Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2023
Lane Maitland, Statistics (STAT) 2023, The Effect of Elevated Carbon Dioxide Levels on Plant Mass: A Meta-Analysis
Sachit Mallya, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Impact of the Type of Loan Borrowed on Intrahousehold Financial Decision-Making: An Insight Into Female Entrepreneurship in India
Astrid Malter, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, The Sixth Borough
Nicole Marsh, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, Striking Out
Jack Mathieu, Chemistry (CHEM) 2023, An Electrochemical Investigation of the Nonaqueous Copper Oxide Depositional System
Jack Mathieu, Geology (GEOL) 2023, Remote Sensing and Isotopic Analysis of Potential Zones of Groundwater Discharge in the Carleton College Arboretum
Maxwell, Religion (RELG) 2023, The Self, Spiritual Warfare, and Deliverance in the Work of Frank and Ida Mae Hammond
Clara Mayfield, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Impact of Methanogens on Climate Change: Improving our Understanding of Methanogenesis in Thawing Permafrost
Sam McCarthy, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Microbial degradation of PET plastic
Nadia McPherson, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, Deconstructing Nostalgic Configurations of Home: The German (Anti)Heimat Film
Sidra Michael, Art History (ARTH) 2023, Inventing a “Self”: An Exploration of the Self-Portraiture of Nicolas Poussin and Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
Suad Mohamed, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Impacts of Increasing Drought on the Functioning and Stability of the Grassland Soil Microbiome
Rylyn Monahan, Art History (ARTH) 2023, War, Art and Memory: The Tensions between Historical Accuracy and Mythmaking in the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama
Sydney Mone, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Effect of a Country’s Healthcare System on their Population’s COVID-19 Attitudes and Outcomes
Elena Morales-Grahl, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Vital Role of Microglia and Astrocytes in Synaptic Loss and Disruption in Alzheimer’s Disease
Noah L. Mueller, Tatiana Jimenez, Connor Grayzel, Ellie Vandel, Eledon Beyene, Meredith Klay, Michael Berler, Seraphel Grosser, and Weiland Wang, Chemistry (CHEM) 2023, Detecting Diseases: Three Remarkable Biosensors
Anwesha Mukherji, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Impact of Climate Change on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Freshwater and Marine Juvenile Development
Charlotte Nahley, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Importance of F. prausnitzii and Butyrate Production in the Development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Rehana Naik Olson, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Neuroplasticity, Sleep, and Recovery in the Adult Visual Cortex
Sam Nelson, Studio Art (ARTS) 2023, when the weather has been above freezing for a week I am going to buy baba ghanoush
Liora Newman, History (HIST) 2023, "We Have No Intention of Creating Another Chicago:" A Tactical Comparison of the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention Protests and Mayday 1971
Jake Oberg, Classics (CLST) 2023, Empowerment, Reversal, and Reunion: Examining Three Relationships in Supergiant Games' Hades
Beck Page, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Role of Zoning in the Affordable Housing Crisis
Kanishk Pandey, Physics (PHYS) 2023, Exploring the Images of the James Webb Space Telescope, a $10 Billion Time Machine
Madeleine Parr, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2023, Mothers and Monsters: Nationalism, Religious Extremism and Gender Norms
Kayla Passino, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2023, Beyond Learning Styles: Applying Cognitive Science in the Classroom
Cate Patterson, Biology (BIOL) 2023, All a-bat the UPRER: A Cellular Stress Response in Hibernating Bats
Georgia Paulig, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Literature Review and Analysis of Psychometric Properties
Sophie Perfetto, English (ENGL) 2023, Anthropocene
Astrid Petropoulos, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The “D”ebate: The Association Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Periodontal Disease
Ben Pham, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Influenza A mRNA splicing disrupts host mRNA splicing
Kevin Phung, Economics (ECON) 2023, How does the Federal Open Market Committee’s Press Conference affect various asset returns: A Machine Learning Approach
Michaela Polley, Rachel Ziems, Riley Madsen, Isaac Fried, Tia Ahmed, Michael Dreger, Andrea Ramos, and Raine Bernhard, Mathematics (MATH) 2023, Unpacking Algebra: 98 Lessons with Applications
Olivia Potter, Latin American Studies (LTAM) 2023, Subjectivity of Success: Mexico's Prospera Program
Isabella Pozzi, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Role of Microglia and Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
Sophia Prichard, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Not So Silent: The influence of codon usage bias on gene expression
Sophia M. Quast, History (HIST) 2023, State-making and Abortion in the Nineteenth-Century Midwest
Tyler Quitmeyer, Biology (BIOL) 2023, SRSF1 Enhances Splice Site Recognition through an ESE-Independent Mechanism
Joe Radinsky, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2023, Getting Off: Uses and Expectations of Pornography Among LGBTQ+ College Students
Utsha Rai, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Subjective Nature of Optimality in Biology: Exploring Codon Usage Bias
Trent Ramirez, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Boric Effect: An Analysis on the Impact of Political Events on Chilean Stock Returns
Lora Randa, Biology (BIOL) 2023, [4Fe-3S] Clusters Mediate Oxygen Tolerance in [NiFe] Hydrogenases
Eleanor Reinhold, English (ENGL) 2023, "Equal As We Are": Female Self Worth in Pamela and Jane Eyre
Gabrielle Lindy Reynaga, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, Novel Pharmacotherapies for Female Sexual Assault Survivors with PTSD Could Aid Research on Female Sexual Dysfunction
Scout Riley, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, Valley Fever
Rhesel Rivera, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Upregulation of the UPR Signaling Pathway via IRE1⍺-XBP1 Splicing Favors ZIKV Infection and Maternal-Fetal ZIKV Transmission
Daven Rock, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Zika Virus Induced Downregulation of Tight Junctions and the Extracellular Matrix Disrupts Intercellular Integrity and Enhances Transplacental Pathogenesis
Hannah Rosenberg, History (HIST) 2023, Swing It On: Resistance, Respectability, and Lindy Hop at the Savoy Ballroom
Henry Rousseau, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Mutant SRSF2 cooperates with mutant Isocitrate Dehydrogenase ll to progress myelodysplastic syndrome to secondary acute myeloid leukemia.
Tate Russell, Linguistics (LING) 2023, Null In Void: Can null resumptive pronouns fill L2 island gaps?
Amer Said, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Zika Virus Entry into Host Cells Is Mediated By Axl TAM Kinase and Its Associated Ligand Gas6
Caroline Saksena, Biology (BIOL) 2023, TDP-43 Protein Aggregation Leads to Missplicing of Neuronal Growth Proteins
Zachary Sather, History (HIST) 2023, Visions of a Wisconsin State Prison: Statebuilding and the Rehabilitative Ideal, 1836 - 1852
Adi Satish, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Human Disease in a Fluctuating World
Ellen Schlick, American Studies (AMST) 2023, The Innocent Outlaw: How Extralegal Violence Built Western Democracy
Keaton Schuelke, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Market Needs the Meat: The effects of the 2017 Brazilian Meat Scandal
Srishti (Shelly) Seth, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Mechanisms for Codon Usage Bias and its Influence on Translational Efficiency and Gene Expression
Ming Shen, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Host MicroRNAs Provide Means of Innate Immune System Evasion During Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection
Hannah Sheridan, English (ENGL) 2023, Rewriting the City: The Transgressive Flâneuse in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and Caitriona Lally’s Eggshells
Grant M. Singer, Geology (GEOL) 2023, Spring Creek Springs: Locating Prairie du Chien Springs in Cowling Arboretum, Northfield, Minnesota
Jonathan Singleton, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Climate change induced mismatches between various predator-prey interactions in different life stages of the anadromous Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)
Kailey Smith, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Consequences of the Unchanged Economic Inequality in America
Natalie Soehnlin, Physics (PHYS) 2023, Global Warming and Its Effects on Astronomical Observations
Mikhalina Solakhava, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2023, Por Las Familias y La Revolución, #CóDigoSí: Imagining the National Family in Cuba
Mikhalina Solakhava, Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies (GWSS) 2023, Wives and Witches of the Thrice-Tenth Kingdom: Translation Politics and Gender Discourses in Belarusian Fairytales
Frank Sottrel, Physics (PHYS) 2023, Quantum Decoherence and the Problems it Solves
Jackson Stinebaugh, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, Memorial
Maya Stovall, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2023, We Need to Save Us: Climate Justice as Revolution
Aravindh Subramanian, Japanese (JAPN) 2023, Understanding Mishima Yukio: A Thirst for Ecstacy
Irene Sullivan, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Effects of Mental Health on Labor Market Consistency Across Racial Groups
Karina Suwal, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Microglial activation propagates tau pathology of Alzheimer's Disease
Dane Swanser, History (HIST) 2023, “Dear Harry” : Love, leverage, and literary tradition told through the gay worlds of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana
Andriana Taratsas, English (ENGL) 2023, The Cross-Dresser's Dilemma: The Reader as the Answer to Literature's (Im)mobility Problem
Bahar Tas, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, A La Turca
Bahar Tas, Economics (ECON) 2023, From Parliamentary to Presidential System: Turkey’s Stock Market Response
Neda Tehrani, Studio Art (ARTS) 2023, Nostalgia, Memory, and Illusions of the Past
Neda Tehrani, Biology (BIOL) 2023, The Protective Immune Role of 17β-Estradiol against HCV Infection, Proliferation, and Progression
Suhani Thandi, Psychology (PSYC) 2023, The Effects of Parenting Styles on Academic Achievement: A Systematic Review
Andrew Thompson, Physics (PHYS) 2023, Optimizing the Ballistic Performance and Safety of Centerfire Rifles
Erin Timmins, Studio Art (ARTS) 2023, Who Are You When No One Is Watching?
Ben Turner, Physics (PHYS) 2023, The Physics of Satellite Internet: Formation of a New Artificial Constellation
Kelsea Turner, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, WILD Pilot
Caroline Tyree, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2023, Happy For Now: A New Cycle of the American Romantic Comedy Film
Sebastian Vander Ploeg Fallon, Aaron Schondorf, Thomas Zeng, and Nick Fitzhugh, Mathematics (MATH) 2023, A New Model for Random Square-Tiled Surfaces
Cameron Velasquez, Economics (ECON) 2023, Potential Solutions to the Hold-Out Problem in the Context of Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Isaiah Vijil, Studio Art (ARTS) 2023, Untitled
Eleazar Villagomez, Economics (ECON) 2023, Rethinking Sovereign Debt Restructuring
Bryson Walker, Economics (ECON) 2023, Remittance Volumes and Transaction Costs; Sensitivity Under Different Economic Environments
Alex Washburn, Economics (ECON) 2023, Changes in Environmental Amenity Values during and after COVID-19 Lockdowns in Ramsey County, Minnesota
Emma Watson, Geology (GEOL) 2023, A U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Reevaluation of Archean Rocks from the Minnesota River Valley: Implications for Early Tectonics
Clark Webster, Economics (ECON) 2023, The Effect of Technological Advancements on the Racial Wage Gap Senior Integrative Exercise
Julian White-Davis, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2023, Dwelling in America
Tori Winter, Biology (BIOL) 2023, RNA Binding Protein Rbfox1 is Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder Through its Dual Role in Alternative Splicing and Gene Expression
Lauren Witmer, Linguistics (LING) 2023, I've Eaten, Drank, and Slept: An Investigation of the Preterite in Place of the Participle
Ian Wojtowicz, Physics (PHYS) 2023, The Interiors of Neutron Stars
Patrick Wolesky, Economics (ECON) 2023, Opening the Doors for Opportunity: Reimagining Inclusionary Zoning and Affordable Housing Policies in Major American Cities
Ella Woodruff, Biology (BIOL) 2023, Dive to Survive: Dive Response, Myoglobin, and Antioxidants in Aquatic Mammals
Magdalena Worman, Studio Art (ARTS) 2023, Empty White Space
Matt Wyffels, Economics (ECON) 2023, Solutions to the Affordable Housing Crisis
Daisuke Yamada, Yilong Song, and Antonio Marino, Computer Science (CS) 2023, Replicating "Image-Adaptive GAN Based Reconstruction"