Personal Stories
Personal stories from people in their own words. Some of the stories are from members of the Carleton submitted in response to certain questions. Other interviews were collected and include both Carleton community members and beyond.
Teaching During Covid
Rita Guritz
A high school teacher shares her experience of the pandemic, and the challenges of teaching remotely.
Interview with Shinsuke Adachi (Transcription)
Shinsuke Adachi
This is a transcription of an interview with Shinsuke Adachi, a Carleton student from Japan. In this interview, Shinsuke Adachi explains their difficulty remaining concentrated and motivated while taking online classes while staying in Tokyo.
Spring Term as a Senior in Quarantine
Anonymous Carleton Senior (Class of 2020)
In this interview, a senior explains current life in Northfield and addresses her mindset shift regarding the end of her Carleton experience.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
2020 a year that no one could predict
Anonymous Carleton Staff Member
Photo Descriptions: Registrar's Office July 31, 2020 (with winter decorations still up). Playing with Strangers from NY in Mexico 2 weeks before lockdown.
A Carleton Student's Story
Anonymous Carleton Student
Oral history provided by a current Carleton student regarding their individual and family experience in quarantine due to COVID-19.
Carleton Isn't Going To, And Then They Did
Anonymous Carleton Student
This item is a transcribed interview of a current Carleton student, addressing the international spread of the pandemic, social isolation, and social barriers despite being in the age of technology.
Carleton Student's Experience Being An Only Child In Quarantine
Anonymous Carleton Student
Current Carleton student explains how quarantine has impacted her personal relationships.
Current Student's Deep Reflections on Life During and After the Pandemic
Anonymous Carleton Student
In this interview, a Carleton student reflects on what they miss about life at school, the benefits of solidarity, their privilege (stable family), other students' losses, connections to previous historic events, and explains their father's role as an infectious disease doctor, all culminating in total uncertainty for the future.
First Year Cut Short: A Carleton Student's Experience
Anonymous Carleton Student
This interview of a current first year at Carleton touches on the difficulties of learning via technology and lacking in person connections that many students take for granted. Additionally, this student explains her family dynamics and others she has heard of.
Having to Say Goodbye: Recent Carleton Graduate's Reflections
Anonymous Carleton Student
This item is a transcription of an interview of a Carleton senior who recently graduated (after winter 2020). She reflects on the end of winter term and the rush to say goodbye to everyone. Additionally, she details what she is grateful for and puts the end of her Carleton experience in perspective.
Student's Experience Being Away From Friends and Campus Life
Anonymous Carleton Student
This item is a mini interview with a current Carleton student, addressing both positive and negative aspects of this pandemic and how relationships have been impacted.
Testimony From a Student Still On Campus
Anonymous Carleton Student
A current Carleton student tells their experience of living on campus.
Experiences of a Teenage Nursing Home Assistant
Anonymous Minnesota High School Student
This mini interview details a high schooler's experience continuing to work in a nursing home during the pandemic. This interview highlights her relationships with the residents, precautions being taken to remain safe, and her personal enjoyment continuing to work and doing something meaningful.
Lucas Demetriades Interview (Transcription)
Lucas Demetriades
This is a transription of an interview with Lucas Demetriades '22. The interview covers Lucas's thoughts about the pandemic and the history of Carleton's Minecraft server.
Unanticipated changes....gained perspective and coping strengths
Phyllis Dixon
An account by a Carleton staff member on the pandemic's impact on work, and the benefits and challenges of remote work.
New Normal
Jackie Flynn
An account by a Carleton staff member on how the pandemic has changed different aspects of life.
My Mom Passed Away During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Deonne Gray
An experience of death at a hospital and in association with a senior living community during the pandemic.
An Interview with a Chinese student at Carleton College staying on campus (Wenxuan He)
Wenxuan He
A transcription of an interview with Wenxuan He, a Chinese Carleton student who stayed on campus during spring 2020.
Chankyung Jung Survey responses
Chankyung Jung
Chankyung Jung, a Korean student at St Olaf College, describes his struggles with virtual learning at home.
Bo Min Kang Survey Responses
Bo Min Kang
A survey answered by a Korean student studying at University of the Arts London (UAL).