Comps, honors papers, and prize-winning works of the Biology Department are featured here. All works have been self-submitted by the student authors. Descriptive information about each work is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of the works is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about how to submit your work and how to request access to the full text of works.
In addition to this digital archive, physical copies of past Biology comps are available for browsing in the Biology office (Hulings Hall 214).
Submissions from 2014
Anna Catherine Nisi, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Top predator effects on spatial heterogeneity: A potential mechanism for biodiversity maintenance
Annika Lea Hakala Ord, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Sea ice: A dynamic mediator of biotic carbon cycling in Polar Regions
Dylan Robert Powell, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Generation of Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons by Induction of Pluripotent Stem Cells
Emma Ruth Purfeerst, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Stem cells and Wnt signaling: Implications for the treatment of abnormal neural crest development
Anna Grace Quinlan, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The Role of Interkingdom Signaling in Stress
Rashed Rab, Biology (BIOL) 2014, A Controlled Mechanism of Cell Cycle Progression: Ubiquitin- mediated Degradation of CDKN1B/p27
Samantha Lipson Sharpe, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Evolutionary and ecological consequences of polyploidy in biological invasions
Cameron Eldridge Bacon Smith, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Biological Control of Cotton Aphids in Bt Cotton Systems Requires Additional Management Considerations Beyond Reducing Insecticide Use
Angel Solis, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Binding NEMO: Analyzing the Role of Ubiquitin in NF-κB Activation by TNFɑ
R. Cameron Stahl, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut Microbiota Contribute to the Regulation of Cellular Inflammation in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety/Depression: A review of current literature.
Maria Carson Sterrett, Biology (BIOL) 2014, IT's A GUT FEELING: Analyzing the "balancing act" between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesions during Enteric Neural Crest Cell migration
Leia Weikam Swanson, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Semaphorins and Cardiac Neural Crest Cell Migration: A Role in Targeting the Outflow Tract and Normal Outflow Tract Septation in the Developing Heart.
Kelsey Rose Swyter, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The effect of malarial co-infection on mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the placenta
Hannah Arnold Tremblay, Biology (BIOL) 2014, The effect of pollinator loss on plant species diversity in nested and non- nested plant-pollinator interaction networks
Madison S. Willert, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Coral to Macroalgae: Phase Shifts Facilitated by Algal and Anthropogenic Stressors
Claire Mariah Wilson, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Forest ecosystem carbon dynamics following the loss of a tree species
Erin Hillary Wilson, Computer Science (CS), Biology (BIOL) 2014, A benchmark standard for predicting the gene targets of chemical perturbants
Jessica Wu, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Gut microbiota and Autism: The role of propionic acid in inflammation and intestinal permeability
Shanna Xue Yang, Biology (BIOL) 2014, You Are What Eat You: Gut Microbes In Diet-Induced Obesity
Eleanor W. Youngblood, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Plant physiological responses to altered nitrogen availability
Evia Lee Zack, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Elements of Intentional Communication in Cotton-Top Tamarin Calling Behavior
Submissions from 2013
Emily Erickson Ager, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Gluttony goes (anti)viral: Neuronal autophagy as a noncytolytic mechanism for viral clearance during neurotropic viral infection
Sarah Katharine Allan, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Estrogen, Testosterone, and Bone Health: Challenging Perceived Sex Biases in Osteoporosis
Kristin Rose Andrykovich, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Regulation of Proliferation in Colorectal Cancer and Lesion Regeneration by Wnt-Hippo Crosstalk
Akemi Kushida Arzouman, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Gender differentiation in activation of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue through sex hormones
Beth Ashinsky, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The endoplasmic reticulum stress response to type I procollagen misfolding in osteogenesis imperfecta
Jaymes D. Awbrey, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Flipping the Switch: The Mechanism for Trophic Shifts in Estuaries Due to Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading and Nutrient Cycling in Coastal Wetlands and the Effects of Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading
Andrew Alexander Bacon, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Paternal Age Effect and Selfish Selection in The Male Germ Line
Alice Woodward Barber, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Re-Evaluating the Role of Dosage Compensation in X-Chromosome Inactivation
Jennifer Sara Borchardt, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Zinc Fingered Nucleases: A Novel Approach for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Research and Treatment
Colin Pablo Borsh, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Pleistocene's massive hairy landscapers: Megaherbivore grassland maintenance and the disappearance of the mammoth steppe
Arden Porto Caffrey, Biology (BIOL) 2013, How HIV Crosses and Destabilizes the Blood Brain Barrier: The mechanisms of the HIV protein Tat
Thomas Cai, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Neuronal Death Mechanisms Induced by Viral Protein Secreted from Cells of Monocyte Lineage
Joshua Christian Campbell, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Engineering the Eradication of HIV: Inhibiting Viral Entry Using Zinc Finger Nucleases
Sarah Elizabeth Carter, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Flavivirus-induced neuronal chemokine and cytokine signals: the signals’ effects on the immune system and host survival
Julissa Chavez, Biology (BIOL) 2013, A Molecular Mechanism of Estrogenâ€Mediated Sex Bias in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Charles Robert Dale, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Evidence for the fast-Âx effect, and faster-Âx evolution of gene expression
Bridget Mary Doyle, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Zinc
Ellen Elizabeth Drews, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Decline of insect biodiversity due to nitrogen loading in grasslands: reduced plant diversity as a driver of consumer species loss
Anne Elizabeth Duncan, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Xylem and Xylella fastidiosa: Understanding Infection and Resistance Through Vascular Tissue Development
Dennis Ea, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Engineering T Cells with Cancer-specific T Cell Receptors: A Zinc-Finger Nuclease-based Therapy for Leukemia
Brianna Jean Engelson, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Indirect Effects of HIV Tat on Neuronal Apoptosis Through Increased TNF-α Expression: Implications for HIV-Associated Dementia
Madeline Welker Epping, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Regulation of the Ferric Uptake Regulator through Extracellular Cell Wall Iron Storage Drives an Accumulation of Intracellular Iron during the Lag Phase of Staphylococcus aureus
Gabrielle Keating Flamm, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The crossroad of TLR signaling, interferon induction, and CD8+ T cell priming in the prevention of herpes simplex encephalitis
Maria D. Garcia, Biology (BIOL) 2013, rom WAT to BAT: Regulation of PGC-1alpha as a Potential Therapeutic Approach for the Treatment of Metabolic Diseases
Jessica Meghan Gick, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Using the Present to Decode the Past: Phylogeography Reveals the Origin and Extent of Early Quaternary Migrations Following Deglaciation of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Extant Pacific Northwestern Mammals
Rebecca Lang Greenstein, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The RORA Story: One Gene's Potential to Explain the Sex Bias in Autism
Keenan Thomas Hartert, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Y so Deleterious? The Destructive Evolution of the Mammalian Y Chromosome and its Path to Salvation
Marlena Sara Hartman-Filson, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Perpetuation of Human Homosexuality: A Darwinian Paradox?
Edward Fitzgerald Heckman, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Estrogenic Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Female Pubertal Timing: Possible interactions in the Kiss1/GPR554 System Leading to Precocious Puberty
Ian Henry Hollyer, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Sex Specific Organization of Estrogen Receptors and the Sex Bias of Parkinson's Disease
Stephanie Nicole Kravitz, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Let's Talk About Sex, Baby: The Role of Gonadal Hormones in Bipolar Mood Cycling
Alexandra Long, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Intestinal Epithelium: A New Model for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Erin Ramirez Lopez, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Sex-Brain Plasticity: Altering the Theory of Permanence
Marisa Luck, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Friend or foe? Regulatory T cells in viral infections of the CNS
Dhilhan Umayanga Marasinghe, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Biology of a Sexy Chromosome: Implications of syntenic mapping on the evolution of sex chromosomes
Claire Angela Milsted, Biology (BIOL) 2014, Biotic and Abiotic Factors Influence Phosphorus Limitation in Tropical Forests
Sarah Louise Nielsen, Biology (BIOL) 2013, A NO/RyRs/CaMKII signal transduction pathway may be responsible for phase delay during photic entrainment of the circadian clock
Adriana Orland, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Investigation of the MeCP2 Gene: Rett's Syndrome as a Model for Autism?
Ashley Rose Paquin, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Psychological Extreme Male Brain: An Exploration of Biological Mechanisms
Sarah Krafft Rempel, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Circadian Clock Regulation of Dopamine in the Ventral Tegmental Area
Brian Harrison Rhodes, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Advantages of the Use of TAL Effector Nucleases Over Zinc Finger Nucleases in the Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease
Samuel Koehnline Rosenberg, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Role of Melanopsin-Containing Cells in Mammals: Pupillary Light Response, Photoentrainment of the Circadian Cycle, and Implications for Disease
Ruby Leigh Russell, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Preventing and Protecting Against Alzheimer's Disease: An Independent Role for Androgens
Amelia Bullard Schlossberg, Biology (BIOL) 2013, A Pain In My Astrocytes and Microglia: A Biological Mechanism for Sex Bias in Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Alec Scott, Biology (BIOL) 2013, An Evaluation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus as Drivers of Cyanobacterial Blooms
Anisa Abdi Suleiman, Biology (BIOL) 2013, B3-Adrenergic Receptor Agonists as a Treatment for Obesity by Inducing Thermogenesis in Brown Adipose Tissue
Nana Tanamoto, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The endoplasmic reticulum as a modulator of cellular metabolism: A novel metabolic paradigm for Alzheimer disease
Breanna Jane Tetreault, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The roles of relaxin and hyaluronic acid in the extracellular matrix during cervical ripening, and their control on the timing of parturition
Souriya Thao, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy Using MicroRNA-1, -499, -155 for Heart Regeneration
Sarah Gardner Thappa, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Taking Sex Bias in Disease to Heart: Female Sex Bias in Cardiovascular Disease and Coronary Heart Disease
Elissa Ann Walter, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Species Loss from Nitrogen Deposition in Grasslands: The Differing Environmental Conditions that Cause Competitive-Exclusion-Driven vs. Acidification-Driven Declines in Species Richness
Taylor Daniel Ward, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Identification of Irisin as a Potential Novel Treatment for Obesity in Humans
Janie Chan Wong, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Tamoxifen Resistance in Breast Cancer: The Search for the Missing Receptor
Marika Xydes-Ââ€Smith, Biology (BIOL) 2013, The Role of Chronodisruption in the Development of Type Two Diabetes Mellitus
Kenneth Wade Zillig, Biology (BIOL) 2013, Mother Nature in Australia with a Dry Spell: How a Climate Change caused the Australian Megafauna Extinction Event
Submissions from 2012
Sameena Nasim Ahmed, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Cancer-Obesity Link: How Insulin and IGF Stimulate Aerobic Glycolysis through the PI3K Pathway
Margaret Rose Alexander, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Role of the Wnt Pathway in Cancer Stem Cell Formation and the Opposing Function of Wnt Antagonists
Steve C. Amaefuna, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Understanding the Warburg Effect
Emmaline Jiang Ashley, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Mind over Matter: The Role of the Endogenous Opioid System in Placebo Analgesia
Sean Lu Beckwith, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Chromatin Architecture and Gene Expression: Remodeling and Recruitment in the Gal4 System
John David Christensen, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Regulation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) and the Glycolytic Phenotype in Cancers
Mike Aaron Clark, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Induced Plant Responses: Impacts on Arthropod Herbivore Community Composition
Amelia Christine Clement, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Role of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Breast Cancer Stem Cell Development: Implications for Metastasis
Maegan Lori Mariko Doi, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Training the Mind: How Expectancy-Mediated Conditioning Affects Placebo Analgesia
Elise Pamela Erickson, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Transdifferentiation of Adult Cell Types to ?-cells: Therapeutic Potential for Type 1 Diabetes
Haley Mae Golz, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Landscape diversity and natural pest control: Does increased landscape diversity lead to increased pest control in agroecosystems? Landscape diversity and natural pest control: Does increased landscape diversity lead to increased pest control in agroecosystems?
Rachel Elisabeth Gottesman, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Myostatin Inhibition: Potential Therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Ian Holmen, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Mature IGF-1 precursor isoforms have varying roles in skeletal muscle myogenesis
YeJi Jun, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Ready, set ... Go!
Brian Thomas Kaletka, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Priming Induced Defense Against Herbivory and its Effects on Plant Fitness and Community Composition
Angela Hye-Jee Kim, Biology (BIOL) 2012, UCP2 Mediation of the Warburg Effect in Chemoresistant Cancers
Djem Ulian Kissiov, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Epigenetic Basis of Cocaine Addiction: Chromatin-Mediated Differential Gene Expression in the Dopaminergic Reward Pathway
William Henderson Ladner, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Expectation-Driven Placebo Analgesia
Chelsea Elizabeth Lau, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Good Things Come to Those Who Expect Them: Neurobiological mechanisms of placebo analgesia
Nancy Kay Liu, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Heart of Cell Regeneration
Matthew Christopher Matsunaga, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Adeno-associated viral vectors: turning agents of disease into agents of healing in hemophilia B
Kellan David McLemore, Biology (BIOL) 2012, The Effects of Climate Change on the Role Bark Beetles Play in the Carbon Cycle
Robert L. Mills, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Kristine Nachbor, Biology (BIOL) 2012, Manipulation of gene expression: controlling dopaminergic neuronal reward pathways through optogenetic regulation