The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

Browse comps and student work by academic department.


Graduated in 2022

Anna Roberts, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Optogenetic and Chemogenetic Approaches to Studying Neural Circuitry and Therapeutic Mechanisms in Parkinson's Disease

Jevon Robinson, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Exploring the Viral-Cilia Interface

Maya Rogers, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Understanding the Role of Anticipated Regret and Risk Perception in Vaccine Decision Making

Cas Roland, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2022, Hear Hoofbeats, See Zebras: The Role of Disability, Scrutiny, and Community in the Construction of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Adam Ross, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Conduction, Electron Energies, and Correlated Electron Materials

Lucas Sass, Linguistics (LING) 2022, Checking Out Particle Verbs: A comparative Analysis of World Englishes

Owen Schuster, History (HIST) 2022, Upholding Continuity and Rejecting Change: The Role of Church History in Marsilius of Padua's Defensor pacis

Eesha Shah, Economics (ECON) 2022, Investment in Secondary Education Combats Income Inequality for Low and Middle Income Countries While Preserving Growth

Mohammed Mehdi Shahid, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Spinning Pixels: The Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Becky Shapiro, Economics (ECON) 2022, Morality and Salary: are laborers willing to take a pay cut to do work in line with their philosophy?

Yicheng Shen, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, Justified Cause? Assessing the Humanitarian Outcomes of U.S. Foreign Aid and Intervention Since the Cold War

Yicheng Shen, Jacob Flignor, Karen Wang, and Libby Nachreiner, Statistics (STAT) 2022, Behind the Smoke: An Extreme Value Analysis of Air Pollution in Minnesota

Julia Shirley, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2022, Cognitively Bounded Morality: How Cognitive Limits Could Impact Moral Decisions

Yueheng Shi, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Physics of Laser Cooling

Mattison Shreero, Geology (GEOL) 2022, An Exploration in Geologic Interpretation: Increasing Accessibility of Geologic Information in Badlands National Park and Buffalo Gap National Grassland

Mattison Shreero, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, The Museum of Cosmic Warning

Jacob Small, Economics (ECON) 2022, Remittances as a Replacement for Government Transfer Programs: A Mexican Case Study

Cassandra Smith, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Effects of Anisotropy on Borehole Breakout Direction: A Physical Modeling Approach

Celine Smith, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Investigating the effects of bedding anisotropy on borehole breakouts in the San Joaquin Valley and their implications for the frictional strength of the San Andreas Fault

Madi Smith, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Ayahuasca: Is It More than Just a Trip?

Renée Smith, Anna Zheng, Zach DiNardo, Lauren Way, Annabella Strathman, Tonny Aton, and Molly Kammann, Chemistry (CHEM) 2022, Chemistry in silico: Modeling Complex Bio-organic Synthesis Using Computational Chemistry

Leah R. Snidman, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Interactions Between Insects and Other Organisms Impact Grassland Ecosystems and Restoration Efforts

Minneh Song, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Moving Away from Psychiatric Misdiagnosis in Immigrants and Refugees: An Exploration of Risk Factors and Solutions

Abbey Stockwell, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2022, “Why am I Still Being Punished?”: The Ear Hustle Podcast and Understanding Success, Barriers, and Life after Prison

Elliot Stork, German (GERM) 2022, Die Ablehnung der öffentlichen Machtstrukturen durch Geschlechtsausdruck: Charlotte von Mahlsdorfs Leben in der DDR

Elliot Stork, Linguistics (LING) 2022, How Does the World Englishes Paradigm Influence Convergence Rates in Speakers of Midwestern English? An Experimental Analysis

Kara Sun, Ada Wright, and Astrid Steiner-Manning, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2022, Objections and Ideologies Surrounding the Development of Affordable Housing on Local Greenspace: A Case Study of the Kraewood Development Project

Will Taft, Physics (PHYS) 2022, A Survey of Nuclear Engineering (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Atomic Power)

Hisui Takeda, Music (MUSC) 2022, Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 and Informed Performance Practice

Hisui Takeda, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, The Effects of Cultural Differences Between East Asia and the West on Social Anxiety

Andrea Tartaglia, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Disruption of RNA splicing: A pathway to disease and a target for modern therapeutics

Conner Taylor, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, Construction and Coefficients of a Cyclotomic Polynomial

Katherine Taylor, Sarah Cauthorn, Polycarpe Bagereka, Jp Braun, Chloe Lipinksi, Worawin Premrasmi, Isabel Cannell, and Leah Snidman, Chemistry (CHEM) 2022, Unnatural Polypeptides with Beta Residues

Madeline Thall, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Measuring Resilience in Cotton Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)

Narayani Thijm, Religion (RELG) 2022, LO AND BEHOLD! Limits and Uses of Linguistic Perspectives on Mantra use in Tantric Sādhana Deity Meditations

Aubrey Thurman, Economics (ECON) 2022, The Relationship Between Social Infrastructure and Female Labor Force Participation Across Countries

Zichen Tian, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Changes in B cell populations in the Dura Mater meninges: Homeostasis VS. Multiple Sclerosis

Zichen Tian, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Chronic Lead (Pb) Exposure Increased Dura Mater Meningeal Macrophages in C57BL/6j Young Mice

Trinh Tieu, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Measurement in the Language Attitudes Literature

Amadou Tine, Economics (ECON) 2022, Will Investment in Human Capital Reduce Income Inequality?

Caroline Tsui, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, Keep Calm And Choose Lead: A Graphic Novel

Hana Uyeda, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Industrial infrastructure and socially vulnerable communities: Two case studies of the environmental consequences of pipeline leaks in Minnesota and Michigan and Indigenous-led opposition to the new Line 3

Finn Uyeki, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Application Of The Stress-Gradient Hypothesis to Restoration Efforts

Saraswati Vadnais, English (ENGL) 2022, Will I Make a Man Out of You? Coming-of-Age and Subversions of Masculinity in America Is in the Heart and Stone Butch Blues

Max Vale, Economics (ECON) 2022, Analyzing The Paycheck Fairness Act As A Solution For the Gender Wage Gap

Frank Valtierrez, Economics (ECON) 2022, The Impact of Human Capital Investment on Income Inequality and Economic Growth

Salvador Vega, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Currents

Jed Villanueva, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2022, You Can’t Get Groovier Than This: A Replication of Janata et al. (2012)

Will Walsh, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Antisense Oligonucleotide-mediated Manipulation of the Alternative Splicing Regulatory Machinery Corrects Disease-causing Aberrant Splicing

Mitchell Wang, Economics (ECON) 2022, Understanding Ethereum as a Financial Asset for Common Investors

Yunping Wang, Physics (PHYS) 2022, The Physics of Lithography

Yunping Wang, Yemi Shin, Michael Worrell, and Juanito Zhang Yang, Computer Science (CS) 2022, Aequitas: Automated Fairness Testing on Machine Learning Database

Sarah Westrich, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Stories Untold

Thomas White, American Studies (AMST) 2022, Curating a Self(ie): The Expression of Friendship on Instagram

Jan Williams, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Sonar, Acoustic Wave Propagation, and Signal Processing

Walter Williamson, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Evaluating the Importance of SARS-CoV-2 Respiratory Droplet Dispersal and Persistence in Indoor and Outdoor Environments

Talia Williams, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Ciliary Intraflagellar Transport in Embryonic Craniofacial Patterning

Dylan Willick, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Chaos and Synchronization: An Unlikely Pair

Georgia Wilson, Religion (RELG) 2022, Performing Agency: Juanita Bynum, Neo-Pentecostalism, and Black Female Sexuality

Sam Wingfield, English (ENGL) 2022, "Before I am, I was": Narrating Time in Angle of Repose

Lea Winston, History (HIST) 2022, Removing Madrid’s Equestrian Statue of Franco: A Study of Spanish Collective Memory and Amnesia

McKenna Wirth, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Horses and Hospitals: A Systematic Review of Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy as Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Jeffrey Witney, Linguistics (LING) 2022, Could You Might Tell Me What You Think: An Experiment in Double Modal Orderings

Aidan Wolff-King, Philosophy (PHIL) 2022, When Are You Going to Hug Me? And Other Questions Men Should Ask Their Friends

Eric Wright, Economics (ECON) 2022, Heterogeneous Effects of Commuter Rail Lines on Housing Prices

Xinyan Xiang, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Spin Glasses

Xavier Xiong, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Exploration of the Effect of CRISPR-Cas Systems on Horizontal Gene Transfer: A Cost and Benefit Analysis

Jahmaine Renzo Ocampo Yambing, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Greenhouse Constraints on the Inorganic Carbon Sequestration Potential of Enhanced Silicate Weathering in Agriculture


Mathew Zappa, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Impacts of Fire on Fluvial Macroinvertebrates; The Effects of Resource and Habitat Shifts

Mary Zhang, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Toolkits for Controlling Microbial Consortia

Juanito Zhang Yang and Owen Barnett, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, Introduction to Lie Algebras

Charlotte Zinda, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Where Words Fail, Music Speaks: Improvisational Music Therapy as a Social Skills Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Graduated in 2021

Sarah Allaben, Biology (BIOL) 2021, Complex Interactions between the Coral Holobiont and Environmental Stressors Necessitate a New Paradigm of Disease Research

Will Altaweel, Psychology (PSYC) 2021, How Should We Practice Gratitude?: A Systematic Review of Variability among Gratitude Interventions

Kano Amagai, Biology (BIOL) 2021, Bats Exhibit Suppressed Inflammation Upon Viral Infection Due to Flight-Induced Oxidative Stress

Sam Anderson, Geology (GEOL) 2021, Plowed Under: Geoarchaeological Afterlives of Urban Renewal in Southwest, Washington, DC

Isabel Arevalo, Studio Art (ARTS) 2021, Pain as Transformation: Healing in the Body

Jessalyn Ayars, Biology (BIOL) 2021, Evaluating the Mechanisms of the Dilution Effect Hypothesis of Pathogen Prevalence for Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, and Lyme Disease

Katherine Babbit, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2021, Black on Duty: A Study of Black Police Officers Navigating the Era of Black Lives Matter

Louisa Ballinger, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2021, "Tetherball" Pilot

Izzy B. Bascom-Anderson Ms., Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2021, “We laugh more than we cry”: Interviews with older adults during the Covid-19 pandemic

Julia Baumgarte, Geology (GEOL) 2021, Statistics on Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Ellipsoids: a Case Study from the Tjörnes Fracture Zone

Nicole Binder, Will Fletcher, Yuting Su, Eliot Huh, and Logan Peters, Computer Science (CS) 2021, Decrypting Cryptographic Algorithms

Gianmarco Bommarito, Marcella Manivel, Bo Peng, and Marguerite Shaya, Mathematics (MATH) 2021, Bernoulli Numbers and the Class Groups of Cyclotomic Fields

Sonja Borgmann, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2021, Reframing Gender in War: Syria through the eyes of Arab Women Journalists

Eleanor Boyer, Religion (RELG) 2021, Stories of Identity: Devadasis and Bharata Natyam

Asha Bozicevich, Biology (BIOL) 2021, The Positive Feedback Loop between IL-10 Production, STAT3 Activation, BLIMP-1 Expression, and T cell Exhaustion

Grace Brindle, History (HIST) 2021, Between Fascism and Democracy: The Allied Occupation of Sicily

Travis Brown, Marko Jurkovich, Vincent Gu, and Andrew Vance, Statistics (STAT) 2021, Predicting COVID-19 Using SIR Models

Maddie Bryant, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2021, "Partisan Spillover and the Political Frames of Super Bowl Advertisements After the 2016 Election"

Melanie Bullock, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2021, Bridging California’s Digital Divide: How Bay Area Stakeholder’s Reactions to Unequal Internet Access Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Display Their Capital

Judi Bush, James Craig, John Sherer, Matthew Stritzel, Kate Sweeney, and Harry Tian, Computer Science (CS) 2021, You Wouldn’t DDoS an Election: Security, Integrity and Availability in Electronic Voting

Charles Bushman, Physics (PHYS) 2021, Physical Reservoir Computing for Classification of Temporal Data

Hugo Caplow, Economics (ECON) 2021, Exploring the Gender Dimensions of Remittances Through a Intra-Household Bargaining Based Approach: The Case of the Philippines

Lydia Chau, Studio Art (ARTS) 2021, On Dealing with the Aftermath

Alex Chertoff, History (HIST) 2021, Occupation and Opportunity: Nice and its Jews during the Holocaust

Brevin A. Clark, Biology (BIOL) 2021, Small Change, Big Impact - the Role of a Four Amino Acid Addition to the S1/S2 Site of SARS-CoV-2

Daniel Clipper, Statistics (STAT) 2021, Lighting the Lamp: Calculating Individual Contribution in Hockey

Josephine Conn, Biology (BIOL) 2021, It's Batty! The Unique Antiviral Response of Type-I Interferons in Bats