Comps & Student Work | Psychology | Carleton College

Comps, honors papers, and prize-winning works of the Psychology Department are featured here. All works have been self-submitted by the student authors. Descriptive information about each work is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of the works is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about how to submit your work and how to request access to the full text of works.

In addition to this digital archive, physical copies of the Psychology comps from the past five years are available for browsing in Music Hall 313.


Submissions from 2024

Neenah Bosman, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Childhood Maltreatment: Outcomes and Measurement Variations

Huanchen Cai, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You: A Systematic Review of Perceived Discrimination and Intraminority Intergroup Relations

Benjamin Chamberlain, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Nurture and Neuroimaging: Integrating Neurodevelopmental Changes Associated with Childhood Trauma and Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Treatment

Nancy Cullen, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Dreaming Girl, Bouncing Boy: Sex Differences in Executive Functioning in ADHD

Skylar Duru, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Ketamine and Tetris: Combining PTSD Treatment Methods

Nyemade Fallah, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Measurement of Emotion Recognition in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ian Ferrucci, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Considering Classical Psychedelics in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders

Isabel Folger and Yichen Zhang, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, The Effects of Immersiveness on the Restorative Impact of Nature Exposure

Emma Henry, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Are Addictive Behaviors Freely Chosen? Implications for Moral and Legal Responsibility

Adina Holloway, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, A Review of African Americans' Racial Appearance Bias

Liam Kennedy, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, The Viability of Classic Psychedelics as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorder: Emerging Evidence

Catherine Marvin, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Ketamine's Crossroads: A Neurological Journey Through Depression, PTSD, and Anxiety Disorders

Catherine Merchant, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Evaluating Measurement Practices in the Literature on Adverse Childhood Experiences

Kai Oishi, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Anticipating Regrets of Inaction to Promote Happiness and Social Interaction

Lindsay Okindo, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Should Medication-Assisted Treatment Be Integrated into Criminal Justice Systems for Opioid Use Disorder?


Sonia Shah, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Estrogen as a Treatment for Positive, Negative, and General Symptoms Experienced in Women with Schizophrenia

Juanita Silva, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Substance Use Disorders Among College Students: Risk Factors and Interventions

Alyssa Soma, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Psilocybin and MDMA on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Anna Weller, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, An Exploration of Risk Factors for Alcohol Use Disorder Among Sexual Minority Communities

Xingyi Zhang, Psychology (PSYC) 2024, Rates of Statistically Significant Findings among Traditionally Published Articles, Preregistered Articles, and Registered Reports

Submissions from 2023

Laurie Avila, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Tangles, Trips, and Treatment: An Overview and Analysis of the Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease

Jalen Causey, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Love, Truth, and Healing: An Integrative Discussion of Childhood and Generational Trauma

Charles Davison, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, A Cross Cultural Comparison of Trauma Symptoms

Helen Desta, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Evaluating the Measurement of Sense of Belonging in Schools

Keaton J. Hall, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Has Swiping Become Too Casual? Relationship Between Dating App Usage & High-Risk Behaviors

Emily Hirshman, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Canine Aggression & the Brain: How Neuroplasticity Could Be Used to Understand & Treat Aggressive Dogs

Naomi Hochman, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Juvenile Offenders

Kristin Hultgren, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Evaluating Prosocial Behaviors: Outcomes, Measurements, & Future Directions

Amanda Lilienfeld, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Psychedelics as Rapid Relief for Psychiatric Symptoms in Terminal Palliative Care Patients

Walt Li, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Measuring Multidimensional Meaning in Life

Maddy LoRusso, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Do dogs have an evolved and inherent advantage for social thinking? A test of cooperation between dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and humans (Homo sapiens)

Aliza Louis, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Bringing The Support Where it is Needed: Generalizability of the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools for Minority Youth

Kelly Lyons, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy as Treatment for Children with Social Anxiety Disorder

Rehana Naik Olson, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Neuroplasticity, Sleep, and Recovery in the Adult Visual Cortex

Georgia Paulig, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Literature Review and Analysis of Psychometric Properties

Gabrielle Lindy Reynaga, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Novel Pharmacotherapies for Female Sexual Assault Survivors with PTSD Could Aid Research on Female Sexual Dysfunction

Kailey Smith, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Consequences of the Unchanged Economic Inequality in America

Suhani Thandi, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Effects of Parenting Styles on Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review

Submissions from 2022

Luis Alvarez, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Serotonergic Psychedelics: An Emerging Mode of Treatment for Substance Addiction

Yaidelice Antunez, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Does Race Matter? The Role of Patient-Provider Ethnic and Racial Concordance on the Working Alliance, Patient-Centered Communication, and Perceived Interpersonal Sensitivity

Rachel Block, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Beyond Clinical Orientation and Between Cultures: Factors That Affect the Therapeutic Alliance

Jakob Boeye, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Letting their Voices Flow: Creating Enhanced Therapeutic Dialogue in BIPOC Adolescents through Hip Hop Therapy

Caitlin Chu, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, The Effects of Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Development of Sleep Disorders

Rebecca Fox, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, “My Achy Breaky Heart”: The Impact of Culture on Somatization

Paula Frankl, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, An Unstable Foundation: The Difficulties of Measuring the Predictive Value of Child Adversity Assessments

Julia Johnston, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Chatting with Lucidity: The Connection Between Sleep Talking and Dream Disorders

Jamie Kortanek, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Vaginal Epithelial Thickness and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase in Sexually Naïve and Experienced Female Rats

Kate Lanier, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Climate Change and the Framing Effect

Bethany Lazo, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Mind the Gender Gap: Examining Measurement of Violence Risk in Women

Elizabeth McCrea, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Debiasing the Influence of the Hindsight Bias and Anchoring Effect on Juror Decision Making

Sarah Nakamoto, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, The Immunological Effects of Music Therapy

Clara Posner, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Therapeutic Trips: Efficacy of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

Shaw Qin, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, What Makes Bilinguals Different from Monolinguals? A Systematic Review of Language Background Measurement in the Bilingual Cognitive Advantage Literature

Javier Ramirez, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Quantifying Interpretation Bias in Social Anxiety Research

Bridger Rives, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Measurement, Manipulation, and Reclassification of the Anchoring Effect

Maya Rogers, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Understanding the Role of Anticipated Regret and Risk Perception in Vaccine Decision Making

Madi Smith, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Ayahuasca: Is It More than Just a Trip?

Minneh Song, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Moving Away from Psychiatric Misdiagnosis in Immigrants and Refugees: An Exploration of Risk Factors and Solutions

Hisui Takeda, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, The Effects of Cultural Differences Between East Asia and the West on Social Anxiety

Madeline Thall, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Measuring Resilience in Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)

Zichen Tian, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Chronic Lead (Pb) Exposure Increased Dura Mater Meningeal Macrophages in C57BL/6j Young Mice

Trinh Tieu, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Measurement in the Language Attitudes Literature

McKenna Wirth, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Horses and Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy as Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Charlotte Zinda, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Where Words Fail, Music Speaks: Improvisational Music Therapy as a Social Skills Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Submissions from 2021

Will Altaweel, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, How Should We Practice Gratitude?: A Systematic Review of Variability among Gratitude Interventions

Allison Corlett, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Firing and Wiring: Neural Mechanisms of Long-Term Memory are Supported by BDNF via Microbiota Supplementation

Elizabeth Franchot, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Influence of Dark Personalities on Interpersonal Relationships: A Systematic Review

Claire Guang, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, What Is It about the Sound of Music?: Experimental Variability in Music and Cognition Research

Anna Li, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, On the Development of Implicit Racial Bias: Measurement Variation and Empirical Inconsistencies

Emery Louie and Aubrey Rawles, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Rising to the Occasion: Group Identity and Helping Behavior in a Natural Disaster Context

Ellie Mamantov, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, How Trusting Should We Be of Trust Measurements?

Lauren Pak, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Active Bystander Intervention in Adolescent Bullying: A Defending Model

Anna Schumacher, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Identity and Social Change: Connecting and Expanding Identity-Based Models of Collective Action

Nariah-Belle Ulep Sims, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Educational Relationship Reform: Teacher-Student Relationships in a Self-Determination Theory Perspective

Shealuck Vang, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Examining Food Motivations in the US: Cross-Cultural Comparisons Between Comfort Food Preferences

Changlan Wang, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Individualistic-Collectivistic Values and Personality as Mediators of Cultural Differences in Emotional Response

Elliot Yim, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Construct Validity of Measures of Loneliness and Perceived Social Isolation

Skylar Yu, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, Reward Processing and Eating Highly Palatable Foods Under Stress

Submissions from 2020

Alex Cardenas, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Mood Induction Procedures: Extreme Variability and Recommendations

Quincy D'Alessio, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Sugar High: An Analysis of Excessive Sugar Intake in an Addiction Framework

Naseem Dillman, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, The Nature Buffer: The Missing Link in Climate Change and Mental Health Research

Naseem Dillman, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, When the Nature of 'Nature' Is Inconsistent: Evaluating the Natural Environment in Attention Restoration Theory

River Fiocco, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Measurement of the Gender Minority Stress Model in Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth

Alexander Frieden, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Abstract Visual Pre-Cue Improves Reaction Time to a Syllabic Differentiation Task

Abby Hirshman, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Using Drug Treatments for Opiate Use Disorder to Treat Binge Eating Disorder

Abby H. Hirshman, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Using Drug Treatments for Opiate Use Disorder to Treat Binge Eating Disorder

Colin Liphart, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Interactions Between Microglia and Tau in an Aging Primate Model

Jason Maier, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, The Brilliance of Resilience: Understanding and Measuring It

Colleen Scallen, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, The Only Way Out Is Through: Drama Therapy as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

Kelsey Sullivan, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, High Glycemic Index Diets Negatively Affect Memory: Why Changing School Lunches Can Mitigate Those Effects

Lewis White, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Social Media Addiction: Worthy Of Inclusion In The DSM? A Comprehensive Review

Kavie Yu and Grisel Vidal Munoz, Psychology (PSYC) 2020, Therapeutic Fasting and Ketogenic Diet for Treating Major Depressive Disorder via the Gut Microbiome

Submissions from 2019

Gifty Amos Nwankwo, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, “That Actually Hurts”: Exploring Black Women’s Believed Immunity to the Effects of Negative Body-Image Perpetuated by Media

Derin Arduman, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Causes, Manifestations and Prevention of the Political Abuse of Psychiatry in Eastern Europe and China

Kyle Berglund, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Why Do We Kill? A Review of Past and Current Theories on the Nature of Murder

Emily Boxrud, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Fit-Ideal Media and Eating Disorder Development: Pathways for Influencing Disordered Thinking and Behavior

Shannon Branigin, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Education, Engagement, and Advocacy: A Framework for the Roles of Social Media in LGBTQA Identity Development and Expression

Jennifer Chan, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Empathizing with Criminal Intent: Taking Moral Transgressors' Perspectives

Cecily Conour, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Moderating Roles of Maternal Solicitousness and Catastrophizing in Child Pain Severity and Functional Disability

Eveline Dowling, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Hate Trumps Love: What is the Role of Contempt in American Politics?