The Carleton collection of Comps, Honors Papers, and Prize-Winning Works is a collaboration between academic departments and the library. Students self-submit their work with the guidance of their departments and programs. Descriptive information about each comps, honors paper, or prize-winning project is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of projects is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about the collection, including how to submit and how to request access to the full text of works.

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Graduated in 2019

Matthew Carter, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Promising Methods, Questionable Results: Developing an Inverse Model of the Fossil Ridge-Transform Intersection in the Troodos Ophiolite in Cyprus

Proud Chanarat, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Tracing Back to the Gene Content of the Last Universal Common Ancestor: Approaches in Taking Horizontal Gene Transfer into Account

Jen Chan, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2019, Kymlicka's Aporia: Arguing for a Culturally Adaptive Model of Multicultural Liberailsm

Jen Chan, History (HIST) 2019, “The White Man’s Burden” in Liberating Enslaved Africans: Unspoken Paternalism & Rhetorical Humanitarianism in the Autonomous Decisions of Colonial Officials, 1833-1845

Jennifer Chan, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Empathizing with Criminal Intent: Taking Moral Transgressors' Perspectives

Yitong Chen, Linguistics (LING) 2019, Reflexive Constructions in Maltese

Yitong Chen, Delroy Mangal, Ethan Somes, and Anna Johnson, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Art, Interactivity and Robotics: Redesign a Course

Nathaniel Chew, Linguistics (LING) 2019, Reanalyzing the Past: An Experimental Study on Non-standard -ed in Singapore Colloquial English

Ursula Clausing, Economics (ECON) 2019, Should Congress Require the Federal Reserve to use the Taylor Rule?

Cecily Conour, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Moderating Roles of Maternal Solicitousness and Catastrophizing in Child Pain Severity and Functional Disability

Kristina Conrad, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The behavior of nectar robbers and effects on flowering plants for mutualism maintenance

Amanda Crawford, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Epigenetic Regulation of APOE in the Etiology and Progression of Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

Joshua Crotts, Asian Studies (ASST) 2019, How Foreign is too Foreign? The "Westernization" of Contemporary Japanese

Rachel Cruz, Religion (RELG) 2019, Modern Muslims: Rethinking Conversion in the Autobiographies of Muhammad Asad and Malcolm X

Jackie Culotta, Biology (BIOL) 2019, How is honesty maintained in colorful condition dependent mate quality advertisements? The roles of costly signals and indicator traits

Mallika Dargan, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Langerhan cells, Langerin, and HIV transmission in the Female Reproductive Tract

Laura DeMane, Economics (ECON) 2019, Blunts and Borders: Marijuana Market Segmentation Over State Lines

Brynne Diggins, English (ENGL) 2019, Imagining Indian Womanhood: Identity and Independence in the Novels of Krupabai Satthianadhan

Tris Dodge, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The curious case of the cane toad (Rhinella marina): using local context to predict top-down trophic cascades driven by invasive, allelochemically-defended prey

Eveline Dowling, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Hate Trumps Love: What is the Role of Contempt in American Politics?

August Ducharme, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, The Maiden: The Savior

Madeline Egan, Religion (RELG) 2019, A Tibetan Buddhist View on Death and Dying: The Heart-Mind’s Role in a “Good” Death

Fayzeh El Banna, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Epigenetics of BDNF Gene in PTSD Intense Fear Memory Formation and Lack of Extinction

Ethan J. Ellis, Economics (ECON) 2019, Preferences for Nonwage Amenities in Early Career Job Choices of Undergraduate Seniors: A Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Survey Approach

Logan Emholtz, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Enhancing Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Biogenesis: The Effects of Endurance Training and Glycogen Levels

Emilee Erdel, Religion (RELG) 2019, Till Death Do Us Part: Contextualizing Citizenship and Same-Sex Marriage in the United States AIDS Epidemic

Roger Faust, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Invasive Ecosystem Engineers in a Non-Native Habitat: Ecological Impacts of Zebra Mussel Induced Nutrient Shifts

Noah Feldman, Dylan Rye, Christian Zaytoun, and Elliot Cahn, Statistics (STAT) 2019, Ranking Rankings: Alternate Ways to Evaluate NCAA Football Teams

Brendon Fischel, Economics (ECON) 2019, New Product and Earnings Announcements’ Effect on Stock Returns: A Case Study of The Mobile Phone and Tablet Industry

Spencer Francis, Economics (ECON) 2019, Internalizing the Cost of Injuries and Game-Day Attendance: An analysis of the National Football League from 2009 -2018

Aaron Frankl, Geology (GEOL) 2019, The Intersection of River Channelization, Soil Properties, and Agriculture: A Case Study of Mud Creek in Northfield, Minnesota

Benton Franklin, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Lateral Variability and Biodiversity of the Permian Park City Group, Utah and Eastern Nevada

Cory Renay Friendshuh, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Efficacy and Potential of Therapeutic Communities as an Alternative Model of Mental Health Care

Joseph Gais, Physics (PHYS) 2019, The Thermodynamics of Black Holes

David Gallagher, Philosophy (PHIL) 2019, Obligation and Autonomy: Legal Paternalism in the Context of Oppression

Matt Ganter, Economics (ECON) 2019, Inefficiency in the Market for National Football League Kickers

Pedro Girardi, Economics (ECON) 2019, The Impact of Inflation on Wages of the Brazilian Poor

Pedro Girardi, Trevor Freeland, and Joseph Nardi, Statistics (STAT) 2019, A Statistical Analysis of Changes in Extreme Precipitation in the Coastal Carolinas

Lauren Goboff, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Gene Expression Disruption as a Model for Tissue Specificity in Laminopathies

Maggie Goldberger, Religion (RELG) 2019, Suburban Holy Lands: The Battle for Hindu Presence in Suburban New Jersey

Daniel Gold, Economics (ECON) 2019, Little League, Big Bucks? The Effect of Youth Sports Participation on Future Wages

Noah Goldman, Mathematics (MATH) 2019, Bézout’s Theorem and Algebraic Geometry

Winston T. Goldthwaite, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Classical Laser Cooling and Trapping

Aaron Goodman, Economics (ECON) 2019, Do Environmental, Social, and Governance Standards Affect Firm-Level EBITDA and Stock Performance?

Hebba Ashraf Gouda, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Oh, Buoy!

Lea Gould, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, Home is where the bird flies.

Benjamin Krischer Greene, Galen William Quinn Berger-Fletcher, Tenzin Dophen, and Malcolm Grossman, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Storytelling with Skynet

Sacha R. Greenfield, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Conceptualizing quantum mechanics in pilot-wave theory

Anne Guttridge, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”: Exploring the Narratives of Female Documentary Filmmakers

Anne S. Hackman, English (ENGL) 2019, Searching for a Japanese American Language in Nisei Daughter and No-No Boy

Kaitlyn Jeanette Hamers, Linguistics (LING) 2019, A Syntactic Account of Tense, Mood, and Aspect in the Haitian Creole Preverbal Marker System

Apoorva Handigol, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, BROWN & BLACK: South Asian American AntiBlackness & Brown-Black Solidarity in Chicago

Jack Hardwick, Music (MUSC) 2019, Afslørende For Violin & Interactive Electronics

James Harren, Mayte Aldrett, and Emma Dempsey, Environmental Studies (ENTS) 2019, Tapping into Sustainability: How Local Craft Breweries Foster an Ethic of Sustainability through Community Building and Development of Placed Based Identity

Zoe Harris, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, The Magic of Summer Camp? The Effects and Mediating Features of a Camp Experience on Adolescent Self-Perceptions

Dylan Harsch, English (ENGL) 2019, Countercurse: Poems

Julian Hast, English (ENGL) 2019, Dionysian Woolf: Nietzschean Subversion of Truth And the Redemptive Power of Art in Woolf’s Novels

Katharine Hauge, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Response to Trauma Across Cultures

Hannah Hemmerly, Art History (ARTH) 2019, Reimagining Our Domestic Lifestyle: Philip Johnson and The Glass House

Abigail Herscovici, Physics (PHYS) 2019, Going with the Flow? Physical Models of Pedestrian Behavior

Austin Heuer, Chemistry (CHEM) 2019, Cookstoves and the Environment: How Traditional and Improved Cooking Technology Affects Earth’s Climate

Makala Hieshima, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, Don't Just "Wikipedia This Sh**": Kanaka Maoli Perspectives on Hapa Identity

Quentin Hirsch, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Tropical Cambrian Ice: Petrographic Study and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Carbonates from Clumped Isotope Thermometry

Clara Hobbie, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Zika Virus Infection of Placental Macrophages Leads to Placental Dysfunction and Subsequent Fetal Demise

Sophie Homans, Geology (GEOL) 2019, Using astrochronolgy to constrain the age of the Late Cretaceous Inoceramid Extinction Event in Gubbio, Italy

Andrew Hoyt, History (HIST) 2019, Tame and Untamed: Nature as Dichotomy in Two High Medieval Textual Traditions

Anna Huber, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Relating Nutrition to Alzheimer's Disease Pathology Through Sirt1-Dependent H4K16 Deacetylation

Adriana Hudson, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Induction of Senescence by Progerin in Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) Cells is Not Reliant on Oxidative Stress

Lon Hutchinson, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Epigenetic Modulation in Multiple Sclerosis Therapeutics: The Potential of SIRT1

Phuoc Thuan Huynh, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Inhibition of Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 Reduces Tumor-Initiating Ability of Cancer Stem Cells and Induces Proinflammatory T Cell Responses in Glioblastoma Multiforme

Abby Ilardi, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Examining the Relationship Between Gratitude and Well-Being in Populations with Chronic Illness

Callen M. Inman, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Why are some mimics more precise than others?: how predator psychology drives the evolution of imperfect Batesian mimicry

Cullen Irvine, Eavan Donovan, Benjamin Greenvall, Casey Lee-Foss, Adam Nijhawan, and Zoya Siddiqui, Chemistry (CHEM) 2019, Nanocrystal Conductivity: Paving the Road for Electrons

Kohl Johnson Sparrman, Physics (PHYS) 2019, MRI Imaging: An Investigation of the Underlying Physics

Shelby Jones, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2019, Making Space or Tacking Space: A Study on Allyship at Carleton College

Camille Jonlin, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, Time in Loops and Lines: The Social Construction of Time

Cheyenne Joshua, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Neonaticide, Infanticide, and Filicide: The Role of Mental Illness as a Precipitating Factor

Melanie Kane, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, "I Have the Utmost Respect for Women": A Content Analysis of the Celebrity Sexual Misconduct Response Statement

Anna Karmel, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The Evolution of Sexually Deceptive Pollination in Orchidaceae

Ritvik Kar, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2019, You Are What You Eat

Ritvik Kar, Aidan White, Tate Bosler, and Kaixing Wu, Computer Science (CS) 2019, Burst Your Bubble

Matt Kaye, Economics (ECON) 2019, Transit Ridership and Life Satisfaction

Ruby Kazemi, Chemistry (CHEM) 2019, Cancer Cell Survival and Proliferation: Remodeling of the Cell's One-Carbon and Glutamine Metabolism

Dallas Keate, Economics (ECON) 2019, Credit Growth & The Equity Premium: Evidence Supporting Intermediary Asset Pricing

Pavana Khan, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Lamin A/C Uses Two Pathways to Synergistically Regulate Mechanosensitive Differentiation

Yoojin Kim, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Do Humans Crave Violence? Motivations for Enjoyment of and Engagement in Violent Media

Caroline Kirchherr, Economics (ECON) 2019, An Analysis of the Competitive Effects of Charter Schools on Public School Outcomes in Michigan

Daniel Cantrell Kupetsky, Physics (PHYS) 2019, The Arrow of Time

Piper Kurtz, Economics (ECON) 2019, Crime and Punishment: An Analysis of the Effects of the Three Strikes Law on Deterring Crime

Christopher Kwon, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Histological Analysis of Age-dependent ß-Amyloidosis and Reactive Astrogliosis in a Primate Model (Saguinus oedipus) of Alzheimer’s Disease

Erik Lagerquist, Physics (PHYS) 2019, The Technological Feasibility of Electric VTOL Aircraft for Sustainable Urban Mobility

Dimitri Laing, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Stress, Trauma, and ACEs Define Epigenetic Fate

William E. Lanzillo, Studio Art (ARTS), Psychology (PSYC) 2019, Reimagined Sculpture

Randa Larsen, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2019, “A Strong Nation is a Healthy Nation”: The Significance of Food Sovereignty in Community Development and Cross-Cultural Relationship Building

Annabelle Leahy, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Lung Resident CD8+ T cells: Crucial Players in Rapid Clearance of Influenza Infection

Cecilia Ann Leone, Biology (BIOL) 2019, Chronology of Selective Responses against X-Chromosome Meiotic Drive Determined by Existing Climate and Population Genetics: Temperature and the Evolution of Mating Behavior, Suppressors, and Female Choice

Chris Leppink-Shands, Psychology (PSYC) 2019, nterspecies Cooperation in Cooperative Breeders: A Cooperative Button-Pushing Task with Cotton-Top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus)

Kaitlin Libbey, Biology (BIOL) 2019, The direct and indirect effects of warming on methane emissions from peatlands

Henry Liedl, Biology (BIOL) 2019, A Review of Histone Dynamics in the Nucleus Accumbens as a Result of Cocaine Exposure

Russell Li, History (HIST) 2019, Debating Ancient History in Early Italian Renaissance: Antiquarian Historiography, Morality, and Politics in the Scipio-Caesar Controversy