The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

Browse comps and student work by academic department.


Awarded in 2012

Hannah Jean Button-Harrison, Music (MUSC) 2012, Freeing the Music [paper], The Sound of Singing [composition/performance]

Lina Feuerstein, History (HIST) 2012, The Transformation of PaterFilia Dynamics and the Creation of the Masculinized “Daughter” of Christ in The Martyrdom of Saint Perpetua

Rachel Alison Foran, Religion (RELG) 2012, Made and Making: The Formation of Somali Muslim Selves in Rural Minnesota

Talia Ranit Goldenberg, Studio Art (ARTS) 2012, Fragmented Bodies

Evan Michael Johnson, Undeclared 2012, Egyptian Saints: The Referees of Asceticism

Griffin Reister Johnson, Undeclared 2014, Everyone Is Jumping off of This Bridge

Gnagna Lam, Economics (ECON) 2012, The Effect of School Quality on House Values

Chelsea Lau 2012, Theater performances: Ariel in The Tempest; Clytemnestra in The Oresteia

Hannah C. Lucal, Studio Art (ARTS) 2012, Recognizing: Repetition for Reflection on Gender-Based Violence

Kathleen Hagan Roberts 2012, The Professional Series & 6 Poems

Griffin Arthur Williams, Geology (GEOL) 2012, The effect of annual cover crop growth on soil moisture of a temperate Minnesota Mollisol

Awarded in 2011

Todd S. Anderson, English (ENGL) 2011, Just Because There's Pieces Doesn't Mean It's a Puzzle

Katie Lynn Boudreaux, Psychology (PSYC) 2011, Perceptual Categorization in Pigeons: Closed vs Open Geometric Shapes

Andrew Alan Chael, History (HIST) 2013, To Keep a Sleepless Emperor Awake: Alexios I Komnenos and the Imperial Ideal

Emmamarie Catherine Haasl, History (HIST) 2012, Conscience in Thomas More and the Age of Reformation: The Beginnings of Casuistry

Erin Jones Heydinger, Biology (BIOL) 2011, The Impact of Drought on Mangrove Trophic Structures

Morgan Victoria King, Classical Languages (CLAS) 2011, Reimagining a Literary Heritage: Cultural transmission and religious division in Vandal North Africa

David Edward Kornfeld, Music (MUSC) 2011, Gilgamesh from a Third Stream Perspective

Katharine Marie Lindquist, Economics (ECON) 2011, Horizontal Educational Inequalities and Civil Conflict: The nexus of ethnicity, inequality, and violent conflict

Andrew Douglas Mering, Christopher Daniel Wilen, Celine Annabelle Yeh, and Hang Thi Viet Nguyen, Mathematics (MATH) 2011, Dynamics of Pulse-Coupled Integrate-and-Fire Oscillators

Jesse Rothman, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2011, Bending the Arc: Reflections on Justice, Power, and Possibility

Gabriel Perri Silberblatt, English (ENGL) 2011, Revising, Re-visioning: Italo Calvino and the Politics of Play

Max Joseph Silver, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2011, Chair

Awarded in 2010

Emma Kathleen Bentley 2010, [Three Poems]

Molly Alice Bresslour, Psychology (PSYC) 2010, When Do We Support Positions Advanced by an Opposing Political Party? The Effects of Political Party Labels on Attitudes

Lauren Elizabeth Burkhart, Japanese (JAPN) 2010, China Nights and Manchurian Dreams: Pan-Asianism in the Shiki Theater Company's Showa Trilogy

Audrey Yang Carlsen 2012, Falling

Sarah E. Crump, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Paleomagnetic data from the Rinconada fault in central California: Evidence for off-fault deformation

Anne Charlotte Doering 2010, Elemental Bodies: Female Self-image and the Elements

Andrea Nicole Donahue, History (HIST) 2010, We Once More Take the Liberty of Writting: Ex-Slaves Negotiating Freedom in Britain's Sierra Leone Colony, 1791-1800

Shannon Jean Audre Lucille Finnegan, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, 8 Hour Drawings

Neil Foley, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Formation of Mars

Mark William Hagemann, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Assessment of potential seasonal climate signals preserved in a late Pleistocene stalagmite from central Texas

Marjorie Harrington 2010, Trewe Techynge: Authority and Intermediaries in the Revelations of Divine Love

Erika Marie Huckestein, History (HIST) 2010, I'll Never Change. I'll Always Wear Green: New Representations of Erin in Irish Nationalist Political Cartoons, 1900-1921

Samuel A. Kanner, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Using Low and High Frequency Subbottom Surveys to Locate Cretaceous and Quaternary Sediments in Block Island Sound: an Analysis to Estimate the Cost of an Offshore Wind Farm

Caroline Aurelia Rosenfeld Millington 2012, Food and the Fall

Charlotte Grace Muzzi, English (ENGL) 2010, Poems from the North and West

Becky Jean Patrias, Matthew Bernard Cordes, Beatrice Burlingame White, and Zheng Zhu, Mathematics (MATH) 2010, Shadows of the Cantor Set

Allison Pfeiffer, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Effects of soil disturbance on aggregation and mineral-associated carbon and nitrogen storage

Jordan Buchanan Smith, History (HIST) 2010, More Rude and Anticque than 'ere was Sodom: Piracy and the Tavern Community in Port Royal, Jamaica, 1680-1692

Smith Stuart Alan Sweeney, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Characterization of two atypical refractory inclusions from separate CV3 chondritic meteorites: Petrogenesis in the early solar system

Awarded in 2009

Rosalind Brayfield, Linguistics (LING) 2009, Daa gweyn Aa gweyn: questions and foci in the Belizean Creole

Andrew Edwin Chambers 2010, How to be a good Knight/Lady/Christian/Person : the lesson of social obligation in Chretien de Troyes The Knight with the Lion (Yvain)

Bonnie Cope 2009, La Vielle in the City of Ladies: an analysis of social, cultural and money capital in the narratives of Christine de Pizan and La Vielle

Rebekah Frumkin, Undeclared 2012, Stephen Dedalus attends a small liberal arts college

Temara Holt, Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 2009, Learning, performing, and embodying respectability in an all girls African American Catholic school

Leah C. Karels 2009, A new record

Thuy Le, Economics (ECON) 2009, Wrinkles in fiscal policy: an examination of the effects of aging demographics on public expenditures and revenues

Emily Litwin, History (HIST) 2009, Nationalism, feminism, and the women of Ireland's Revolutionary Period

Caitlin Magnusson, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2009, The animated feature film: encoding and decoding across cultures

Alexander Persaud, History (HIST) 2009, Rodney, history, and the dialectic: rethinking Walter Rodney's Marxist methodology

Kelly Williams 2009, The artist at work: Vermeer's Art of painting and Rembrandt's Artist in his studio

Awarded in 2008

Annelise Lawson, Theater Arts (THEA) 2008, Edward Albee's "Seascape"

Emily Schulman 2008, The Brazilianization of Brasilia : the relationship between center and periphery in the Brazilian Federal District