erin Katz, Japanese (JAPN) 2014, It's A Small World After All: Is Tokyo Disneyland a Manifestation of Cultural Imperialism in Japan?

Wataru Kay, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Dopamine Pathway Development during Puberty in Female Rats: Understanding the Organizational Impact of Ovarian Hormones

Michael Lederer Kellner, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Effects of Cause Marketing on Taste Perception

Truc Anh Thi Kieu, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, I Don't Feel Old: Negotiating Multiple Meanings of Aging through Feminist Oral Histories of Older Women in the Twin Cities

Elizabeth Ann Kimberly, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Aggradation and Avulsions: A Case Study of a Carbon River Floodplain, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Hyungjun Kim, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system pathway in JA and GA signaling and response regulating plant development and defense

Naeh Lyron Klages-Mundt, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in forming ionizing radiation-induced foci at DNA double-strand breaks

Carissa Mai-Ping Knipe, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Metaflora

Jonathan Michael Knowles, Biology (BIOL) 2014, UPS degradation of IR and IRS in the develpment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Eva Hirsh Koeller, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Relationship between Maternal and Fetal Nutrition and its Role in the Developmental Origins of Disease

Emily Susan Kolenbrander, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Intercellular communication is required for collective migration in neural crest cells

Arielle Koshkin, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Is The Maternal-Fetal Conflict Hypothesis a Driver of Placental Evolution? Analysis of Interdigitation, Invasiveness, Brain Allometry and Life History Strategies of Eutherian Mammals

Duncan Krisa, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Physical Implementations of Digital Logic

Emily Margaret Lamberty, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, All He Knows is Coca: Decolonization and Indigeneity in Post-Neoliberal Bolivia--Interplays Between Policy and Culture

Ryan LeVan Lawrence, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Geochemistry of the Early Eocene Coast Range Volcanic Province, Pacific Northwestern United States, and Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction

Claire Hallett Leichter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Importance of Decidual Natural Killer Cells in Spiral Artery Remodeling During First Trimester Pregnancy

Yuqing Lin, Economics (ECON) 2014, Exchange Rate Risk on Stock Market: Evidence from 2008 Financial Crisis

Lucy Fay Livesay, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Deformation bands in the Etchegoin Formation at Parkfield: Implications for stresses on the San Andreas Fault in Central California

Anne Lombardi, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, ¿Esfuerzo benéfico o esfuerzo político?: Un estudio de los niños durante la Guerra Civil Española y los países y organizaciones benéficas que les ayudaron

Edward William Lozier, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, The Progression of Graphene Functionalization: The Covalent Attachment of Fullerenes to Graphene for Use in Photovoltaic Solar Cells

Erik Zachary Madsen-Bond, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, The Capabilities of Parrots: A Theoretical Grounding for the Necessity of Changing the Human Development Index

Emily Suzanne Manahan, Linguistics (LING) 2014, At the College was Performed an Experiment: An Analysis of Locative Inversion and Unaccusativity

Annette Martin, Philosophy (PHIL) 2014, Truth and Proof: Defending a Provability Account of Mathematical Truth in Light of Godel's First Incompleteness Theorem

Ariane Rebecca Mass, English (ENGL) 2014, Ventriloquated

Jillian Gelbard Mattern, Religion (RELG) 2014, Mothers in Sin and Salvation: Examining Agency in Mizuko Kuyō and Women's Use of the Blood Bowl Sūtra

Katherine Elinor Maxeiner, Religion (RELG) 2014, Heirs of the Prophets: Knowledge and Authority in "Al-Jumuah" Magazine

Austen Learman McBain, Japanese (JAPN) 2014, Hatsune Miku and the "Sound of the Future:" How a Single Voice is Revolutionizing the Japanese Idol Industry

Karen Sue McCleary, Linguistics (LING) 2014, Pardon My French: Loanword Pronunciation and Language Prestige

Ellen Jaret McKinstry, History (HIST) 2014, Depictions of Discord: Contemporary Images of Historical Memory in the Sectarian Murals of Belfast, Northern Ireland

Megan A. Meads, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Comparing The Effects of Internal and External Expressions of Felt Luck on Performance

Eric David Meehl, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Humanity, Mathematics, and the Nature of Reality

Arielle Melum, Gena Roisum, and Haley Woodward, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Considering new approaches to reducing recidivism: Alternative therapies in prisons

Jacob Elliot Meyers, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Working Memory & Executive Functions in Media Multitaskers

Gregory Michel, Kailee Rubin, Ben Caffrey, and Steegh Jonathan Ver, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Baxter Permutations, Snow Leopard Permutations, and Domino Tilings of Aztec Diamonds

Annaliese Meu Lan Minette, Theater Arts (THEA) 2014, Ordinary ... But Beautiful

Julia Clare Moen, Courtney Dufford, and Young-Eun (Amber) Kim, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Implementing (Waste)water Treatment Alternatives: A Comparative Case Study of Small Town Decision-making

Micah Benjamin Muhr, Economics (ECON) 2014, Shooting to Win: An Analysis of the Effects of Team Performance Metrics on Winning in the NBA Playoffs and the Regular Reason

Sameera Nalla, History (HIST) 2014, Family Planning in India: The Fundamental Disconnect Between the Elite and the Poor

Frederick James Neher, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Impaired clearance or over induction: The role of AMPK and mTOR in control of autophagy in Alzheimer's Disease

Chloe Nelson, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Petrography and Thermobarometry of a Metamorphosed Sedimentary Screen associated with the Western Idaho Shear Zone, West Mountain, Idaho

Emily Christine Ness, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Parkin in the Disposal of Proteins

Hai Quoc Nguyen, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Neuroregenerative Capabilities of the Nervous System

Anna Catherine Nisi, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Top predator effects on spatial heterogeneity: A potential mechanism for biodiversity maintenance

Clara Marie Valyi Nulty, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Water, Interrupted

Marika Kaitlin O'Connor Grant, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Steady Ground to Stand on: Properly Grounding the Right to Abortion in the United States Constitution's Equal Protection Clause

Tanwaporn Watanaporn Ohl, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, This is Leech Lake