Historical Pandemics at Carleton
A collection of materials relating to Carleton's responses to and experiences of epidemics and pandemics in the past.
SWArticle: H1N1: What you should know
DeeDee Rupert
An article from Carleton's Student Wellness Advocates containing information about the H1N1 virus and prevention strategies. Page 5.
Carleton prepares in case of H1N1 outbreak
Shreya Singh
An article in the student paper about Carleton's preparations for H1N1. Pages 1 and 3.
Carleton prepares in case of H1N1 outbreak
Shreya Singh
An article in the student paper about Carleton's preparations for H1N1. Pages 1 and 3.
Carleton prepares in case of H1N1 outbreak
Shreya Singh
An article in the student paper about Carleton's preparations for H1N1. Pages 1 and 3.
Carleton prepares in case of H1N1 outbreak
Shreya Singh
An article in the student paper about Carleton's preparations for H1N1. Pages 1 and 3.
Students Going to Hamline Game Must Be Vaccinated
Carletonian Editorial Staff
An article in the Carletonian during the 1924-1925 smallpox epidemic informing them that everyone planning to attend the football game against Hamline in St. Paul later that week must have the smallpox vaccine prior to attending. Page 1.
Students Going to Hamline Game Must Be Vaccinated (Excerpt)
Carletonian Editorial Staff
An article in the Carletonian during the 1924-1925 smallpox epidemic informing them that everyone planning to attend the football game against Hamline in St. Paul later that week must have the smallpox vaccine prior to attending. Page 1.