Covid-19 Archive: Collections | Carleton College Research | Carleton Digital Commons
Covid-19 Archive: Collections

Covid-19 Archive: Collections


Browse the archive collections:

Visualizing the Pandemic

This collection contains work by Carleton students in "IDSC 100.05: Data Visualization As Activism" during Fall 2020. The course was taught by Director of the Quantitative Resource Center Lin Winton as a first-year Argument & Inquiry seminar. Students created visualizations using data from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Carleton Dispersed: Photos of the Covid-19 pandemic from across the country

This collection has items collected by Carleton students during Spring and Summer 2020 that speak to the Covid-19 pandemic across the US. Most of the student body was off-campus, at home or elsewhere. These photos and documents were collected near where the students were living and reflect living during the pandemic. Most of the contributions were made by students in Historians for Hire.

Historians for Hire

Materials from the course Historians for Hire (History 200, Spring 2020). The center project of the course was creating and contributing to the Carleton Covid-19 Archive. These documents include instructional materials, assignments, and student reflections.

Personal Stories

Personal stories from people in their own words. Some of the stories are from members of the Carleton submitted in response to certain questions. Other interviews were collected and include both Carleton community members and beyond.

Teaching, Learning, and Living Remotely at Carleton College

Items that speak to the experience of teaching, learning, working, and living at a small liberal arts college during the pandemic.

Carleton Policy and Planning Documents

Materials from Carleton College that outline policies, procedures, and planning related to the pandemic.

Black Lives Matter

This collection documents the Black Lives Matter movement in the context of Carleton College as racial inequalities and systemic injustices faced by the black community are heightened by COVID-19.


Items that speak to the experience of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during the spring and summer of 2020.

Carleton Virtual Reunion Celebration: June 20, 2020

A collection of videos and resources released in honor of Carleton's annual alumni reunion week. The normally in-person event was cancelled and Carleton released a series of videos and other website content in order to celebrate the event virtually.

The Distance: A newsletter from the Carletonian

A weekly newsletter from the Carletonian during Spring and Fall 2020. For Spring 2020, it replaced the physical edition, while for Fall 2020 it was in addition to the physical edition.

Carleton Students From Afar - Group Reflections and Video Clips

This collection contains video reflections by group members Marcella Lees, Miyuki Mihira, and Clara Posner on their interview project with Carleton students, as well as thematic compilations using clips from student interviews. Clips used in compilations are all present in the full interviews (Synchronous Interviews with Carleton Students).

Generational Disparities

The items in this collection speak to the ways the pandemic impacted people of different ages in different ways.

Virtual Empty Bowls 2020

An annual on-campus event, the pandemic disrupted the Empty Bowls community meal to raise awareness and funds for Northfield's Community Action Center Food Shelf. Professor Kelly Connole, working with the Community Action Center and Carleton's Center for Community and Civic Engagement, organized a virtual replacement for the event. Happening primarily on social media, members of the Carleton community posted photos of their bowls on Friday, May 15th in honor of the events. Those participating included current students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Northfield Community Photos

Photos from in and around Northfield during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Being There, And Not: Carls Considering Life & Learning at a "Residential College" during COVID-19

This is an anthology of short essays, researched and composed in pairs by the students of ENGL109: Intro to Rhetoric (s20)

Asynchronous Interview Carleton Students

Written accounts and photos collected from Carleton students about their Spring Term 2020 experiences.

Synchronous Interviews with Carleton Students

Synchronous Interviews with Carleton Students

Carleton Campus Visual Collection

Photographs that were taken on the Carleton campus during the pandemic. Some items are also related to creating a sense of community and campus while people were unable to gather.

Amanda's Moore COVID-19 Photograph Sessions

A photographer offered to capture family experiences locally during the COVID-19 pandemic while following social distancing guidelines

Historical Pandemics at Carleton

A collection of materials relating to Carleton's responses to and experiences of epidemics and pandemics in the past.

Northfield Partners & Center for Community and Civic Engagement

This collection documents some ways community organizations are impacted by the pandemic and what they are doing to address community needs during this time. These community organizations are frequent partners with Carleton's Center for Community and Civic Engagement.