Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2022
Noah Hanson, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, The Vanifar
Nathan Hayes, Louis Ye, Phil Donnelly, and David Anderson, Computer Science (CS) 2022, WikiScore: Auto-Evaluation of (Simple) Wikipedia Articles
Angel Hays, History (HIST) 2022, The History of Ajami Script: Redefining the Meaning of Literacy in Africa
Rachel Heilbronner, History (HIST) 2022, Powder to the People: Growth Management and Environmental Justice in Aspen, Colorado
Vincent F. He, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Antimatter: Theoretical Foundations and Beyond
Rebecca Hicke, John Groos, Jade Kandel, Ephraim Benson, and Haruki Yoshida, Computer Science (CS) 2022, Practicum 2.0: An Interactive Tool for Practicing Introductory CS Topics
Paul Hinton, Economics (ECON) 2022, Early Childhood Intervention and Income Inequality: An Analysis on the Intergenerational Mobility of Head Start Participants
Paul Hinton, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, The Rationality of Economic Discounting
Anna Hori, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, Minnesota Television Coverage of Female Candidates in 2008 and 2016
Becca Horwitz, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Investigating the Potential Overlap Between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Proposed Offshore Wind Areas
Lilian Hurtubise, Economics (ECON) 2022, Monetary Policy Spillovers into Small Open Economies: The United States vs. The Euro Area
Julaluck Intasin, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Two-speed Genome Theory in Fungi
Josh Isaacs, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Tracing the petrogenesis of Siletzia through geochemistry and petrography; the case for slab window-plume volcanism in the Crescent Formation
Maya Jensen, Economics (ECON) 2022, Credit Source and Consumption in Mongolia: Do Microloans and Informal Loans Impact Consumption Differently?
Leah Johnson, History (HIST) 2022, Narrating the Nation: Constructions of Identity and Nationalism in Estonian Museums
Leah Johnson, Economics (ECON) 2022, The Urban and Rural Divide: Co-residence and Female Labor Supply in Brazil
Tate Yee Johnson, Philosophy (PHIL) 2022, Vasubandhu’s Illusory Elephant: Alternative Philosophical Methods Yielding Unconventional Results
Zachary Johnson, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Reaching for the Stars: The Physics of Space Elevators
Julia Johnston, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Chatting with Lucidity: The Connection Between Sleep Talking and Dream Disorders
Julia Johnston, English (ENGL) 2022, Silhouette in the Doorway
Sydney Marie Jones, Biology (BIOL) 2022, When Fire Feeds Fire: Evolution of Flammability Induces Positive Fire-Vegetation Feedback Loops in Subgenus Pinus
Robert Josowitz, Theater Arts (THEA) 2022, The Effect by Lucy Prebble: A Theater Comps Production by Will Josowitz
Ethan Karp, Geology (GEOL) 2022, From Earth to Art: Exploring Sustainable Ceramics and the Cowling Arboretum's Clay
Gabriel Keane, Economics (ECON) 2022, U.S. Military Spending: Developing or Destroying
Allison Keen, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Quenching: The Death of Galaxies
Oscar Kimzey, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations on Soybean Biomass Production: Implications for Global Food Systems in a Changing Climate
Rahul Kirkhope, Political Science (POSC); Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, A Descent into the Dissident Right: How White Victimhood and the "Great Replacement Theory" Went Mainstream
Kapani Kirkland, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, Fatal Eggs, Mad Scientists, and Carnival Galore: Satirical Narrative as Political Expression
Logan Knutson, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, A Foregone Conclusion? Race, Wealth, and the Modern Application of the American Death Penalty
Jamie Kortanek, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Vaginal Epithelial Thickness and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase in Sexually Naïve and Experienced Female Rats
Alec Kotler, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Alternative Splicing: A Focus on Disruptors to the Mechanism Leading to Disease and Illuminating Therapeutic Possibility
David Krakaur, Economics (ECON) 2022, Skill-biased Technical Change As A Source Of Income Inequality: An Investigation Of Changes In Wage Returns To Job Tasks In The 21st Century
Todd Laffaye, Biology (BIOL) 2022, The Role of Cilia and Hedgehog Signaling in Medulloblastoma: Complex Drivers and Advantageous Targets for the Treatment of Shh-Dependent Oncology
Natalie Lafferty, American Studies (AMST) 2022, The Monster of Mental Illness: The Representation of Mary Todd Lincoln’s Mental Health in American Culture
Nghi Lam, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Alternative splicing: determinative role of cis elements and trans factors in disease and therapy
Kate Lanier, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Climate Change and the Framing Effect
Bethany Lazo, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Mind the Gender Gap: Examining Measurement of Violence Risk in Women
Grace Lee, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, The Extra(Ordinary)
Serena Lee, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Disturbance Amplifies Predator Pressure: An Analysis of Predators in Restoration Projects
Siena Leone-Getten, American Studies (AMST) 2022, American Individualism: White Supremacy, Patriarchy, and the Curtailing of American Democracy
Alec Leonetti, Biology (BIOL) 2022, The Evolution of the Role of Cilia in Asymmetric Left-Right Axis Patterning
Zachary J. Lewis, Biology (BIOL) 2022, The transcription factor Bach2 drives memory B cell differentiation from the germinal center as a result of low-affinity B cell receptor signaling.
Gabriel Lobet, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Soil Properties of Prairie Creek Wildlife Management Area in Rice County, MN: The Influence of Land Use History and Prairie Restoration
Carly Lo, Biology (BIOL) 2022, An Explosion of Aquatic Life: A Comparative Evaluation of the Impact of Wildfires on Freshwater and Marine Phytoplankton Communities
Jeremiah Mackin-Alonzi, Karryn Leake, Sagal Ahmed, and Henry Farnsworth, Statistics (STAT) 2022, Survival Analysis: An Application with Censored Head and Neck Cancer Data
Hannah MacLeod, Elias Franzen, Ella Stack, and Abigail Sutcliffe, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2022, "A new normal": the rise of Anthropocene rhetoric in local news media coverage of wildfire
Manjari Majumdar, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Bike Dream
Jeep Maneenoi, Geology (GEOL) 2022, Investigating the potential factors behind microplastics distribution along the beaches in Southern California
Nothando N. Mangena, Biology (BIOL) 2022, In malaria, Interferon gamma induced T-bet expression increases B cell affinity but reduces their capacity to clear infection
Sydney Marsh, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Therapeutic Application for Cis and Trans Splicing Mutations
Jacob Martens, David Krakaur, and Bryan Boehnke, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, Seeking Lines Using Resultants and More: Statistics on Cubic Surfaces Over Finite Fields
Carl Marvin, Economics (ECON) 2022, Evaluating the Paycheck Fairness Act: Do Not Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good
Carl Marvin, Political Science (POSC) 2022, The Best of Both Worlds: Making the Most of the Middle Ground Between the US and China
Elizabeth McCrea, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Debiasing the Influence of the Hindsight Bias and Anchoring Effect on Juror Decision Making
Katherine McFerrin, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Genomic Signatures of Virulence: The Effects of Pathogenicity Islands on Pathogen Fitness
Brooke McKelvey, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Roots
Christopher McTaggart, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Sardines
Ashley Mei, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWSS) 2022, Encrypted: A Study on Reactions to Anti-Asian Sentiment
Ben Mellin, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Faunal Biodiversity and Pyrodiversity in Western North American Forests: Flaws in the Current Literature
Elie Mer, Chemistry (CHEM) 2022, Serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography as a tool for the characterization of protein structure and dynamics
Ayasa Michii, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Alternative Splicing in Development, Aging, and Diseases
Miyuki Mihira, History (HIST) 2022, Pluralizing History and Silence of Hibakusha: Operations of Stigmatized Identities and Memories of Nagasaki Buraku
Colleen Milligan, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Restoring Patchy Coniferous Forests through Prescribed Fires and Thinning Efforts to Better Prepare Them for the Effects of Climate Change
Ella Milliken, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Unique E. globulous Chemistry in Eucalypt Forests Influences Abnormal PyOM Production in Response to Fire Severity
Arya Misra, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, I HOPE YOU REMEMBER THIS MOMENT
Kristin Miyagi, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2022, Conflict and Hope for a Better Life: Transformative Gender Roles and Women’s Economic Empowerment During the Syrian Civil War
Yuto Miyazawa, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Quantum teleportation and its experimental realization
Emmanuel Morales, Economics (ECON) 2022, Understanding Remittances: How the 2008 Financial Crisis Affected the Impact of Remittances
Ayaka Moriyama, Physics (PHYS) 2022, The Physics of Plasma Gasification with Plasma Arc
Ayaka Moriyama, Dance (DANC) 2022, ψ( )
Myat Thant Sin Naing, Economics (ECON) 2022, Social Institutions and Economic Growth
Sarah Nakamoto, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, The Immunological Effects of Music Therapy
Adam Nakasaka, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, Revisited
Jordan Navarro, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2022, Effect of Religiosity on the Conjunction Fallacy
Jordan Navarro, Philosophy (PHIL) 2022, The Liar Paradox: Considering Fuzzy Logic and Trivalent Truth Conditions
Chi Nguyen, David Chae, John Groos, Xander Roti, and Sabrine Shanaa, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, A Modern Take on the Proof of Jacobi's Four-Square Theorem
Adam N. Nik, Molly Kammann, Jack Rybarczyk, and Sue He, Computer Science (CS) 2022, Scenify: Using AI to Generate Scenic Walking Paths
Katherine Nowak, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Optogenetics as a Means to Improve Human Perception
Katherine Oda, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Boldly Going, But Should We?: The Next Generation of Extremely Large Telescopes
Win Wen Ooi, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2022, “We Believe in Intercultural rather than Multicultural”: Negotiating Place-based, National, and Global Cultural Imaginations
Folasade Orepo, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2022, Rhythm Of Life
Mark Paine, Biology (BIOL) 2022, A Comparison of the Ciliary Mechanisms and Genetic Mutations Underlying Situs Inversus and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Daria Palenova, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Physics of Neural Signals
Ben Perry, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, Figure Gestures in India Ink
Jackson Piccirillo, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Improves Plant Health, Productivity, and Tolerance to Environmental Stress By Influencing Plant Physiology, Soil Ecological Interactions, and Soil Structure Engineering
Allegra Pihlaja, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2022, "Special Water": Water as Community in Wisconsin's Chequamegon Bay
Noah Pinkney, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Quantum Biology, Photosynthesis, and Resonance Energy Transfer
Noah Pinkney, Shira Julie, and Elliot Heyman, Mathematics (MATH) 2022, Algebraic Topology and Discrete Morse Theory for Finite Spaces
Kellan Pinson, Economics (ECON) 2022, Regulating The Retail Investor
Logan Plasch, Physics (PHYS) 2022, Physics of Nuclear Fusion Reactors
Colette Pollard, Nathan Hayes-Rich, Dominic Enriquez, and Emily Schulenberg, Statistics (STAT) 2022, COVID-19 Incidence Rate in Minnesota: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis
Zoe Poolos, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2022, Existing Somewhere in Between: Examining Experiences of Non-Binary Athletes on Collegiate Sports Teams
Clara Posner, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Therapeutic Trips: Efficacy of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Isak Poulsen, Biology (BIOL) 2022, Fire-Induced Evolutionary Traits and How They Will Fare Against Short-Interval, High-Intensity Fires
Phoebe Pugh, History (HIST) 2022, Rights of Reason : Newspapers and Public Discourse on American Women’s Roles in a Post-Revolutionary World
Ali Purdum, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2022, The Tic-Reducing Effect of Music on Tourette's Syndrome
Shaw Qin, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, What Makes Bilinguals Different from Monolinguals? A Systematic Review of Language Background Measurement in the Bilingual Cognitive Advantage Literature
Tyrone Quigley, Studio Art (ARTS) 2022, Seeing the Figure
Declan Ramirez, Geology (GEOL) 2022, A Quantitative Survey of Sphaeriid Abundances within Spring Creek Habitats, Northfield, MN
Javier Ramirez, Psychology (PSYC) 2022, Quantifying Interpretation Bias in Social Anxiety Research