Synchronous Interviews with Carleton Students
Synchronous Interviews with Carleton Students
Edgar Aguirre Interview (Video)
Edgar Aguirre and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Edgar Aguirre who remained on campus for the term. (He/Him/His/class of 2022/Economics/Bronx, NY/Northfield, MN)
Anonymous Carleton Student Interview (Audio)
Anonymous Carleton Student
This is an interview with an Anonymous Carleton student who remains on campus during the pandemic. (She\Her\Hers/class of 2022/Mathematics/China/On-campus)
Daniel Ashurst Interview (Video)
Daniel Ashurst and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Daniel Ashurst who spent the term at his family's home in Alabama. (He/Him/His/class of 2022/Art History/Montgomery, Alabama/Montgomery, Alabama)
Bryn Battani Interview (Video)
Bryn Battani and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Bryn Battani who lived with her family in Austin, Texas for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2023/Undecided/Austin, TX /Austin, TX)
Nicolas Bell Interview (Video)
Nicolas Bell and Marcella Lees
This is an interview with Nicolas Bell who lived with his family in Boulder, Colorado for the entire term. (He/Him/His/class of 2023/Undecided/Boulder, CO/Boulder, CO)
Indigo Bistrup-Peterson Interview (Video)
Indigo Bistrup-Peterson and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Indigo Bistrup-Peterson who spent the term with her family in Milaca, Minnesota. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2023/Undecided/Milaca, MN/Milaca, MN)
Grace Brindle Interview (Video)
Grace Brindle and Miyuki Mihira
This is an interview with Grace Brindle who lived with her family in Westfield, New Jersey for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2021/History; Minor: Digital Arts & Humanities/Westfield, NJ/Westfield, NJ)
Palina Buchanan Interview (Video)
Palina Buchanan and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Palina Buchanan who lived with her roommate in Charlotte, North Carolina. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2022/Music & American Studies/ Stanwood, WA/Charlotte, NC)
Sally Chen Interview (Video)
Sally Chen and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Sally Chen who spent the term by herself in an apartment in Northfield, MN. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2021/Asian Studies/Bangkok, Thailand/Northfield, MN)
Nicole Connell Interview (Video)
Nicole Connell and Marcella Lees
This is an interview with Nicole Connell who lived with her family in Evanston, Illinois for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2020/History/ Evanston, IL/ Evanston, IL)
Lucy Cui Interview (Video)
Lucy Cui and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Lucy Cui who spent most of the term on campus, but is moving to live with her boyfriend for finals and the summer. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2022/Biology/Shenyang, China /Northfield, MN, and Florida)
Quincy D'Alessio Interview (Video)
Quincy D'Alessio and Marcella Lees
This is an interview with Quincy D'Alessio who returned to her family's new home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2020/Psychology/Chapel Hill, NC/Chapel Hill, NC)
Raven Dawson Interview (Video)
Raven Dawson and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Raven Dawson who lived with his family in Leavenworth, Washington for the entire term. (He/Him/His/class of 2022/Physics/Leavenworth, WA /Leavenworth, WA)
William Dudarov Interview (Video)
William Dudarov and Clara Posner
This is an interview with William Dudarov who remained on campus for the first part of the term and then drove 26 hours back to his home in Everett, Washington. (He/Him/His/class of 2022/Mathematics & Computer Science/Everett, WA/Northfield, MN and Everett, WA)
Keyra English Interview (Video)
Keyra English and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Keyra English who lived with family in Chicago for the entire term. (Class of 2022/Cinema and Media Studies/Chicago, IL /Chicago, IL)
Andrew Farias Interview (Video)
Andrew Farias and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Andrew Farias who remained on campus for the entire term. (He/Him/His/class of 2021/Environmental Studies and Political Science/Houston, TX/Northfield, Minnesota)
Tyrell Floyd Interview (Video)
Tyrell Floyd and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Tyrell Floyd who was planning to live in Michigan with a friend, but due to a last minute changed ended up living in a share dorm in Minneapolis, MN. (Class of 2021/Studio Art/Salt City,UT/Northfield, MN and Minneapolis, MN)
Skyelar Ginsberg Interview (Video)
Skyelar Ginsberg and Marcella Lees
This is an interview with Skyelar Ginsberg who lived with her family in Eugene, Oregon for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2020/Music/Eugene, OR/ Eugene, OR)
Darius Goodman Interview (Video)
Darius Goodman and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Darius Goodman who lived with his family in Houston, Texas for the entire term. (He/Him/His/class of 2023/Undecided/Houston, TX/Houston, TX)
Clarissa Guzman Interview (Video)
Clarissa Guzman and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Clarissa Guzman who spent the term with her family in Sunnyvale, California. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2022/Sociology and Anthropology/Sunnyvale, CA/Sunnyvale, CA)
Gray Harrison Interview (Video)
Gray Harrison and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Gray Harrison who lived with her family in Lyme, New Hampshire. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2021/English/Lyme, NH/Lyme, NH)
Karah Haug Interview (Video)
Karah Haug and Marcella Lees
This is an interview with Karah Haug who lived with her family in Rapid City, South Dakota for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2021/Dance and Environmental Studies/Rapid City, SD/Rapid City, SD)
Xueqi He (Sue) Interview (Video)
Sue He and Miyuki Mihira
This is an interview with Xueqi He (Sue) who returned to China for the entire term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2022/Linguistics/ Beijing, China/ Beijing, China)
Alison Hong Interview (Transcription)
Alison Hong
This is an interview with Alison Hong who remained on campus for the first half of the spring term and stays in California for the rest of the term. (She/Her/Hers/class of 2022/Cinema and Media Studies/Hangzhou, China/On-campus - California)
Mashnoon Ibtesum Interview (Transcription)
Mashnoon Ibtesum and Clara Posner
This is an interview with Mashnoon Ibtesum who started the term living with his roommate in Rochester, Minnesota and then moved into an apartment in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (He/Him/His/class of 2021/Computer Science & Studio Art/NYC/Rochester, MN and Minneapolis, MN)