The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2014

Maureen Jennings Kahn, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Constraining exhumation using zircon (U-Th)/He dating in the Sawtooth and White Cloud Mountains, Idaho

Woody Kaine, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, The Low Place

Ella Jensen Kampelman, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Internal Structures

Shamir Amir Kansakar, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Material Exploration: Daily Enlightenment

Shamir Amir Kansakar, Biology (BIOL) 2014, NK Cell: Receptor ligand interaction for immune-tolerance in pregnancy

Clara Elizabeth Kappelman, Biology (BIOL) 2014, HLA-G-mediated immunomodulation at the fetomaternal interface permits successful growth of the semi-allogeneic fetus

Kelly Elizabeth Kapsar, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Trait mediated interactions among sympatric carnivores and their effect on behaviorally mediated trophic cascades

Rebecca Erin Katz, Japanese (JAPN) 2014, It's A Small World After All: Is Tokyo Disneyland a Manifestation of Cultural Imperialism in Japan?

Wataru Kay, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Dopamine Pathway Development during Puberty in Female Rats: Understanding the Organizational Impact of Ovarian Hormones

Michael Lederer Kellner, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Effects of Cause Marketing on Taste Perception

Truc Anh Thi Kieu, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, I Don't Feel Old: Negotiating Multiple Meanings of Aging through Feminist Oral Histories of Older Women in the Twin Cities

Elizabeth Ann Kimberly, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Aggradation and Avulsions: A Case Study of a Carbon River Floodplain, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Hyungjun Kim, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system pathway in JA and GA signaling and response regulating plant development and defense

Naeh Lyron Klages-Mundt, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in forming ionizing radiation-induced foci at DNA double-strand breaks

Carissa Mai-Ping Knipe, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Metaflora

Jonathan Michael Knowles, Biology (BIOL) 2014, UPS degradation of IR and IRS in the develpment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Eva Hirsh Koeller, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Relationship between Maternal and Fetal Nutrition and its Role in the Developmental Origins of Disease

Emily Susan Kolenbrander, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Intercellular communication is required for collective migration in neural crest cells

Arielle Koshkin, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Is The Maternal-Fetal Conflict Hypothesis a Driver of Placental Evolution? Analysis of Interdigitation, Invasiveness, Brain Allometry and Life History Strategies of Eutherian Mammals

Duncan Krisa, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Physical Implementations of Digital Logic

Emily Margaret Lamberty, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, All He Knows is Coca: Decolonization and Indigeneity in Post-Neoliberal Bolivia--Interplays Between Policy and Culture

Ryan LeVan Lawrence, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Geochemistry of the Early Eocene Coast Range Volcanic Province, Pacific Northwestern United States, and Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction

Claire Hallett Leichter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Importance of Decidual Natural Killer Cells in Spiral Artery Remodeling During First Trimester Pregnancy

Yuqing Lin, Economics (ECON) 2014, Exchange Rate Risk on Stock Market: Evidence from 2008 Financial Crisis

Lucy Fay Livesay, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Deformation bands in the Etchegoin Formation at Parkfield: Implications for stresses on the San Andreas Fault in Central California

Anne Lombardi, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, ¿Esfuerzo benéfico o esfuerzo político?: Un estudio de los niños durante la Guerra Civil Española y los países y organizaciones benéficas que les ayudaron

Edward William Lozier, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, The Progression of Graphene Functionalization: The Covalent Attachment of Fullerenes to Graphene for Use in Photovoltaic Solar Cells

Erik Zachary Madsen-Bond, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, The Capabilities of Parrots: A Theoretical Grounding for the Necessity of Changing the Human Development Index

Emily Suzanne Manahan, Linguistics (LING) 2014, At the College was Performed an Experiment: An Analysis of Locative Inversion and Unaccusativity

Annette Martin, Philosophy (PHIL) 2014, Truth and Proof: Defending a Provability Account of Mathematical Truth in Light of Godel's First Incompleteness Theorem

Ariane Rebecca Mass, English (ENGL) 2014, Ventriloquated

Jillian Gelbard Mattern, Religion (RELG) 2014, Mothers in Sin and Salvation: Examining Agency in Mizuko Kuyō and Women's Use of the Blood Bowl Sūtra

Katherine Elinor Maxeiner, Religion (RELG) 2014, Heirs of the Prophets: Knowledge and Authority in "Al-Jumuah" Magazine

Austen Learman McBain, Japanese (JAPN) 2014, Hatsune Miku and the "Sound of the Future:" How a Single Voice is Revolutionizing the Japanese Idol Industry

Karen Sue McCleary, Linguistics (LING) 2014, Pardon My French: Loanword Pronunciation and Language Prestige

Ellen Jaret McKinstry, History (HIST) 2014, Depictions of Discord: Contemporary Images of Historical Memory in the Sectarian Murals of Belfast, Northern Ireland

Megan A. Meads, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Comparing The Effects of Internal and External Expressions of Felt Luck on Performance

Eric David Meehl, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Humanity, Mathematics, and the Nature of Reality

Arielle Melum, Gena Roisum, and Haley Woodward, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Considering new approaches to reducing recidivism: Alternative therapies in prisons

Jacob Elliot Meyers, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Working Memory & Executive Functions in Media Multitaskers

Gregory Michel, Kailee Rubin, Ben Caffrey, and Steegh Jonathan Ver, Mathematics (MATH) 2014, Baxter Permutations, Snow Leopard Permutations, and Domino Tilings of Aztec Diamonds

Annaliese Meu Lan Minette, Theater Arts (THEA) 2014, Ordinary ... But Beautiful

Julia Clare Moen, Courtney Dufford, and Young-Eun (Amber) Kim, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2014, Implementing (Waste)water Treatment Alternatives: A Comparative Case Study of Small Town Decision-making

Micah Benjamin Muhr, Economics (ECON) 2014, Shooting to Win: An Analysis of the Effects of Team Performance Metrics on Winning in the NBA Playoffs and the Regular Reason

Sameera Nalla, History (HIST) 2014, Family Planning in India: The Fundamental Disconnect Between the Elite and the Poor

Frederick James Neher, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Impaired clearance or over induction: The role of AMPK and mTOR in control of autophagy in Alzheimer's Disease

Chloe Nelson, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Petrography and Thermobarometry of a Metamorphosed Sedimentary Screen associated with the Western Idaho Shear Zone, West Mountain, Idaho

Emily Christine Ness, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Parkin in the Disposal of Proteins

Hai Quoc Nguyen, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Neuroregenerative Capabilities of the Nervous System

Anna Catherine Nisi, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Top predator effects on spatial heterogeneity: A potential mechanism for biodiversity maintenance

Clara Marie Valyi Nulty, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Water, Interrupted

Marika Kaitlin O'Connor Grant, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Steady Ground to Stand on: Properly Grounding the Right to Abortion in the United States Constitution's Equal Protection Clause

Tanwaporn Watanaporn Ohl, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, This is Leech Lake

Annika Lea Hakala Ord, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Sea ice: A dynamic mediator of biotic carbon cycling in Polar Regions

Allison Lynn Parker, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, An Application of the Contact Hypothesis to a Novel Population: Sex Offenders

Joseph Herman Pedtke, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Output during Different Periods of the Business Cycle: Evidence from the United States

MacKenzie A. C. Persen, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Provenance of pebbles from the Kataboi Member of the Nachukui Formation near the Turkwel River, Turkana Basin, Kenya

Ha Thao Pham, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Effects of Personality on Wages in Germany

Amelia Piazza, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, The Light Gets Brighter: Millennialism, Bureaucracy, and Rationalism in Jehovah's Witness Devotion

Rebecca Ruth Plotnick, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2014, Is There a Context Effect for the Identification of Brand Logos

Soon Kai Poh, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, Applications of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Art Conservation

Soon Kai Poh, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Build Carleton I

Dylan Robert Powell, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Generation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons by Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells

Emma Ruth Purfeerst, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Stem cells and Wnt signaling: Implications for the treatment of abnormal neural crest development

Anna Grace Quinlan, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Interkingdom Signaling in Stress

Rashed Rab, Biology (BIOL) 2014, A Controlled Mechanism of Cell Cycle Progression: Ubiquitin- mediated Degradation of CDKN1B/p27

Mariah Josephine Radue, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Three-dimensional fabric analysis and deformation of the South Mountain anticline, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

Jennifer Marie Ramey, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Gender, not Religiosity, Predicts Differences in Conventional Morality Responses in Undergraduate Students

Emma Farmer Rapperport, History (HIST) 2014, Keeping the Link to the Land: Liberty Hyde Bailey, 4-H, Girl Scouts, and the Transition from the Pioneer Era into Industrial Modernity

Madeline Leigh Reynolds, English (ENGL) 2014, And so my words were seeds of misery: The Efficacy of Political Poetry in Percy Bysshe Shelley's The Triumph of Life

Nicole Moriah Rhodes, Linguistics (LING) 2014, Clitic and Suffixes are Different: Accounting for one side of Turkish suspended affixation

Brianna Joy Rick, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Provenance of the Chugach-Prince William terrane through U/Pb dating of detrital zircons, Baranof Island, SE Alaska

Eli Nathaniel Robiner, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, Within and Apart: Experiences of Home, Community, and Belonging in Retirement Institutions

Sarah Louise Robinson, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, Ambivalent Embodiment: Body Image Conflict, Resistance, and Cultivation at Carleton College

Leah Rosenstiel, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Socialization of Party Identification

Jonathon Logan Rowe, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Stress and Memory: Can Stressed Induced State-Dependency Overcome the Negative Effects of Stress at Retrieval?

Gabriel Rudin, Political Science (POSC) 2014, The Conceptual Frontier: Problematizing Security Issues in the U.S. Arctic (And Its Implications for International Circumpolar Relations in the 21st Century)

Galen Berdelle Ryan, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, The Legitimacy of a "Sex Addiction" Diagnosis

Cole Alexander Rystedt, Economics (ECON) 2014, Do Right-to-Work Laws Really Matter? An Analysis of Right-to-Work Legislation and its Impact on Union Membership

William Paul Schedl, Classical Languages (CLAS) 2014, St. Augustine's Monsters: Monsters and Demons in the Writings of St. Augustine

Tessa Elenore Schmidt, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Underwater Vertigo Caused by Looking Up

Kailey Gene Schumacher, English (ENGL) 2014, Strength to speak and act the truth: Social Justice through Christian Community in Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth, Mary Barton, and North and South

Marty Jelin Schwarz, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Nature As Clockmaker

Indigo Vesper Scott, History (HIST) 2014, Of Mountains and Men: Oxygen, Risk, and Authenticity on Everest

Caley Fox Shannon, French (FREN) 2014, Un nègre particulier parmi l’universel : L’Écriture et la vie politique d’Aimé Césaire

Nina Jay Shapiro, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, We are the "Hach Winik:" Politics of Representation and the "True" Lacandon People

Samantha Lipson Sharpe, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Evolutionary and ecological consequences of polyploidy in biological invasions

Ashley Victoria Shaw, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, A Day In Memory

Yichen Shen, Economics (ECON) 2014, Interest Rate Pass-through and Capital Market Development: An Empirical Analysis

Danny William Shields, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Impact of the Competitive Balance Tax on Major League Baseball: Does the Luxury Tax actually work?

Andrew William Shulman, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2014, It Takes More Than Just a Handshake: An Examination of Socio-Cultural Institutions within an Intentional Sustainable Tree House Community in Costa Rica

Jonah Lee Simonds, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2014, Seeing North Korea Cleary: 5 Steps to a Better U.S. Foreign Policy

Anne Pender Sledd, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Ultraslow and Stopped Electromagnetic Waves: The Cheater's Guide to Going Faster Than Light

Cameron Eldridge Bacon Smith, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Biological Control of Cotton Aphids in Bt Cotton Systems Requires Additional Management Considerations Beyond Reducing Insecticide Use

Margaret Boas Smythe, Art History (ARTH) 2014, The Rise, the Fall, the Rise: Thomas Eakins, Philadelphia, and the Pursuit of the Best

Julia Elizabeth Snyder, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, Home

Milana Lauren Socha, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Complexities of Aging Mussels from the Cannon River

Angel Solis, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Binding NEMO: Analyzing the Role of Ubiquitin in NF-κB Activation by TNFɑ

R. Cameron Stahl, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut Microbiota Contribute to the Regulation of Cellular Inflammation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety/Depression: A review of current literature.

Joe Forrest Steigmeyer, English (ENGL) 2014, Finding Coherence in a Disjointed Reality: The First-Person Portrayal of Dementia in Contemporary Fiction