Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2014
Laura Rose Wadleigh, Physics (PHYS) 2014, Information Theory in Physics
Chelsea Anna Wagner, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Paleomagnetic constraints on the location of a fossil spreading ridge in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
Malia Wagner, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2014, The Food Served to Us Was Very Familiar: Food, Gender, and Identity in Manzanar Incarceration Camp
Sarah Ann Walz, English (ENGL) 2014, Pauses
Huaiyu Wang, Economics (ECON) 2014, To Work or Not to Work: That is the question. An Intergenerational Approach to Female Labor Market Behavior
Cameron Joseph Webb, Geology (GEOL) 2014, Distribution and geologic analysis of the indoor geohazard of radon gas in Clark County, Washington
Winona Weindling, Political Science (POSC) 2014, School Choice as a Method of Reducing the Achievement Gap: Comparing the Effectiveness of Desegregation Programs and Charter Schools
Matt Weinstein, American Studies (AMST) 2014, Strength through Love: Utilizing syncretism and pluralism to build broad political consensus
Canaan Ashely West, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Losing a Friend in Adolescence
Reid Mahlon Whitaker, Alissa Severson, Aaron Buckley, Kate Richards, Scott Laurence Erickson, Ben Truax, and Emma Helen Southgate, Chemistry (CHEM) 2014, Started From the Genome Now We're Here: Functional Annotation of Enzymes
Hannah White, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2014, Picture Start
Bettina Sarah Wiesenthal, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Facebook Use in Relation to Life Satisfaction and Mindfulness: Is Facebook Distracting Us from Life's Everyday Perks?
Madison S. Willert, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Coral to Macroalgae: Phase Shifts Facilitated by Algal and Anthropogenic Stressors
Daniela Megan Williams-Condor, Spanish (SPAN) 2014, Narrando lo inimaginable, lo indecible: Encuentros con lo abyecto en las narrativas centroamericanas de posguerra
Claire Mariah Wilson, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Forest ecosystem carbon dynamics following the loss of a tree species
Erin Hillary Wilson, Computer Science (CS); Biology (BIOL) 2014, A benchmark standard for predicting the gene targets of chemical perturbants
Christopher Andrew Wong, Philosophy (PHIL) 2014, Health Care is not a Human Right: The Principle of Non-Interference and Alternative Rights to Health Care
Jessica Wu, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut microbiota and Autism: The role of propionic acid in inflammation and intestinal permeability
Kia X. Yang and Daniel Motta, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Examining the Effects of Expectancy Confirmation and Stereotype Threat on Student Academic Performance
Shanna Xue Yang, Biology (BIOL) 2014, You Are What Eat You: Gut Microbes In Diet-Induced Obesity
Kyohei Yazawa, Political Science (POSC) 2014, Nietzsche's God: Questions Concerning Values in Nietzsche's Philosophy
Mignote Yirdaw and Zainab Wadia, Psychology (PSYC) 2014, Examining Theory of Mind in the Context of Sharing Behaviors in Three-to-Five-Year-Old Children
Eleanor W. Youngblood, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Plant physiological responses to altered nitrogen availability
Cody James Young, Economics (ECON) 2014, The Federal Bailout of General Motors and Chrysler Fails to Improve Housing Prices in Proximate Municipal Economies
Janghun Yun, Political Science (POSC) 2014, ¿QueÌ es el Kirchnerismo?: Interpreting Political Economy of Kirchnerismo (2003- 2013) Based on Elements of Contemporary Populism
Evia Lee Zack, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Elements of Intentional Communication in Cotton-Top Tamarin Calling Behavior
Kaiyue Zhou, Studio Art (ARTS) 2014, The Light Series
Joshua Edward Zoellmer, Geology (GEOL) 2014, An evaluation of EO-1 Hyperion data in mapping surficial geology near Loiyangalani, Northern Kenya
Graduated in 2013
Michelle Abecasis, Art History (ARTH) 2013, Freedom in the Land of Hitler: Art Under Exile in the Nazi Regime
David Matthew Abel, Philosophy (PHIL) 2013, Toward the Defense of Hypercomputation
Natalie Helene Abshez, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Comprehensive Project
Matthew Charles Adams, Physics (PHYS) 2013, Flipping Bits and Spinning Disks: The Physics of Computer Memory
Matthew Charles Adams, Michael David Domingues, Rhys William Lindmark, Michael Jacob Reardon, Tung Nguyen Viet Phan, and Alexander Willis Voorhees, Computer Science (CS) 2013, PyLearn: A Python Interpreter for Beginners
Emily Erickson Ager, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Gluttony goes (anti)viral: Neuronal autophagy as a noncytolytic mechanism for viral clearance during neurotropic viral infection
Hye Mi Ahn, Political Science (POSC) 2013, Hegemonic Bullying: Pursuit of Bilateral Immunity Agreements
Lauren Ann Alexander, Religion (RELG) 2013, Talk of Rites and Talk of Rights: Circumcision, Freedom, and the Difficulty of Human Rights Discourse
Sarah Katharine Allan, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Estrogen, Testosterone, and Bone Health: Challenging Perceived Sex Biases in Osteoporosis
Benjamin Avi Altshuler, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2013, The Puzzle Puzzle: A Cross-disciplinary Approach
Priscilla A. Amofa Sr., Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Effects of Neuropeptide S on Spatial Learning and Memory in Rats
Erik Quirk Anderson, Political Science (POSC) 2013, Understanding Negative Agenda Power and Political Parties in the Legislative Process
Kelly Sue Anderson, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Prepubertally ovariectomized rats display a conditioned place preference for paced mating
Kristin Rose Andrykovich, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Regulation of Proliferation in Colorectal Cancer and Lesion Regeneration by Wnt-Hippo Crosstalk
Akemi Kushida Arzouman, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Gender differentiation in activation of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue through sex hormones
Beth Ashinsky, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The endoplasmic reticulum stress response to type I procollagen misfolding in osteogenesis imperfecta
Jaymes D. Awbrey, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Flipping the Switch: The Mechanism for Trophic Shifts in Estuaries Due to Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading and Nutrient Cycling in Coastal Wetlands and the Effects of Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading
Andrew Alexander Bacon, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Paternal Age Effect and Selfish Selection in The Male Germ Line
Kelson Dhugal Bain, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Scenes from "The Realm of Re-purpose"
Alice Woodward Barber, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Re-Evaluating the Role of Dosage Compensation in X-Chromosome Inactivation
Julia M. Bargmann, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Architecture, Light, Space
Richard Barraza, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Watercolor Portraits
Kim Bauer, Tyler Bechtel, William Gagne-Maynard, Erik Klontz, Kenichi Miyamoto, John Mullaney, and Katherine Ratliff, Chemistry (CHEM) 2013, Eric Anslyn Group Comps in Chemistry
Christopher David David Baur, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2013, Arb Sonics
Benjamin Raymond Bedore, Economics (ECON) 2013, The Behavioral Effects Of Early Intervention For Children From Low- Income Households
Danielle Alyssa Bennon, Sophia Catherine Davis, and Michael Mandelkorn, Russian (RUSS) 2013, Translation and Exploration: Buryat Cultural History through the Lense of Geser
Gilah Benson-Tilsen, Economics (ECON) 2013, Air Quality and Health Outcomes in Washington State
Gilah Benson-Tilsen, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Imaginary Animals
Thomas H. Birren, Geology (GEOL) 2013, Petrology of the Nickel Lake Macrodike: Implications for Exploration of Magmatic Ni-Cu Sulfide Deposits, Duluth Complex, Minnesota
Joseph W. Boerma, Meredith A. Borden, Anna C. Brezny, Daniel E. DeRosha, Christian E. Padilla, and Nicholas C. Wright, Chemistry (CHEM) 2013, One Word: Polymers. The Development of Ruthenium-Based Catalysts for Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization
Jennifer Sara Borchardt, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Zinc Fingered Nucleases: A Novel Approach for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Research and Treatment
Colin Pablo Borsh, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Pleistocene's massive hairy landscapers: Megaherbivore grassland maintenance and the disappearance of the mammoth steppe
Megan Elizabeth Brant, Courtney Elizabeth Halbach, Lindsay Leigh Guthrie, and Rose Cobb Cherneff, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2013, Extension in the 21st Century: Promoting Regenerative Agricultural Practices Using the Diffusion of Innovations Theory
Lara J. Brenner, Hannah Joy M. Wirshing, and Claire Z. McFadden, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2013, The American Lawn: Examining Our Cultural Commitment to an Energy-Intensive Institution
Emma Jane Brobeck, Classical Languages (CLAS) 2013, Manipulating Ulysses: Ovid as Exilic Exemplum in Tristia 1.5 and 5.5
Linnea Monroe Bullion, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2013, ... AND FOR A MOMENT, TIME STOPS
Cooper Drew Buss, Economics (ECON) 2013, The Future of an Opiate Illusion: A Theory Based Empirical Analysis of Secularization
Jordan Anthony Butler and Caleb Alan Hyde, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, The Effects of Priming on Racial Prejudice in a Group Setting
Arden Porto Caffrey, Biology (BIOL) 2013, How HIV Crosses and Destabilizes the Blood Brain Barrier: The mechanisms of the HIV protein Tat
Thomas Cai, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Neuronal Death Mechanisms Induced by Viral Protein Secreted from Cells of Monocyte Lineage
Anna Kristin Callahan, Asian Studies (ASST) 2013, Simla: Deconstruction of a City and its Social Body
Tom A. Callister, Physics (PHYS) 2013, Spacecraft Propulsion
Joshua Christian Campbell, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Engineering the Eradication of HIV: Inhibiting Viral Entry Using Zinc Finger Nucleases
Charlie Carbery, Economics (ECON) 2013, The Effect of a Congestion Charge on Public Cycle Hires: A London Case Study
Allison Christine Cardiel, Chemistry (CHEM) 2013, Photocatalytic Water Treatment and Remediation with TiO2
Leigh Elizabeth Carroll, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Paper Mold
Sam Nelson Espeland Carruthers, Economics (ECON) 2013, Buying the Green: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis of Hybrid Cars in the American Car Market
Sarah Elizabeth Carter, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Flavivirus-induced neuronal chemokine and cytokine signals: the signals’ effects on the immune system and host survival
Nora Kathleen Cassidy, History (HIST) 2013, The Front Page Farm Workers: The Relationship Between the United Farm Workers and the Print Media During the Delano Grape Strike of 1965-1970
Andrew Alan Chael, Physics (PHYS) 2013, Cosmology and the Cosmic Microwave Background
Julissa Chavez, Biology (BIOL) 2013, A Molecular Mechanism of Estrogenâ€Mediated Sex Bias in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Dylan Cheever, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Sound Symbolism's Role in Everyday Speech and Developing Languages
Julian Ray Childs-Walker, Physics (PHYS) 2013, Humpback Whales and Sharks: An Exploration of Biomimicry
Alexander Kyle Chin, Physics (PHYS) 2013, The Physics of Organic Electronic Devices
Katherine Logan Claiborne, Economics (ECON) 2013, Coal, Education, and Per Capita Income in Kentucky Counties, 1969-2011
Rebecca Cogbill, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Is there a bed in embedding?: Processing of lexical embedding in multisyllabic words
Jacob Allan Cohn, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2013, A Future Delayed? Ambitions and Obstacles in Modern Brazilian Foreign Policy
Jason Gabriel Cohn, Evan Robert Leibowitz, Eli F. Kamin, Daoji Huang, and Laurel Jeffers Orr, Computer Science (CS) 2013, StikiWikit: What's for you on Wikipedia?
Joseph Seamus Concannon, Religion (RELG) 2013, The Postmodern Re-formation: Mark C. Taylor and the Poetics of A/theology
Anna Helen Coonrod, Economics (ECON) 2013, Financing with the Stars: The Effects of Media on Financial Literacy and Financial Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Allison Cooperman, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Can Feeling Good Make Us Feel Good About Others? Positive Emotions and Their Effects on Negative Attitudes and Stereotype Application Towards Obesity
Cara Raye Coren, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2013, Feeling and Thinking About Genocide: Primary and Secondary Photographic Representations of the Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide
Grace Cormier and Melody Zhou, Psychology (PSYC) 2013, Influence of Creativity Dimensions on Cognition and Advertising Effectiveness: Application for the Promotion of Pura Vida Healthy Lifestyle Program
Molly Elizabeth Curtiss, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2013, Making Islam the Solution: The Influence of Islam on HIV Prevention and Treatment Programs
Iris Cutler, Art History (ARTH) 2013, Monstrous, Marvelous, Wondrous, and Strange: Humanoid Races and the Other on the Hereford Mappamundi
Jasmine Antonia Cutter, Karlie Linnea Haug, Madeleine Johanna Koski, and Emily Sheriff Rogers, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2013, Sold on Solar? Perceptions of Solar Panels in Grand Canyon National Park: An Analysis of the Implementation of Renewable Energy Technologies in National Parks
Milan William Cvitkovic, Mathematics (MATH) 2013, Self-Avoiding Random Walks
Zerrin Dagli, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, [Untitled]
Charles Robert Dale, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Evidence for the fast-Âx effect, and faster-Âx evolution of gene expression
Jack R. R. Davis, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2013, I am an Aspiring Actor
Eliza Henderson Dennis, Studio Art (ARTS) 2013, Body Systems
Christopher Dana Densmore and Emily Altschul, Theater Arts (THEA) 2013, Macbeth [a Carleton Theater Arts performance]