The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2019

Charlotte Liu, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Re-examining the Immigrant Paradox on Adolescents’ Internalizing Mental Health: The Mediating Roles of Family and School Support

Tina Liu, Jordan Sybesma, Jordon O'Kelly, Kha Huynh, Sonia Moreno, and Martin Hoffman, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Keyping Track: Creating a data collection web app for the Northfield Union of Youth

Xinyi Liu, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, If It Bleeds, It Leads: Human Curiosity Regarding Negative Social Events

Xinyi Liu, Studio Art (ARTS) 2019, The Possession Pills & Harmony

Viola Li, Biology (BIOL) 2019, New Model for the Origin of Animal Multicellularity: From Temporal to Spatial Cell Differentiation, Advancements in GRNs

Will Loner, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Insect Outbreaks as a Potent Control Over Carbon and Nitrogen Flux: Effects, Feedbacks and Complications of Climate Change

Nathaniel Lovin, Economics (ECON) 2019, Research Growth: The Effects of Basic and Applied Research Spending on GDP Growth

Becky Luh, Biology (BIOL) 2019, HIV Initiation of a Microbial Translocation and Inflammation Cycle

Haley Lunde, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, Wildfire

Calvin Lundy, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2019, Military Interventions by Authoritarian States: A Comparison of Cuba in Angola and Zimbabwe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Charles K. Lutvak, Political Science (POSC) 2019, "Devils With a Cause": How Rural and White Working Class Resentment Made Trump President

Charles K. Lutvak, Music (MUSC) 2019, (III+I) movements for (3+1) keyboard [excerpts]

Alexander S. Mackiel Jr, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Aggression as a Strategy for Solving Adaptive Problems of Mating

Hailey Mair, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Interplay of DNMT3B and TET enzymes in reducing differentially methylated regions of iPSCs and hESCs

Jessica Makori, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Phenotypic Plasticity as a Metabolic Strategy for Plasmodium falciparum in Malaria Transmission

Alysala Malik, Geology (GEOL) 2019, U-Pb dating of detrital zircon from turbidites of the Chugach and Prince William terranes, Alaska: Implications for the significance of the Contact fault system as a terrane boundary

Marshall Ma, Psychology (PSYC), Statistics (STAT) 2019, Do App-Based Mindfulness Programs Reduce Stress and Increase Well-Being?

Maya Margolis, American Studies (AMST) 2019, Water Bottles, Mosques, and Bombs: Found Objects in the Barry M. Goldwater Range

Andrew David Maris, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Detecting gravitational waves in space: the physics of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA)

Annika Martensson, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Effects of Photo-Based Social Media on Disordered Eating, Body Image, and Excessive Exercise

Caroline Ann Mather, Physics (PHYS) 2019, The Physics of Auroras

Aislinn N. Mayfield, Biology (BIOL) 2019, On Protocell formation: The co-assembly of a lipid compartment, informational polymer and catalytic network

Geoffrey Mo, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Cosmology of the Early Universe

Alief Moulana, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The pangenome paradox of the environmental microbes: between the adaptive accessory genome and the within-species genomic diversity

Alief Moulana, Nupur Bindal, Tim Schoch, and Ned Wang, Mathematics (MATH) 2019, Jackknifing Biodiversity

Kerrin Mulkern, English (ENGL) 2019, This Temporary Eclipse: Enjambment in H.D.'s Trilogy

Kevin Murphy, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Timber harvesting intensity and channel head distance-to-ridge in Elk River, California

Akiko E. Nace, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, Umisen, Yamasen

Joseph Nardi, Economics (ECON) 2019, College Choice: Matriculation Decisions of Underrepresented Minorities at Carleton College

Claudia Sorcha Naughton, Bryce Thomas Barton, Chae Won Kim, James Yang, and Sydney Laura Botz, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Is Your Food Real? Improving Workflow for the Real Food Calculator to Facilitate Sustainable and Transparent Food Purchases

Sarah Nazarino, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, J(oel) NAZARINO

Nam Anh Quoc Nguyen, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Revenge in Romantic Relationships and Intimate Partner Violence

Selam Nicola, Economics (ECON) 2019, Is Trade Good for The Poor In Sub-Saharan Africa? A Panel Data Analysis of Trade’s Impact on Poverty in Years 1992-2010

Samuel Michio Nozaki, Isaac Martin Haseley, Yanhan Lyu, Ziyang Gao, Kevin Foss Christianson, and Syed Usama Amer, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Building Big: Globalizing the Open Food Network

Evie Odden, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2019, Politicizing Pedagogy: Student Anti-Rape Activism at Carleton College, 1986–1992

David O'Dea, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Oxidative Stress Prompts Macrophage Polarization Toward Inflammation in Obesity

Sarah Ogle, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Atmospheric River Families and their Relationship to Landslides in Washington State

Jona Plevin, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Masculinization of the brain via epigenetic modifications of estrogen receptor-α

Sylvie Polonsky, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Ceramic Applications of two Rice County Clays

Julianne Pyron, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Astrophysics in Film: The Physics of Interstellar

Rum Ravi, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Biotic and Abiotic Sulfide Oxidation: The Use of Elemental Sulfur Particles as Biomarkers

Jonathan Reichman, Mark Roth, Quinn Schiller, Nathan Mannes, Alex Schneider, and Joh Farmer, Computer Science (CS) 2019, The LAN Ranger: Monitoring Network Traffic to Determine IoT Device Security

Isabelle Rieth, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Role of the VMHvl in Aggression and Reproductive Behaviors: Implications for Sexual Violence

Noah Robiner, American Studies (AMST) 2019, “A Store for the Neighborhood”: Kowalski’s Markets and a Vision for Democratic Renewal

Jenni Rogan, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Trophic Dynamics, evolutionary maintenance, and predator cognitive patterns in two anti-predator adaptations

Edylwise Romero, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, “He shot at us as we ran away”: Filial Piety and Intimate Partner Violence in the Philippines

Morgan Ross, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2019, Quantifying Self-Phones: The Effects of Smartphone Usage on Self-Extension

Sarah Rost, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, When Ramps Aren't Enough: Carleton Students' Perceptions of Disability

Matt Rubin, Economics (ECON) 2019, Event Study: The Effect of Movie Releases on Movie Distribution Stock Market Trade Activity

Ayumi Sakamoto, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Early Exposure General Anesthesia Induces Cognitive Impairment Through the Dysregulation of BDNF

Sam Sauerhaft, Political Science (POSC) 2019, Political Humor for the Mobilized Masses: Late-Night Comedy and Political Participation in the 2012 and 2016 U.S. Elections

Kaitlin Schaible, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Mapping the floor of Lake Powell: Preliminary discussion of CHIRP data along the San Juan Sediment Delta

Nicholas Schally, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Child-Focused, Parent-Focused, and Integrated Therapy in Child-to-Parent Violence

Marly Schrom, Russian (RUSS) 2019, Russia’s Late-Night Vecherniĭ Urgant : How Does Humor Convey Russian Values and Pro-Kremlin Discourse?

Elliot Schwartz, Philosophy (PHIL) 2019, Coming apart at the Seems: Intuition, Skepticism, and Self-defeat

Elliot Schwartz, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2019, The Effect of Repetition on Acceptability and Confidence Judgments of Linguistic Tokens

Emily Kathryn Schwartz, Physics (PHYS) 2019, The Physics of Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study of Carleton College's Science Complex

Jacob Schwartz, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Retinoblastoma Protein Inactivation by the Human Cytomegalovirus Kinase UL97 May Compensate for Increased Nucleoplasmic Lamin During Capsid Nuclear Egress

Tamara Deanne Scott, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Dendritic Cell Susceptibility to HTLV-1 Infection in the Infant Gut Mucosa and Subsequent Development of ATL

Justine Seligson, Political Science (POSC) 2019, The Role of National Memory: Understanding Slovakia and Bulgaria's Migration Policies

Ezra Sergent-Leventhal, History (HIST) 2019, "Neighborhood Schools" and "Willis Wagons" Ghettoization in Urban Space in 1960's Chicago

Maddie Sherwood, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Neurobiological Correlates, Role of Childhood Trauma, and Treatment Interventions

Fabio Silva, Economics (ECON) 2019, Financial Development and Economic Growth - Channels of Transmission at Different Stages of Economic Development

Eliza Skoler, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Modulating the Antiviral Immune Response to Respiratory Viral Infection: Short-Chain Fatty Acids and T Regulatory Cells

James Smith, Linguistics (LING) 2019, Radical multilingualism in Junot Díaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Mackenzie Smith, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Epigenetic Regulation in Glioblastoma Multiforme by DNA Methylation, Non-Coding RNAs, and Post-Translational Histone Modification Reinforces Cancer Stem Cell Phenotype and Chemoresistance

Phoebe Smith, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Addicted or Not: An Evaluation of the Psychological Processes Involved in Social Media Addiction

Stephan Snyder, Studio Art (ARTS) 2019, Remnants

Noah James Someck, Anton Karl Nagy, Thomas Scruggs, and Joshua Gerstein, Computer Science (CS) 2019, RuntimeSearch: Debugging Made Easier

Austin Sorscher, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Precariously Balanced Rocks in Northern Utah: Applications for finding ground acceleration constraints along the Wasatch fault zone

Olivia Sterling-Maisel, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Narcissism in Organizational Contexts: Do You Want Narcissists in Your Workplace?

Sam Stevenson, Physics (PHYS) 2019, X-Wings and Movement: An Exploration of Modern and Near-Future Interstellar Propulsion

Emma Stewart, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Mechanisms of microbiota-host crosstalk: how microbial short chain fatty acids influence host lipid metabolism and adiposity

Dan Sullivan, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, An Economy of Belonging: Transnational Exchange within the Cameroonian Diaspora

Jonas Sun, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, Be Thy Sight

Justine Szafran, Studio Art (ARTS) 2019, Ink Wash Documentation

Julian Szieff, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Repression of GABA Inhibition from Parvalbumin Containing Basket Cells in the Prefrontal Cortex as an Epigenetic Model for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia

Maddie Talamantes, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Improving homing-based gene drives in Anopheles to prevent the transmission of Plasmodium falciparum

Sandra M. Taylor, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Monitoring Mental Health Through The Use of Mobile Sensoring of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability

Allan Thekkepeedika, Economics (ECON) 2019, Novelty in the America Invents Act: The Impact of First-to-File on Innovation

Adam Throne, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2019, Beyond the Water’s Edge: Understanding the Impact of Public Pressure upon the Composition of United States Foreign Policy Decisions (1993 – 2004)

Elaine Tian, Studio Art (ARTS) 2019, Anatomize, Atomize, Me

Chris Tordi, Eva Grench, Alex Davis, Ethan Cassel-Mace, Hannah Barnstone, and Miaoye Que, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Harnessing Carleton's Forgotten Data: Energy Analytics for Improved Campus Sustainability

Max L. Trostel, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Predicting the Weather: The Physics of Earth’s Atmosphere

Zachary Trottier, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction Following Sleep Disturbance: Neurophysiological Mechanisms and Their Implications For Cardiovascular Function

Diana Tyutyunnyk, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The LINC is the Link: A New Hypothesis for Laminopathies

Valerie Umscheid, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2019, Academic Self-Concept, Theory of Intelligence, and Overconfidence in Late Elementary School

Byron Valenzuela, Economics (ECON) 2019, The Impact of Property Rights Protections for Women on Economic Growth

Anna Viner, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Importance of Replication as Applied to the Milgram Studies

Andrew Wallace-Jackson, Biology (BIOL) 2019, GIT Th17 Cells and HIV: A Balance Between Supporting Viral Success and Combatting Disease Progression

Abby Walling, Biology (BIOL) 2019, DNA Methylation is a Dynamic Process Necessary for Creating and Storing Persistent yet Adaptable Memories

Sara Wall, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Characterization of a Runoff-initiated Post-fire Debris Flow in the Western Cascades, Oregon: Implications for high severity fire in the Pacific Northwest

Elyse Wanzenried, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2019, Evolving Equality: Gender Quotas, Female Parliamentary Representation, and Peace

Sarah Ward, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Textural Characteristics of Pumice from a Postglacial Plinian Eruption at Laguna del Maule, Southern Chile: Implications for Magma Ascent Dynamics

Julia Wellisch, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Understand and Preventing Vicarious Trauma in Counseling Professionals

Lena Elisabeth White, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Never Forget, Never Again: Effects of Historical Victimization on Jewish Attitudes Towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Patrick Wigent, Art History (ARTH) 2019, Towards A Network Aesthetics: The Power of Art in a Neoliberal Age

Lucas Winter, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, Visitor

Ana Beatriz Yanes Martinez, Latin American Studies (LTAM) 2019, (De)Constructing Salvadoreñidad: Digital Counterpublics as Spaces of Transnational Identity and Community Building

Amanda Zeilinger, Studio Art (ARTS) 2019, Closeness Generator