Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2018
Arthur Richard Chaput McCray, Physics (PHYS) 2018, The Physics of Ice
Anna R. McGinn, Religion (RELG) 2018, William James, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Religious Freedom: The Twelve Steps as an American Religious Movement
David Cheng McKinley, Economics (ECON) 2018, Isolating Discrimination in the Sexual Orientation Wage Gap
Kevin Mei, Economics (ECON) 2018, Urbanization, Knowledge Spillovers, and Economic Growth: An Analysis of U.S. Cities from 2005 to 2016
Daihui Meng, Philosophy (PHIL) 2018, On Happiness: A Conversation Between Daoism and Existentialism
Daihui Meng, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Untitled
Lauren Esther Michael, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Using ground penetrating radar (GPR) to image the Bald Spot: A test of concept for the use of GPR in Carleton geology classes
Dustin Tobias Michels, Carolyn Ryan, Jack Lightbody, Jonathan Bisila, Kiya Govek, and Zephyr Lucas, Computer Science (CS) 2018, Unified Energy System: What's the Point?
Julia Zieve Miller, History (HIST) 2018, "Simplicity for the Sake of Equality": Reform German-Jewish Death Practices in 19th Century Boston
Sarah Min, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Adult SVZ Niche Signals Drive NSC Maintenance and Neuronal Differentiation
Mallory Laura Mintz, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Tracing Sediment Source Response to Water Infrastructure Development and Management in Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Montana
Kelcie Malia Molina, Linguistics (LING) 2018, Tawkin Enikain at Sku: An Examination of Hawaiʻi Creole English in an Academic Setting
Tyrone Moore-Perez, Religion (RELG) 2018, Anime, Manga, and "Religion" in Modern Japan
Avinash Moorthy, Economics (ECON) 2018, Do Students Benefit from an Extra Year of High School? A Study of Ontario's Removal of Grade 13
Adam Gabriel Moreno-Mendelson, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Sister Morphine: Treating Adolescent Opioid Addiction
Theo James Morris and Peixuan Ouyang, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, Analog of the Between
Aidan Francis Mullan, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, My Group is Better Than Yours: Perception of Personality and Character Differences Under Minimal Groups
Nina Emily Muller, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Resilience Through Dog Ownership and its Applications
Anna Nachbor, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The Diseased Environment of the Cystic Fibrosis Lung: The Interplay of Lung Health, the Microbiome, and Chronic Settlers
Micah Jazz Nacht, Ju Yun Kim, Daniel William Mayer, Adam Avery Tigar, Lazar Radomir Zamurovic, and Xingfan Xia, Computer Science (CS) 2018, Tree Discovery: Applying Machine Learning to Determine Document Relevancy
Avery Laurel Naughton, History (HIST) 2018, Conservation Portrayed in Black and White: The Smithsonian's National Zoo's Representation and Use of the Giant Panda as a Symbol
Alyssa Nicole Neidhart, Economics (ECON) 2018, Does Female Labor Force Participation Impact Total Factor Productivity? A Time-Series Analysis of the United States between 1950 and 2014
Heidi Neidhart, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Nuptial gift-giving induces sexual conflict in insects
Olivia Marie Nyberg, Religion (RELG) 2018, Women in Pain: How Narratives of Pain and Sacrifice Complicate the Debate over the Catholic Provision of Obstetrical Care
Sarah Naomi Ohashi, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The Role of Neutrophil Elastase and Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in the Progression of Cancer
Tyler J. O'Keefe, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Effects of Fe-P co-limitation of N2-fixation on Trichodesmium physiology in the oligotrophic ocean and the implications of global change phenomena on this biochemical balance
Timothy K. Oliver, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Gender and Partner Type Have Significant Effects on Theory of Planned Behavior Variables Regarding Condom Use
Alex John Olson, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Folds and Facets: The Functional Form
Peycen Ouyang, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Untitled
Helen Anne Paglia, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, ΔFosB/FosB expression in the ventromedial hypothalamus as an indicator of the rewarding aspects of olfactory/auditory cues of mating in sexually naïve female rats
Guillermo Julian Palmer, Political Science (POSC) 2018, Peacekeeping and the Keeping of Peace
Chris Wesley Parsons, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Reconstructing the History of the Proliferation of Genes involved in the Biological Nitrogen Cycle
Grant Stephen Patronik, Economics (ECON) 2018, ECB Monetary Policy Under the Rotational Voting Scheme: Do National Biases Exist?
Kira Patterson, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The role of intersecting Yap and Beta-catenin pathways on the maturation of cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells
Victoria Cragg Peterson, Economics (ECON) 2018, Woman Against Woman: An Experimental Approach to Single-Gender Competitive Performance
Kelsey T. Plank and Wendy Lo, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Conceptual Pacts: Optimizing the Spectrum of Flexibility for Effective Communication
Abby Greene Polk, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Divine Feminine on Earth: A Comparison of Two Contemporary AvatAras of the Goddess
Abigail Greene Polk, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Divine Feminine on Earth: A Comparison of Two Contemporary AvatAras of the Goddess
Laudie Rose Soltero Porter, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, "Though this be madness, yet this is method in 't" The role of dialectic shifting in the comprehension of Shakespearean verse
Naomi River Price-Lazarus, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2018, Resisting Precarity: How "At-Risk" Youth Embody, Perform, and Contest their Ascribed Identities
Walter Dirk Pugil, Japanese (JAPN) 2018, The Invisible Japanese: Buraku Identity and Education in "Education, Discrimination, and I"
Margot Saranna Radding, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2018, Pawns of a Public Health System: Actors and Authority in North Indian Prenatal Care
Laura Joan Rafferty, Economics (ECON) 2018, Can Bad Unemployment News Be Good for Stocks? A Sectoral Analysis of the Stock Market's Reaction to Unemployment Rate Announcements
Adante Ratzlaff, Kerim Celik, Chelsea Ying, Charlie Anderson, Teddy Willard, and Lucy Wu, Computer Science (CS) 2018, Prairie 2: A Digital Toolkit for Historians
Gina Marie Ray, Economics (ECON) 2018, The Effects of Social History on Beliefs of Reciprocity in the Trust Game
Flora S. Richey, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2018, Paradox in Akademia: Senses of Place in the Cowling Arboretum
Miguel Rincon Cervantes, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Estrogen Levels of the Female Reproductive Tract are Positively Correlated with Stability of the Vaginal Microbiome and Lactobacillus Abundance
Tyler Joseph Rolland, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Patterning of the Developing Neural Tube Due to Interactions of Sonic Hedgehog and the Gli Family Zinc Finger
Henry Alexander Rook, Physics (PHYS) 2018, The Space Cable
Kayla Rose Rudess, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, Bloom Where You're Planted
Andrew Herbert Ruvkun, Economics (ECON) 2018, Measuring the Contributions of Transportation Infrastructure to Economic Growth in the 21st Century
Mary Ann Savoye, English (ENGL) 2018, Islands and Memories, Place and Grief
Chenoa Schatzki-McClain, Economics (ECON) 2018, Making it Work: the Added Worker Effect and the Labor Supply of Wives in Urban Indonesia
Noah von Schulthess Scheer, Art History (ARTH) 2018, The Micrographic Art of Emanuel Listnau
Soren Weigt Schlassa, Philosophy (PHIL) 2018, Rational Induction: A Reply to Goodman
John William Scott, Physics (PHYS) 2018, Josephson Junctions: From Physics to Functions
Preethiya Sekar, Biology (BIOL) 2018, A Time-Dependent Synergistic Mechanism of Id1+ Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Mobilization to the Premetastatic Niche
Abigail Sharer, Spanish (SPAN) 2018, Examinando la expulsión: contando la historia subyacente de los moriscos en España durante los siglos XV y XVI
Abigail Sharer, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Exercising Effectiveness: Examining the Relationship Between Exercise, Self-Efficacy, and Anxiety
Jonah Krammer Shaw, Physics (PHYS) 2018, Radiative transfer in the earth-atmosphere-space system
Abigail Lucille Sheldon, Linguistics (LING) 2018, Semantic Motivations and Consequences of Scrambling in Japanese
Alexandra Shin, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The Undercover Agents of Addiction: How Drugs of Abuse Alter Silent Synapses in the Nucleus Accumbens
Camden Allan Shireman Sikes, Xi Chen, Maryam Hedayati, Aman Panda, Duo Tao, and Tegan Ellen Wilson, Computer Science (CS) 2018, Does the Net Work? Computationally Modeling Differences in the Mental Lexicon
Lucy Thorne Soule, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Neural Crest Migration: The Push and Pull Of Collective Movement
Lia Yili Spencer, Biology (BIOL) 2018, TGF-β’s Role in the Development of Endometriosis
Sylvie Elizabeth Stanback, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, Jewelry comps
Emma Jeannette Starr, Classics (CLST) 2018, Women's Participation in the Public Sphere: an Examination of the Epistolary Evidence
Molly Bimao Steinberg, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2018, The Untold Stories of Chinese Adoptees: Experiencing Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in the United States
Mark Dailey Steitz, Philosophy (PHIL) 2018, Parkour and Freerunning Philosophy: How the way we move influences our relationship with our environment
Lucy Kepford Stevens, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, In My Pocket
Kaya Seneca Stitzhal, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Groundwater Contribution to Cowling Arboretum Wetlands
Rebecca Akado Stover, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Process of Soteriological Ontology Through the Hermeneutics of Nāgārjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakārikā
Kendra L. Strode, Physics (PHYS) 2018, The CMS Detector at the LHC: Physics of the detector
Avery Angell Swearer, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The role of miR-133a and RARβ2 in salamander axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury and theurupeutic implications for mammalian recovery
Lydia Duchatellier Norris Symchych, History (HIST) 2018, Irradiated Bodies: Hibakusha & Radiation Stigma in Post-War Japan from 1945 to the 1980s
Claire H. Tan, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, The State of Captivity
Duo Tao, Physics (PHYS) 2018, Determining the Accelerating Expansion of the Universe by Observing Type Ia Supernovae
Eric Cullen Taylor, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Intralocus Sexual Conflict and the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism
Terence W. Taylor, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, Shattered Memories
Jepheny Paajyi Thao, Biology (BIOL) 2018, The Anti-inflammatory Roles of Neutrophils in Gout
Elaina Grace Thomas, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Effects of dispersal ability and spatial scale on niche and neutral processes
Eliza May Thomas, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Bank stability of Spring Creek, Northfield, Minnesota, between 1999 and 2017: A comprehensive analysis of natural bank recovery after substantial flooding
Alison Kate Tilson, Economics (ECON) 2018, It's a Man's World: How the Gender Wage Gap Impacts Economic Growth
Madeline Topf, Biology (BIOL) 2018, A high-fiber diet-associated gut microbiota protects against obesity
Martha Torstenson, Rebecca Deland, Jon Gillespie, and Killian Roberts, Mathematics (MATH) 2018, Shadows of the Cantor Set (II)
Steve Muhammad Toure, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Media Representation: Effects on Perception of Women and Gendered Performances
Juan Sebastian Tovar Montanez, Political Science (POSC) 2018, The Effects of a National Embrace of Africanness on Afro-Descendant Communities in Latin America: A Study of Brazil and Colombia
Katie Olsen Tritschler, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Learning in Two Languages: Examining Language Allocation Practices in Immersive Primary Education
Allison S. Tucker, American Studies (AMST) 2018, So Far from Community: Concerts, Collaborative Consumption, and the Commodification of Community
Alperen Turrkol, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, Remembering Ads: Relationship between Types of Recall and Effectiveness of Advertisements
Danielle Briana Vasiliev, Biology (BIOL) 2018, Neutrophil NETs: Crucial Mediators of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Sabrina Ellena Velasco, Psychology (PSYC) 2018, The Link Between the Brain-Gut Axis and Depression via Tryptophan Metabolism and Microbes
Benjamin William Votroubek, Political Science (POSC) 2018, Secessionary Movements, Too Weak to Succeed: An Examination of Secessionary Theory and its Applications, as it Pertains to Iraqi Kurdistan
Michael Vue, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, Txiv Neeb - Shaman
Sarah B. Waldfogel, Economics (ECON) 2018, Avoiding the Bunching Effect: Evidence from the Lab
Alexander Theodore Walker, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2018, On Christmas Morning I Woke Up to a Blizzard
Emma Fierro Wallace, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, 30 Chickens
Preston Rivers Wallin, Geology (GEOL) 2018, Analysis of spring hydrology using temperature and isotope data at the Caribou River in Lake County, Minnesota
Zixuan Wang, Philosophy (PHIL) 2018, "Knowing Beyond the Socio-historical and the Collective": A Critical Analysis of Miranda Fricker's Epistemic Injustice
Emma Lee Nesbitt Westbrook, Studio Art (ARTS) 2018, A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest