Teaching, Learning, and Living Remotely at Carleton College
Items that speak to the experience of teaching, learning, working, and living at a small liberal arts college during the pandemic.
Remote Teaching Set Up
Sonja Anderson
Religion Professor Sonja Anderson posted on a Carleton buy and sell email list advertising unused chalkboard contact paper. After questions about her teaching set up for remote teaching, she sent another message describing how she set up her teaching station, along with an image of it.
Partial email text: "Several people have asked about the real chalkboard I bought for teaching from home. I bought this one (48"x36") on Amazon, though it's now sold out. Photo attached of how I set it up in my spare room. Key furniture was a milk crate, two tables, and two lamps positioned at my 9 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Used Apple AirPods (bought with PDA) for sound and mic. I had no problems with chalkboard glare, but I can't speak to WHITE boards. I did all class sessions live on Zoom but set them to record automatically and store in Panopto for students who were absent." -
Remote Teaching Set Up
Sonja Anderson
Religion Professor Sonja Anderson posted on a Carleton buy and sell email list advertising unused chalkboard contact paper. After questions about her teaching set up for remote teaching, she sent another message describing how she set up her teaching station, along with an image of it.
Partial email text: "Several people have asked about the real chalkboard I bought for teaching from home. I bought this one (48"x36") on Amazon, though it's now sold out. Photo attached of how I set it up in my spare room. Key furniture was a milk crate, two tables, and two lamps positioned at my 9 o'clock and 2 o'clock. Used Apple AirPods (bought with PDA) for sound and mic. I had no problems with chalkboard glare, but I can't speak to WHITE boards. I did all class sessions live on Zoom but set them to record automatically and store in Panopto for students who were absent." -
My Classroom at Home
Jacob Bransky
I sit at a table in our kitchen for schoolwork. I tune into lectures and do homework here due to the movement of Carleton classes into an online format as a result of COVID-19. I read and complete problem sets on a computer more than normal.
A Carleton Welcome to the Class of 2024
Carleton College
The journey of a new student is just beginning. Hear from the President, the Vice President for Student Life & Dean of Students, the Carleton Student Association (CSA) President, and others for a true Carleton welcome. Topics will include details about the incoming class, what it means to be a Carl, and what to expect this week and in the years ahead. [Youtube description]
Carleton Beginning of Spring Term Video Message
Carleton College
A video addressing the strange nature of Spring Term 2020 at Carleton and reaffirming the college's support of students.
Carleton President Steve Poskanzer's Message to Admitted Students
Carleton College
A video message to students admitted to Carleton from President Steve Poskanzer. Due to the pandemic, admitted students were unable to visit campus during spring term. The video provides some information about what Carleton has to offer to students. Original Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EatiCLqGB9I
Distance Friday Flowers
Carleton College
A video about Carleton's tradition of Friday flowers, which was unable to happen due to remote learning. In the video, Carleton students, staff, and alumni shared Friday flowers in other ways. Original Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR_ZzqFTSl4
Fall Term 2020: An End of Term Message from President Poskanzer
Carleton College
President Steve Poskanzer thanks faculty, staff, and students for a safe fall term.
Honors Recognition 2020 Video
Carleton College
A virtual replacement for Carleton's annual Honors Convocation, which recognizes student achievement. The video features President Steve Poskanzer, Dean of the College Beverly Nagel, and Dean of Students Carolyn Livingston. Original Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y-Y4VyN2KY
Reflection assignments to better connect with students
Carleton College
As part of an ongoing series, the blog post discusses how Biology Professor Sarah Deel used a series of reflections that enabled her to better know her students, monitor how they were doing, and engage with them during a challenging time.
Virtual Opening Convocation 2020
Carleton College
Although we are not able to gather in person this year, we nonetheless mark this signal occasion as we begin a new academic year. A virtual Opening Convocation will be presented on the first day of classes (Monday, September 14) at 12:30 p.m. Central Time. It will feature remarks from President Poskanzer and a keynote address by Stacey Abrams. [Youtube description]
Humanities Center Student Research Partner (SRP) awards for 2020
Carleton College. History Department
The Humanities Center awarded three grants, however two of the projects that were funded will not be conducted during the summer of 2020 and instead will be pushed back to 2021.
MARS Spring Symposium
Carleton College. Medieval and Renaissance Studies
On May 29th at 5 pm CST a group of students and faculty who are associated with the Medieval Arts and Reinassince Studies Minor, organized a short round table discussion over several projects conducted by students over this past year.
Course design for resilience
Amy Csizmar Dalal
Computer Science Professor Amy Csizmar Dalal discusses her own process of working on her course for the fall and thinking through the resilient course design principles in this context.
Course design for resilience
Amy Csizmar Dalal
Computer Science Professor Amy Csizmar Dalal discusses her own process of working on her course for the fall and thinking through the resilient course design principles in this context.
Course design for resilience
Amy Csizmar Dalal
Computer Science Professor Amy Csizmar Dalal discusses her own process of working on her course for the fall and thinking through the resilient course design principles in this context.
Using badges to recognize engagement -- Part 2
Amy Csizmar Dalal
A LTC blog post that discusses how one faculty member implemented badges in her course. Linked as a resource on Modes of Engagement, Resilient Pedagogy.
Using badges to recognize engagement -- Part 2
Amy Csizmar Dalal
A LTC blog post that discusses how one faculty member implemented badges in her course. Linked as a resource on Modes of Engagement, Resilient Pedagogy.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.
Carleton Minecraft Server
Lucas Demetriades
The Carleton Minecraft server was started by Lucas Demetriades to provide members of the Carleton community with an opportunity to recreate their beloved places on Carleton's Campus.