Carleton Campus Visual Collection
Photographs that were taken on the Carleton campus during the pandemic. Some items are also related to creating a sense of community and campus while people were unable to gather.
New Sanitizing System in LDC
Carleton Bon Apetit
From May 19, 2020, LDC dining hall started a new sanitizing system as shown in the image. A plastic card with a green color on the front and red on the back is put on each table. Students are supposed to use tables with green sided cards and they flip it to the red side as they finish a meal.
Free Masks by courtesy of the Carleton Makerspace
Carleton Class of 1969 Makerspace, Anderson Hall
Some face shields of several sizes are hanged on the wall of Carleton Class of 1969 Makerspace. They are made with the use of 3D printers.
Carleton Video Call Bingo Card
Carleton College Human Resources and Elizabeth Lenora Budd
Carleton's Human Resources office posted this creative bingo card on their page about remote work during the pandemic, with the caption, "Team building game for video calls." As many people transitioned to remote work, video calls became the new normal and introduced some new norms and issues.
Carleton Coworker Photo Contest
Jana Lelm
With the sudden transition to remote work (work from home), jokes circulated online of people calling their pets "coworkers." Carleton faculty and staff were invited to submit photos of their new "coworkers," and the images were compiled in this document.
Beaver Near the Lyman Lakes!
Miyuki Mihira
These are photos of a beaver taken near the Lyman Lakes on campus. It's extremely rare to see beavers on campus due to people. However, because of the much fewer number of people on campus, the photographer for the first time came across this small creature in the late afternoon on the way to the Arboretum.
Beaver Near the Lyman Lakes!
Miyuki Mihira
These are photos of a beaver taken near the Lyman Lakes on campus. It's extremely rare to see beavers on campus due to people. However, because of the much fewer number of people on campus, the photographer for the first time came across this small creature in the late afternoon on the way to the Arboretum.
Breakfast of the Quarantine Life at Carleton
Miyuki Mihira
This is a picture of a breakfast of the quarantine life on campus. Students can get breakfast every morning between 7:30 am and 10:00 am in Sayles-Hill. There are also options of vegetarian menu, boiled eggs, yogurt, and so on. Every staff wears a mask and serve meals for students in stead of self-serving.
Burton Hall During the Quarantine
Miyuki Mihira
During the spring break and the spring term until May 3rd, only Burton Hall functioned as a dining hall on campus. All the tables were reorganized to keep more than two meters between students while they are having meals.
Burton Hall During the Quarantine
Miyuki Mihira
During the spring break and the spring term until May 3rd, only Burton Hall functioned as a dining hall on campus. All the tables were reorganized to keep more than two meters between students while they are having meals.
LDC Dining Hall During the Quarantine
Miyuki Mihira
From May 4th, LDC started to function as a dining hall again instead of Burton Hall. Likewise the Burton Hall, all the tables were reorganized to keep more than two meters between students.
LDC Dining Hall During the Quarantine
Miyuki Mihira
From May 4th, LDC started to function as a dining hall again instead of Burton Hall. Likewise the Burton Hall, all the tables were reorganized to keep more than two meters between students.
Friday Flower during COVID-19
Skylar Yu
Most students have already left the campus. It was the first Friday in the spring term. Friday flower became such a "normal" weekly event on campus, but not now. None of the students would expect these flowers on that day, and even students on campus did not expect to see any flowers in Sayles on that day. The flower in every mailbox means love to me. Even though we are not going to see each other for quite a long time, we still love and remember each other. Many people are going through a tough period of time, and these flowers also represent courage, encouraging people to stay strong, cherishing the hope and love to the world.