Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2016
Jessica Zhou, Psychology (PSYC) 2016, Neuroplasticity of Addiction
Jordan Michael Zoellmer, Physics (PHYS) 2016, The Global Position System: An Introduction to the Background and Physics
Graduated in 2015
Zoe Yvette Abdel-Moneim, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Emotional Armor
Shamis M. Adam, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Antiviral Immunity: Interactions between Inhibitory Killer-Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors and MHC-I Molecules in HIV Infection
Jae Ahn, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Canonical and Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling Pathways Regulate Dendritic Morphogenesis and Synaptogenesis in Hippocampal Neurons
Dilara Akgunduz, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2015, Indecision 101: Exploring the Effects of Cultural Fractionalization in the New Middle East on Foreign Policy Behavior
Laura Christine Arneson, Biology (BIOL) 2015, From Burger to Tumor: The Role of Diet-Derived Glycans in Cancer
Lilly Athamanah, American Studies (AMST) 2015, Ride Like the Wind: Divvy Bike Share's Function as Sustainable Mass Transit or Tourist Attraction in the City of Chicago
Nolan Baker, Economics (ECON) 2015, Can Students Be Motivated to Work Harder? Examining the Impact of Compensation Schemes on Test Performance
Nathan Daniel Bamberger, Devon Shipman Manber, and Nimita Iyer, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, Emergence of Synchrony in Pulse-Coupled Neurons
Hillary Kraemer Barbetta, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Exploring and enhancing the regenerative potential of the mammalian heart through exogenous cardiomyocyte differentiation and transplantation
Emily Natanya Dorothy Bauer, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2015, The Evolution of Narrative Cognition
Anders James Berglund, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Examining Possible Source Calderas for the Arikareean Tuffs of Western Nebraska Using Major Element Biotite Geochemistry
Francina Raye Block, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Clearwater
Charles Alexander Bloom, Maria Elisabeth Kjellstrand, and Kathryn Rebecca Leys, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2015, Applying an Actor-Oriented Approach to Ecological Restoration: A Case Study of Coldwater Spring
Carl Bou Mansour, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2015, Radical Testimony: An Exploration of Radical Embodiment and Credulous Testimony
Sara Elizabeth Brooks, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Pile
Emily Virginia Buckner, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Making Connections in Human-dominated Landscapes: The Ecological Role of Subsidies in Recipient Systems
Seana Ellen Buzbee, Economics (ECON) 2015, The Mitigating Power of Socioeconomics: Alleviating Malnutrition's Effect on Cognitive Development in Developing Countries
Seana Ellen Buzbee, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, The Process of Time
Colette Celichowski, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The Great Xscape: How and Why Genes Escape Inactivation on the Eutherian Xi
Brian Isaac Charous, Physics (PHYS) 2015, The Physics and Design of Antennas
Michelle Chen, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2015, To Afford or Not to Afford: Does the Digital Environment Have Affordances?
Ruisu Chen, Biology (BIOL) 2015, N-ε-carboxymethyl-lysine (CML) binds to the receptor for AGE (RAGE) and activates multiple pathways that lead to the development of atherosclerosis complications in diabetes patients
Worthy Mbuza Cho, Economics (ECON) 2015, Institutions and Foreign Direct Invest during the 2007 to 2009 Financial Crisis: Evidence from the Developing World
Dane Liles Christensen, Economics (ECON) 2015, Transmission of Macroeconomic Shocks Within The European Union: An Analysis of Fiscal Imbalances and Spillover Effects
Kate Alison Cieslowski, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Disorder: A Case for Inclusion in the DSM
Rachel Clark, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2015, Feminist Theories & Dance Histories In Collective Search of Female Subjectivity
Louis David Cohen, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Dosage Compensation Models in C. elegans compared to those in D. melanogaster
Laura Legendre Colbran, Biology (BIOL) 2015, An Exiting Existence: mechanisms of mammalian sex chromosome inactivation
Wenyue College, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Multiple pathways are required for hypoxia-induced autophagy - a survival mechanism of cancer cells
Alison Carol Coogan, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Nephron segmentation and its application in advancing regenerative therapies for kidney disease
Daniel David Cook, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Regulation of the Ferric Uptake Regulator through Extracellular Cell Wall Iron Storage Drives an Accumulation of Intracellular Iron during the Lag Phase of Staphylococcus aureus
Kirstin Kim Cook, Chemistry (CHEM) 2015, Elucidating NCX Function from Structure
Camille C. Coonrod, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Untitled
Hannah Marit Curtiss, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Aberrant O-Mannose Initiated Glycosylation of ?-Dystroglycan Underlies Congenital Muscular Dystrophies
Leigh Dairaghi, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Mechanisms of mammalian dosage compensation: X-chromosome inactivation and reactivation
Sonja Sharon Stacey Dangler, Spanish (SPAN) 2015, Nadie es inocente, De noche vienes: Género y clase en Elena Poniatowska
Carly Anne Davidson, Political Science (POSC) 2015, Beyond Benghazi: Understanding the American Response to Attacks Against US Diplomatic Facilities
Jan Aldrich Larsen Dela Paz Dela Cruz, Economics (ECON) 2015, The Role of Expectations: Effects of Terrorist Campaigns Versus Isolated Terrorist Attacks on Economic Growth in South East Asia
Kathy Dooley, Arnaud Kpachavi, and Eli Skinner, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2015, The Impact of Land Use Change on Lake Phosphorus Concentrations in Dakota County, MN
Connor Pierce Einarsen, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, ARIADNE
Paul Issara Elbow, Economics (ECON) 2015, What was the impact of the Great Recession on worker groups in Thailand? A closer look at unemployment during the global financial crisis.
Sarah Marcellina Ellis, Economics (ECON) 2015, Do Nice Guys Actually Finish Last? Determinants of Game Attendance in the National Basketball Association
Louis Enriquez-Sarano, Economics (ECON) 2015, IT'S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY
Jhernie Ho'onani Punahele Evangelista, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Haku: A Short Experimental Documentary
Luke McCoy Fairchild, Geology (GEOL) 2015, High temperature emplacement of clastic breccia dikes and implications for the development and magnetization of impact craters
Claire Marie Ferguson, English (ENGL) 2015, Crossing Meridians: Conceptualizing Foreignness in Omeros, Invierno, and M. Butterfly and "Dismantling the Angel of the House: Writing Back to Conventional Notions of Victorian Womanhood" (2 papers)
John Alexander Ficklin, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Predation in the City
Larkin Hafer Flodin, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, The Unsolvability of the Word Problem
Annie Flynn, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, [Annie Flyn: Comps Work]
Ella McGrane Fox, Religion (RELG) 2015, Eve & Pandora: Comparing Gender Dynamics in Punished Worlds
Grace Fremont, English (ENGL) 2015, Of Here and Everywhere: The Poetic Geography of Shakespeare's Travelers
Stella Jean Fritzell, Classics (CLST) 2015, Divine Associations: Arion in Iconography
Brit Kamara Fryer, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, trans·ience
Lily Rose Gage, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Effects of human-mediated habitat change on parasite prevalence and transmission
Sam Garbrecht, Economics (ECON) 2015, Constraints on Healthy Eating Habits Among Low-Income Families: An Analysis of Time-Cost Effects
Rebecca Ryan Giles, History (HIST) 2015, Rogue Runaways and Wanton Women: Conceptualizing Colonial American Advertisements as Sites of Patriarchal Dominance
Charles Thomas Gillmer, American Studies (AMST) 2015, I'd rather drink a beer than win father of the year: The Satire of Fatherhood in The Simpsons
Matt Godfrey, Will Salon, Preston Carlisle, and Wenth Wang, Mathematics (MATH) 2015, Spatial Economics through a Mathematical Lens: City Structure and the Breakdown of General Equilibrium
William Edward Grimm, Geology (GEOL) 2015, A tectonic and provenance study of the Chugach-Prince William terrane, Alaska, with specific focus on the Paleogene Orca Group, Using U-Pb dating of detrital zircons
Sophie Alexandra Guterl, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, The potential for progesterone to protect against cocaine-primed relapse in females
Alexandra Nicole Guy, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Mechanisms behind the disintegration of the midline epithelial seam in palatogenesis and implications for cleft palate
Alison Elizabeth Hall, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Ecosystem and Community Consequences of Size Selective Fishing
Anthony Lamar Harris, Biology (BIOL) 2015, An Increase from the Normal Homeostatic Temperature of Photorhabdus asymbiotica Induces Weakened Virulence Capabilities
Charlotte Ruth Harris, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Made From Paste
Graeme Harten, Economics (ECON) 2015, Foreign Currency Exposure: An Analysis of the 2014 Yuan Depreciation in China
Graeme Harten, Asian Studies (ASST) 2015, The Propaganda of Business: Changes in Language from Liberation to Liberalization in the P.R.C.
Yasir Adan Hassan, Religion (RELG) 2015, Qur’an Schools: Agents of Embodiment, Rhetorical Training, and Pedagogical Preservation
Zachary David Heinrich, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Educational Interventions for Preschoolers in Poverty: A Literature Review & A Proposed Optimal Model
Claire Marie Helsel, Economics (ECON) 2015, GIPSIs, Tramps, and Thieves: Perception and Bias as Additional Causes of the Euro-Periphery Sovereign Debt Crises
Emily Jo Hillmer, Biology (BIOL) 2015, The Role of Aberrantly Glycosylated MUC1 in Mechanisms of Breast Cancer Metastasis
Soren Isabel Hope, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Naked Internet Men
Emily Houlihan, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Age constraints of Mid-Continent Rift sedimentary rocks in Northern Minnesota using paleomagnetic analysis
Helena M. Howard, Linguistics (LING) 2015, Syllables? Sign me up! Defining and motivating the syllable in American Sign Language
Benjamin Chung-Yu Huang, Economics (ECON) 2015, The Effects of Eurozone Membership on Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads for European Union Member States after the Global Financial Crisis
Andrew Hwang, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2015, Processing Fluency in Website Navigation
Connor Shane Jackson, Political Science (POSC) 2015, Rectifying Individualistic Models of Justice: Uniting Distinct Paradigms of Individual Perception and Institutional Perspective
Sarah Hena Jang, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Biases in Suspect Lineups: The Prototype Effect in Face Recognition
Ross James Jennings, Physics (PHYS) 2015, The Formation of Planets
Avery Lowell Johnson, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Finger Drawing
Stacey Rae Grace Johnson and Sophia Taylor Roman, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, In the Mind of a Criminal: A Seminar Development on the Psychological Factors Behind Criminal Behavior
Hannah Elizabeth Jones, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, Sleep Study
Jabari Coleman Jones, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Assessing the Role of Turbulence in the Entrainment of an Individual Gravel Particle
Melody Paz Judilla, Physics (PHYS) 2015, Explosions in Space: Core-Collapse Supernovae
Kyle John Kasten, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Variation in corridor habitat requirements between predator and prey species
Charles Omar Kaufman, Geology (GEOL) 2015, Burn severity effects on hill-slope soil characteristics and local variation four years after the Fourmile Fire, Boulder County, Colorado
Jake Daniel Kramer, Economics (ECON) 2015, Production offshoring's impact on a common pool resource: an analysis of Germany and Russia
Stephen Erwin Kuenstner, Physics (PHYS) 2015, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Ellen Louise Palmer Kwan, Studio Art (ARTS) 2015, In Between
Kaylin Catherine Land, History (HIST) 2015, Soviet Motherhood in the Gulag, Lived and Remembered
Anna Oleta Redberg Larson, Sarah Townsend Lukins, and Laurel Elizabeth Goldner, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2015, Eating Off the Land: Cultural and institutional influences on ecological outcomes of Hmong gardens in Saint Paul, MN
Hanna Lee, Taylor Mayhall, and Robert Olney, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2015, A Sustainability Assessment of St. Paul Using LEED-EN
Zoe Levin, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Young Adults' Pornography Consumption: Is there an Association with Sexual Behavior Preferences and Sexual Expectations?
Ben Emery Levy, Physics (PHYS) 2015, Thunderstorms, Lightning, and Lightning Strikes on Aircraft
Abby Lewis, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Instant Messaging: Can different turn-taking methods improve communication?
Jessica Marie Link, Psychology (PSYC) 2015, Effects of Niacin in an Animal Model of Schizophrenia: Apomorphine-Induced Behaviors in Rats Chronically Treated with Haloperidol
Shiou-Yuh Lin, Biology (BIOL) 2015, Dosage Compensation through X Chromosome Inactivation
Jonathon Liou, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2015, Reimagining the Disney Melodrama
Jonathon Liou, Sam Watson, Alex Calamaro, Karen Halls, and Yawen Chen, Computer Science (CS) 2015, 3D Scanning on the Cheap