Historical Pandemics at Carleton
A collection of materials relating to Carleton's responses to and experiences of epidemics and pandemics in the past.
Campus Updates, page 1.
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. This page shows most recent campus updates on the H1N1 outbreak, captured on 02/18/2010, although the latest message was posted on January 5.
Campus Updates, page 4
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. This page shows campus updates on the H1N1 outbreak, captured on 02/18/2010. Messages are from April 28, 2009 to May 7, 2009.
Carleton to Hold H1N1 Vaccination Clinic
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. A campus update that Carleton would hold a immunization clinic for H1N1 on January 8 2010. While the record is incomplete, the pages in the Internet Archive suggests this may be the last campus update related to H1N1.
Flu Reporting Form
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. A flu reporting form from Carleton's website to monitor suspected H1N1 cases on campus during the fall 2009 term.
Influenza Updates - February 17, 2010
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. This is the main page for Carleton's Influenza Updates, captured 02/17/2010, although last updated January 5.
Parents & Students - Help Us Be Prepared
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. A part of the Influenza Updates page encouraging students and parents to have their own plans in place in the event that the college must close suddenly.
Teaching & Learning in Flu Season
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. A section of Carleton's Influenza Updates provided advice for faculty for accommodating ill students who need to isolate. This page suggests using podcasts to help students keep up with classwork.
Weekly H1N1 Updates - Students - 11/23/2009
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. The final weekly H1N1 update of Fall term 2009 sent out to students.
Carletonian Security Blotter: November 6, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes two students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms or breathing difficulty. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: November 6, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes two students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms or breathing difficulty. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 16, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes two students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms, possibly H1N1. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 16, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes two students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms, possibly H1N1. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 23, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes three students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms, possibly H1N1. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 23, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes three students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms, possibly H1N1. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 30, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes nine students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms or breathing difficulty. Page 2.
Carletonian Security Blotter: October 30, 2009
Randy Atchison
The college paper's Security Blotter during fall 2009 includes nine students seeking further care for flu-like symptoms or breathing difficulty. Page 2.
Preparation for H1N1 underway
Nichola Bellos
An update in the student paper about the preparations the college was taking in the face of the H1N1 virus. Pages 1 and 3.
Preparation for H1N1 underway
Nicholas Bellos
An update in the student paper about the preparations the college was taking in the face of the H1N1 virus. Pages 1 and 3.
Preparation for H1N1 underway
Nicholas Bellos
An update in the student paper about the preparations the college was taking in the face of the H1N1 virus. Pages 1 and 3.
Carleton College homepage - September 7, 2009
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. This shows Carleton's homepage at the beginning of the fall 2009 term, with Influenza Updates now linked from the menu in the bottom left.
Influenza Updates - May 1, 2009
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. This is the homepage of Carleton's Influenza Updates, captured the day after the first announced case of H1N1 in Minnesota.
Influenza Updates - September 8, 2009
Carleton College
In response to the H1N1 outbreak, Carleton maintained a set of pages on their website dedicated to the flu and keeping the campus community informed. Carleton's Influenza Updates main page as seen at the beginning of Fall 2009 term.
Swine Flu outbreak requires diligence
Carletonian Editorial Staff
An editorial in the Carletonian soon after initial news about H1N1 urging people to take the flu seriously. Page 8.
Swine Flu outbreak requires diligence
Carletonian Editorial Staff
An editorial in the Carletonian soon after initial news about H1N1 urging people to take the flu seriously. Page 8.
SWArticle: H1N1: What you should know
DeeDee Rupert
An article from Carleton's Student Wellness Advocates containing information about the H1N1 virus and prevention strategies. Page 5.