The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

Browse comps and student work by academic department.


Graduated in 2014

Annika Lea Hakala Ord, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Sea ice: A dynamic mediator of biotic carbon cycling in Polar Regions

Allison Lynn Parker, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, An Application of the Contact Hypothesis to a Novel Population: Sex Offenders

Joseph Herman Pedtke, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Output during Different Periods of the Business Cycle: Evidence from the United States

MacKenzie A. C. Persen, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Provenance of pebbles from the Kataboi Member of the Nachukui Formation near the Turkwel River, Turkana Basin, Kenya

Ha Thao Pham, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Effects of Personality on Wages in Germany

Amelia Piazza, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, The Light Gets Brighter: Millennialism, Bureaucracy, and Rationalism in Jehovah's Witness Devotion

Rebecca Ruth Plotnick, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, Is There a Context Effect for the Identification of Brand Logos

Soon Kai Poh, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, Applications of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Art Conservation

Soon Kai Poh, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Build Carleton I

Dylan Robert Powell, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Generation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons by Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells

Emma Ruth Purfeerst, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Stem cells and Wnt signaling: Implications for the treatment of abnormal neural crest development

Anna Grace Quinlan, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Interkingdom Signaling in Stress

Rashed Rab, Biology (BIOL) 2014, A Controlled Mechanism of Cell Cycle Progression: Ubiquitin- mediated Degradation of CDKN1B/p27

Mariah Josephine Radue, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Three-dimensional fabric analysis and deformation of the South Mountain anticline, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Jennifer Marie Ramey, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Gender, not Religiosity, Predicts Differences in Conventional Morality Responses in Undergraduate Students

Emma Farmer Rapperport, History (HIST) 2014, Keeping the Link to the Land: Liberty Hyde Bailey, 4-H, Girl Scouts, and the Transition from the Pioneer Era into Industrial Modernity

Madeline Leigh Reynolds, English (ENGL) 2014, And so my words were seeds of misery: The Efficacy of Political Poetry in Percy Bysshe Shelley's The Triumph of Life

Nicole Moriah Rhodes, Linguistics (LING) 2014, Clitic and Suffixes are Different: Accounting for one side of Turkish suspended affixation

Brianna Joy Rick, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Provenance of the Chugach-Prince William terrane through U/Pb dating of detrital zircons, Baranof Island, SE Alaska

Eli Nathaniel Robiner, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, Within and Apart: Experiences of Home, Community, and Belonging in Retirement Institutions

Sarah Louise Robinson, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, Ambivalent Embodiment: Body Image Conflict, Resistance, and Cultivation at Carleton College

Leah Rosenstiel, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Socialization of Party Identification

Jonathon Logan Rowe, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Stress and Memory: Can Stressed Induced State-Dependency Overcome the Negative Effects of Stress at Retrieval?

Gabriel Rudin, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Conceptual Frontier: Problematizing Security Issues in the U.S. Arctic (And Its Implications for International Circumpolar Relations in the 21st Century)

Galen Berdelle Ryan, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Legitimacy of a "Sex Addiction" Diagnosis

Cole Alexander Rystedt, Economics (ECON) 2014, Do Right-to-Work Laws Really Matter? An Analysis of Right-to-Work Legislation and its Impact on Union Membership

William Paul Schedl, Classical Languages (CLAS) 2014, St. Augustine's Monsters: Monsters and Demons in the Writings of St. Augustine

Tessa Elenore Schmidt, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Underwater Vertigo Caused by Looking Up

Kailey Gene Schumacher, English (ENGL) 2014, Strength to speak and act the truth: Social Justice through Christian Community in Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth, Mary Barton, and North and South

Marty Jelin Schwarz, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Nature As Clockmaker

Indigo Vesper Scott, History (HIST) 2014, Of Mountains and Men: Oxygen, Risk, and Authenticity on Everest

Caley Fox Shannon, French (FREN) 2014, Un nègre particulier parmi l’universel : L’Écriture et la vie politique d’Aimé Césaire

Nina Jay Shapiro, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, We are the "Hach Winik:" Politics of Representation and the "True" Lacandon People

Samantha Lipson Sharpe, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Evolutionary and ecological consequences of polyploidy in biological invasions

Ashley Victoria Shaw, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, A Day In Memory

Yichen Shen, Economics (ECON) 2014, Interest Rate Pass-through and Capital Market Development: An Empirical Analysis

Danny William Shields, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Impact of the Competitive Balance Tax on Major League Baseball: Does the Luxury Tax actually work?

Andrew William Shulman, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, It Takes More Than Just a Handshake: An Examination of Socio-Cultural Institutions within an Intentional Sustainable Tree House Community in Costa Rica

Jonah Lee Simonds, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Seeing North Korea Cleary: 5 Steps to a Better U.S. Foreign Policy

Anne Pender Sledd, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Ultraslow and Stopped Electromagnetic Waves: The Cheater's Guide to Going Faster Than Light

Cameron Eldridge Bacon Smith, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Biological Control of Cotton Aphids in Bt Cotton Systems Requires Additional Management Considerations Beyond Reducing Insecticide Use

Margaret Boas Smythe, Art History (ARTH) 2014, The Rise, the Fall, the Rise: Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia, and the Pursuit of the Best

Julia Elizabeth Snyder, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Home

Milana Lauren Socha, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Complexities of Aging Mussels from the Cannon River

Angel Solis, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Binding NEMO: Analyzing the Role of Ubiquitin in NF-κB Activation by TNFɑ

R. Cameron Stahl, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut Microbiota Contribute to the Regulation of Cellular Inflammation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety/Depression: A review of current literature.

Joe Forrest Steigmeyer, English (ENGL) 2014, Finding Coherence in a Disjointed Reality: The First-Person Portrayal of Dementia in Contemporary Fiction

Maria Carson Sterrett, Biology (BIOL) 2014, IT's A GUT FEELING: Analyzing the "balancing act" between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesions during Enteric Neural Crest Cell migration

David Ascher Stillerman, Economics (ECON) 2014, Punishment Past the Cell: An Analysis of Employment and Earnings of Ex-Offenders

Isaama Marian Stoll, Religion (RELG) 2014, Choosing Not to Be Chosen: Reconceptualizing Jewish Chosenness in Modernity

Helen King Strnad, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The potential for cannabinoids to provide neuroprotection against microglia-­mediated neurotoxicity

Helen King Strnad, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, Un encuentro con el mal: el poder revelador del género policial

Evan Samuel Summers, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, The Roots of Development: Positive Peace

Yan Sun, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Fourier Analysis in Hilbert Space and An Introduction to Abstract Linear Operator Theory

Yan Sun, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Nuclear Fusion

Kaopuanani Nani O Kao Sutton, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Exploration of Groundwater Resources in Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii

Leia Weikam Swanson, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Semaphorins and Cardiac Neural Crest Cell Migration: A Role in Targeting the Outflow Tract and Normal Outflow Tract Septation in the Developing Heart.

Kelsey Rose Swyter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The effect of malarial co-infection on mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the placenta

Kayla Yuen Yee Tam, English (ENGL) 2014, Women as Satellites: Androcentrism and Misogyny in Huxley and Orwell's Dystopias

Jackson Tears, Physics (PHYS) 2014, The Colliding Universe

Tiantian Teng, Economics (ECON) 2014, The impact of national debt on economic growth

Elayne Patrice Teska, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Psychotherapeutic Treatments for ADHD: Analysis of Parental Perceptions for Parent Behavior Training

Mikiko Tokuhira, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, [Untitled]

Michael Paul Tolan, Classics (CLST) 2014, Beyond Fury: Representations of Monstrosity in Statius' Thebaid

Yuki Tominaga, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, The Power of Public Opinion and Renewables Policy in Japan

Hannah Arnold Tremblay, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The effect of pollinator loss on plant species diversity in nested and non- nested plant-pollinator interaction networks

Julius F. Tsai, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, A Review of The Methods For Reducing The Effects of Stereotype Threat In The Classroom

Hannah Marie Tuggle, Art History (ARTH) 2014, The Art of Liminality: Displacement, Identity, and Resistance in the work of Ana Mendieta, Mona Hatoum, and Berni Searle

Pachee Vang, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, Perception of Hmong Identity: From Rural Hmong Village (Tharn Thong) to the City of Chiang Mai

Mo Vue, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, The Land of Opportunity: An Exploration of Recent Refugees' Educational Experiences in Minnesota

Laura Rose Wadleigh, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Information Theory in Physics

Chelsea Anna Wagner, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Paleomagnetic constraints on the location of a fossil spreading ridge in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus

Malia Wagner, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, The Food Served to Us Was Very Familiar: Food, Gender, and Identity in Manzanar Incarceration Camp

Sarah Ann Walz, English (ENGL) 2014, Pauses

Huaiyu Wang, Economics (ECON) 2014, To Work or Not to Work: That is the question. An Intergenerational Approach to Female Labor Market Behavior

Cameron Joseph Webb, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Distribution and geologic analysis of the indoor geohazard of radon gas in Clark County, Washington

Winona Weindling, Political Science (POSC) 2014, School Choice as a Method of Reducing the Achievement Gap: Comparing the Effectiveness of Desegregation Programs and Charter Schools

Matt Weinstein, American Studies (AMST) 2014, Strength through Love: Utilizing syncretism and pluralism to build broad political consensus

Canaan Ashely West, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Losing a Friend in Adolescence

Reid Mahlon Whitaker, Alissa Severson, Aaron Buckley, Kate Richards, Scott Laurence Erickson, Ben Truax, and Emma Helen Southgate, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, Started From the Genome Now We're Here: Functional Annotation of Enzymes

Hannah White, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Picture Start

Bettina Sarah Wiesenthal, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Facebook Use in Relation to Life Satisfaction and Mindfulness: Is Facebook Distracting Us from Life's Everyday Perks?

Madison S. Willert, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Coral to Macroalgae: Phase Shifts Facilitated by Algal and Anthropogenic Stressors

Daniela Megan Williams-Condor, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, Narrando lo inimaginable, lo indecible: Encuentros con lo abyecto en las narrativas centroamericanas de posguerra

Claire Mariah Wilson, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Forest ecosystem carbon dynamics following the loss of a tree species

Erin Hillary Wilson, Computer Science (CS), Biology (BIOL) 2014, A benchmark standard for predicting the gene targets of chemical perturbants

Christopher Andrew Wong, Philosophy (PHIL) 2014, Health Care is not a Human Right: The Principle of Non-Interference and Alternative Rights to Health Care

Jessica Wu, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut microbiota and Autism: The role of propionic acid in inflammation and intestinal permeability

Kia X. Yang and Daniel Motta, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Examining the Effects of Expectancy Confirmation and Stereotype Threat on Student Academic Performance

Shanna Xue Yang, Biology (BIOL) 2014, You Are What Eat You: Gut Microbes In Diet-Induced Obesity

Kyohei Yazawa, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Nietzsche's God: Questions Concerning Values in Nietzsche's Philosophy

Mignote Yirdaw and Zainab Wadia, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Examining Theory of Mind in the Context of Sharing Behaviors in Three-to-Five-Year-Old Children

Eleanor W. Youngblood, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Plant physiological responses to altered nitrogen availability

Cody James Young, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Federal Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler Fails to Improve Housing Prices in Proximate Municipal Economies

Janghun Yun, Political Science (POSC) 2014, ¿Qué es el Kirchnerismo?: Interpreting Political Economy of Kirchnerismo (2003- 2013) Based on Elements of Contemporary Populism

Evia Lee Zack, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Elements of Intentional Communication in Cotton-Top Tamarin Calling Behavior

Kaiyue Zhou, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, The Light Series

Joshua Edward Zoellmer, Geology (GEOL) 2014, An evaluation of EO-1 Hyperion data in mapping surficial geology near Loiyangalani, Northern Kenya

Graduated in 2013

Michelle Abecasis, Art History (ARTH) 2013, Freedom in the Land of Hitler: Art Under Exile in the Nazi Regime

David Matthew Abel, Philosophy (PHIL) 2013, Toward the Defense of Hypercomputation