Comps & Student Work | Religion | Carleton College

Comps, honors papers, and prize-winning works of the Religion Department are featured here. All works have been self-submitted by the student authors. Descriptive information about each work is available to search or browse. Access to the full text of the works is limited to current Carleton affiliates with faculty permission. Learn more about how to submit your work and how to request access to the full text of works.


Submissions from 2024

Jonah-Kai Baker, Religion (RELG) 2024, Un-Orthodox Icons: Adaptations of the Byzantine Iconographic Tradition in the Contemporary Christian West

Sigrid Edstrom, Religion (RELG) 2024, Eric Metaxas' Portrait of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The American Evangelical

Sigrid Edstrom, Religion (RELG) 2024, Eric Metaxas' Portrait of Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The American Evangelical

Sam Gilbert, Religion (RELG) 2024, Humor, Play, and World-Traveling: Acts of Indigenous Self-Recognition in the Contemporary Water Protector Movement

Catherine Merchant, Religion (RELG) 2024, “Escaping the Prison of the Brain:” The Value of Subjectivity and Objectivity in The Varieties of Religious Experience and Neurotheology

Chris O'Mara, Religion (RELG) 2024, The Enemies Within, and Other Reasons Why I Need My Gun

Aidan Walker, Religion (RELG) 2024, Sacred Storefronts: Responses to the Questions of the American City

Submissions from 2023

Connor Jansen, Religion (RELG) 2023, The Five Treasures of the Great Snow: Misconceptions of Buddhist Sacred Landscape in Sikkim, India

Maxwell, Religion (RELG) 2023, The Self, Spiritual Warfare, and Deliverance in the Work of Frank and Ida Mae Hammond

Karina Yum, Religion (RELG) 2023, Evangelical Conversion and LGBT Coming-Out Narratives: Changing Articulations of Essence, Identity, and Transformation

Submissions from 2022

Narayani Thijm, Religion (RELG) 2022, LO AND BEHOLD! Limits and Uses of Linguistic Perspectives on Mantra use in Tantric Sādhana Deity Meditations

Georgia Wilson, Religion (RELG) 2022, Performing Agency: Juanita Bynum, Neo-Pentecostalism, and Black Female Sexuality

Submissions from 2021

Eleanor Boyer, Religion (RELG) 2021, Stories of Identity: Devadasis and Bharata Natyam

Elizabeth Zimmerman, Religion (RELG) 2021, Climate Change and the Battle to Save American Christianity: Religious Motivations of Climate Skepticism among Evangelicals

Submissions from 2020

Kate Rosenfeld, Religion (RELG) 2020, iBelieve: Religiously Infused Consumerism in Apple's "Think Different" Campaign

Timothy Winter-Nelson, Religion (RELG) 2020, (Dis)Respecting Difference: An Examination of Christian Pluralism

Submissions from 2019

Hanna Anderson, Religion (RELG) 2019, Realizing the Really Real: Schizophrenia in a Traditional Indian Healing Temple

Sara Canilang, Religion (RELG) 2019, Invented Tradition and Authentic Ayurveda: Integrative Medicine in the West

Rachel Cruz, Religion (RELG) 2019, Modern Muslims: Rethinking Conversion in the Autobiographies of Muhammad Asad and Malcolm X

Madeline Egan, Religion (RELG) 2019, A Tibetan Buddhist View on Death and Dying: The Heart-Mind’s Role in a “Good” Death

Emilee Erdel, Religion (RELG) 2019, Till Death Do Us Part: Contextualizing Citizenship and Same-Sex Marriage in the United States AIDS Epidemic

Maggie Goldberger, Religion (RELG) 2019, Suburban Holy Lands: The Battle for Hindu Presence in Suburban New Jersey

Submissions from 2018

Taylor Moore Barnhill, Religion (RELG) 2018, SallekhanA, Suicide, and Selfhood: Constituting Religious Freedom in a Secular Indian Nation-State

Peter Alfonso de Hueck, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Trump Leaves of Grass

Anna R. McGinn, Religion (RELG) 2018, William James, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Religious Freedom: The Twelve Steps as an American Religious Movement

Tyrone Moore-Perez, Religion (RELG) 2018, Anime, Manga, and "Religion" in Modern Japan

Olivia Marie Nyberg, Religion (RELG) 2018, Women in Pain: How Narratives of Pain and Sacrifice Complicate the Debate over the Catholic Provision of Obstetrical Care

Abby Greene Polk, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Divine Feminine on Earth: A Comparison of Two Contemporary AvatAras of the Goddess

Abigail Greene Polk, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Divine Feminine on Earth: A Comparison of Two Contemporary AvatAras of the Goddess

Rebecca Akado Stover, Religion (RELG) 2018, The Process of Soteriological Ontology Through the Hermeneutics of Nāgārjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakārikā

Sara White, Religion (RELG) 2018, Confronting Black Suffering, Resisting Systemic Violence: An Anabaptist Theology of Racial Justice

Arielle Liang Zuaro, Religion (RELG) 2018, Saints Alive: Devotion and Destruction Through Kinetic Sculpture

Submissions from 2017

Gillian Margaret Applegate, Religion (RELG) 2017, Buddhists Who Kill: Buddhist War Ethics in Sri Lanka

August Jackson Leinbach, Religion (RELG) 2017, Christian Folk Art in Socialist Modernity: Visual Culture of China's Protestant Revival

Submissions from 2016

Margaret M. Lloyd, Religion (RELG) 2016, Embodied Sikhism: Sikh Navigation of Prejudice and Identity in Post-9/11 America

Submissions from 2015

Ella McGrane Fox, Religion (RELG) 2015, Eve & Pandora: Comparing Gender Dynamics in Punished Worlds

Yasir Adan Hassan, Religion (RELG) 2015, Qur’an Schools: Agents of Embodiment, Rhetorical Training, and Pedagogical Preservation

Submissions from 2014

Charlies Scott Cross, Religion (RELG) 2014, Will the Revolution Be "Spiritual?" Occupy, Spirituality, and Social Change

Margaret Constance Holladay, Religion (RELG) 2014, God is Not a God of Confusion: Language Comprehension and Experience of God at a Haitian Immigrant Baptist Church

Kayla Elizabeth Berge Jackson, Religion (RELG) 2014, You Are What You Eat: Exploring the Construction of a Black Social Body through Elijah Muhammad's Prescribed Rituals of Consumption

Jillian Gelbard Mattern, Religion (RELG) 2014, Mothers in Sin and Salvation: Examining Agency in Mizuko Kuyō and Women's Use of the Blood Bowl Sūtra

Katherine Elinor Maxeiner, Religion (RELG) 2014, Heirs of the Prophets: Knowledge and Authority in "Al-Jumuah" Magazine

Isaama Marian Stoll, Religion (RELG) 2014, Choosing Not to Be Chosen: Reconceptualizing Jewish Chosenness in Modernity

Submissions from 2013

Lauren Ann Alexander, Religion (RELG) 2013, Talk of Rites and Talk of Rights: Circumcision, Freedom, and the Difficulty of Human Rights Discourse

Joseph Seamus Concannon, Religion (RELG) 2013, The Postmodern Re-formation: Mark C. Taylor and the Poetics of A/theology

Brooke Dianne Granowski, Religion (RELG) 2013, Wholly Other, Other Holies: Rudolf Otto's Religious Pluralism in Conversation with Contemporary Religious Studies Criticism

Arju Ragde Nishimura, Religion (RELG) 2013, A Kaleidoscope of Liliths: The World's First Woman and Her Dance with Tradition

Kathryn Powell, Religion (RELG) 2013, A Radically Traditional Approach: Using Dorothy Day and the Mystical Body of Christ to Redefine Tradition

Daniel Benjamin Ulman, Religion (RELG) 2013, Patrilineal Descent and the Sea Change that Wasn't: An Exploration of its Intricacies, Implications, and Legacy

Chloe Simha Zelkha, Religion (RELG) 2013, The Space Between: Bridging Difference and Oneness in Jewish Theology

Submissions from 2012

Kate Elizabeth Dorwart, Religion (RELG) 2012, Bharat Mata ki Jai: M. F. Husain, Hindutva, and the Contest for Modern India

Rachel Alison Foran, Religion (RELG) 2012, Made and Making: The Formation of Somali Muslim Selves in Rural Minnesota

Margaret Constance Holladay, Religion (RELG) 2014, Issues and Questions in Language Endangerment and Revitalization

Peter James Kerns, Religion (RELG) 2012, Voluntary Poverty: Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin's Program for Social Revolution

James Rothschild, Religion (RELG) 2012, Mount Moriah Revisited: In search of a viable contemporary Jewish ethical reading of the Akedah

Graham William Schneider, Religion (RELG) 2012, Go West, Young Buddha: Chögyam Trungpa, Skillful Means, and Spiritual Authority in Modern America

Hannah Casey Trees, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN), Religion (RELG) 2012, The Paradox of Existential Theology: A Critical Analysis of Søren Kierkegaard and Paul Tillich

Submissions from 2011

Peter A. Berg, Religion (RELG) 2011, Examining the Knowledge of Ibn al'Arabi

Marlene K. Edelstein, Religion (RELG) 2011, In Search of Tamar: An Investigation of Feminist Interpretations of 2 Samuel 13

Submissions from 2010

Lynn Mairead Abe, Religion (RELG) 2010, Who's The Boss?: The Soka Gakkai's Legitimation of Authority in its Sect to Church Transition

Carolyn Kupper Frischer, Religion (RELG) 2010, Task Completed: Mass Suicide as the Ultimate Display of Commitment and Preservation for the Community of Heaven's Gate

Edmundo Garza, Religion (RELG) 2010, Spirited Away: the Evangelical Protestant Conversion Phenomenon amid the Poor in Urban Brazil

Avery Morrow, Religion (RELG) 2010, Patriotism, Secularism, and the Invention of State Shinto: D.C. Holtom's Representations of Japan

Submissions from 2009

Hannah Campbell Gustafson, Religion (RELG) 2009, A comparison of ecofeminist theologies in context: Rosemary Radford Ruether of the United States and Ivone Gebara of Brazil

John Delehanty, Religion (RELG) 2009, Metro-evangelization: faiths, religion, and social capital in American metropolitan politics

Sarah Hashmall, Religion (RELG) 2009, The Bhikkhuni debate in Sri Lanka

Nicholas Merkelson, Religion (RELG) 2009, Ritual ecstasy and the shamans of prehistory: an archaeological approach to the study of religion

Amanda Otero, Religion (RELG) 2009, Guadalupe: devotion, identity, and power

Laura Shatzer, Religion (RELG) 2009, Missional, incarnational, communal: an emerging church ecclesiology