Virtual Empty Bowls 2020
An annual on-campus event, the pandemic disrupted the Empty Bowls community meal to raise awareness and funds for Northfield's Community Action Center Food Shelf. Professor Kelly Connole, working with the Community Action Center and Carleton's Center for Community and Civic Engagement, organized a virtual replacement for the event. Happening primarily on social media, members of the Carleton community posted photos of their bowls on Friday, May 15th in honor of the events. Those participating included current students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Carleton Ceramics’ 16th annual Empty Bowls event to be held virtually
Carleton College
A news story on Carleton Now about the upcoming Virtual Empty Bowls event.
Text: "Carleton Ceramics will be hosting its 16th annual Empty Bowls community meal virtually on Friday, May 15. The event, traditionally held on campus, raises awareness around hunger issues and funds for the Northfield Community Action Center (CAC) food shelf by selling student-made ceramic bowls. Since its inception in 2005 at Carleton, the project has raised over $91,000 for the CAC food shelf.
What started as an initiative to build a connection between art and the local community has become an annual tradition students, staff, faculty, and community members look forward to each year. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is not possible, therefore, Empty Bowls will be going virtual for 2020. All Carleton and community members are invited to participate in this year’s virtual event.
On Friday, May 15, participants are invited share a photo of themselves with their previously purchased Empty Bowl (or any bowl) and post it to their Instagram tagging @carletonceramics, or on Facebook tagging CCCE.
Participants are also encouraged to consider making a donation to the CAC food shelf, or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger, through May 16 in honor of this virtual event. Donations can be made through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, online, or by texting “EmptyBowls” to 44321.
About Empty Bowls
Originally founded in 1990 by Michigan high school teachers Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom to give high school students a chance to impact the local community, the Empty Bowls project has become a prominent national and international movement with local potters, churches, artist organizations and schools.
This event is co-sponsored by Carleton’s CCCE and Carleton’s Department of Art and Art History." -
Carleton Ceramics’ 16th annual Empty Bowls event to be held virtually
Carleton College
A news story on Carleton Now about the upcoming Virtual Empty Bowls event.
Text: "Carleton Ceramics will be hosting its 16th annual Empty Bowls community meal virtually on Friday, May 15. The event, traditionally held on campus, raises awareness around hunger issues and funds for the Northfield Community Action Center (CAC) food shelf by selling student-made ceramic bowls. Since its inception in 2005 at Carleton, the project has raised over $91,000 for the CAC food shelf.
What started as an initiative to build a connection between art and the local community has become an annual tradition students, staff, faculty, and community members look forward to each year. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is not possible, therefore, Empty Bowls will be going virtual for 2020. All Carleton and community members are invited to participate in this year’s virtual event.
On Friday, May 15, participants are invited share a photo of themselves with their previously purchased Empty Bowl (or any bowl) and post it to their Instagram tagging @carletonceramics, or on Facebook tagging CCCE.
Participants are also encouraged to consider making a donation to the CAC food shelf, or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger, through May 16 in honor of this virtual event. Donations can be made through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, online, or by texting “EmptyBowls” to 44321.
About Empty Bowls
Originally founded in 1990 by Michigan high school teachers Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom to give high school students a chance to impact the local community, the Empty Bowls project has become a prominent national and international movement with local potters, churches, artist organizations and schools.
This event is co-sponsored by Carleton’s CCCE and Carleton’s Department of Art and Art History." -
Empty Bowls 2020: Carleton College Tweet
Carleton College
Carleton College tweeted a story about the upcoming Virtual Empty Bowls event.
Tweet text: "Empty Bowls is going virtual on May 15! All Carleton and community members are invited to partake in this year’s virtual event to help raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the local food shelf. https://apps.carleton.edu/now/stories/?story_id=1000077488" -
Carleton Ceramics Presents Virtual Empty Bowls 2020
Carleton College Center for Community
Facebook event for Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
https://www.facebook.com/events/3213057725427421/ -
Carleton Ceramics Presents Virtual Empty Bowls 2020
Carleton College Center for Community and Civic Engagement & Northfield Community Action Center
Facebook event for Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
https://www.facebook.com/events/3213057725427421/ -
Empty Bowls 2020: Sustainability Office
Carleton College. Sustainability Office
The Carleton Sustainability Office posted on Instagram about Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
Post text: It’s virtual Empty Bowls today!! For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to increase awareness around hunger issues and raise funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) for lunch and post a picture of you and your bowl on the #carletonceramics Instagram page. Please consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event.
A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated!
Donate to Virtual Empty Bowls.
Use the CAC donation link: https://communityactioncenter.org/donate/. Or CAC Text App: Text EmptyBowls to 44321
Or CAC Venmo: @CarletonEmptyBowls
All donations go directly to the Northfield CAC." -
Empty Bowls 2020: Sustainability Office
Carleton College. Sustainability Office
The Carleton Sustainability Office posted on Instagram about Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
Post text: It’s virtual Empty Bowls today!! For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to increase awareness around hunger issues and raise funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) for lunch and post a picture of you and your bowl on the #carletonceramics Instagram page. Please consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event.
A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated!
Donate to Virtual Empty Bowls.
Use the CAC donation link: https://communityactioncenter.org/donate/. Or CAC Text App: Text EmptyBowls to 44321
Or CAC Venmo: @CarletonEmptyBowls
All donations go directly to the Northfield CAC." -
Empty Bowls 2020: Public Works Announcement Tweet
Carleton Public Works Initiative
The Carleton Public Works Initiative tweeted out information about the upcoming virtual empty bowls event.
Tweet text: "For 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted an Empty Bowls community meal to raise awareness of hunger issues and raise funds for the CAC food shelf. Since we are not on campus this year, Empty Bowls is going virtual! Grab a bowl, snap a pic & donate if you can! See [Backhand Index Pointing Down] for info!" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Public Works tweet after event
Carleton Public Works Initiative
The Carleton Public Works Initiative tweeted after the event thanking those who participated.
Tweet text: "A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in Carleton Virtual Empty Bowls on the 15th! We loved seeing the bowls everyone shared and we are so excited the event raised $4,953 for Northfield's Community Action Center Food Shelf. THANK YOU!!" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Public Works Tweet May 13
Carleton Public Works Initiative
The Carleton Public Works Initiative tweeted a reminder about the upcoming virtual bowls event. Tweet text: "Reminder that virtual empty bowls is happening on Friday! Join us in spreading awareness about hunger and raising funds for orgs that fight hunger. We will miss being together but are excited to see everyone online w/ their bowls! Learn more @ https://apps.carleton.edu/curricular/arts/news-events/events/?event_id=1000077138"
Empty Bowls 2020: Public Works Tweet May 14
Carleton Public Works Initiative
The Carleton Public Works Initiative retweeted Carleton College's story about virtual empty bowls with a reminder that the event was the following day.
Tweet text: "Join us tomorrow for virtual empty bowls! #carletonemptybowls
[Carleton College: Empty Bowls is going virtual on May 15! All Carleton and community members are invited to partake in this year’s virtual event to help raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the local food shelf. https://apps.carleton.edu/now/stories/?story_id=1000077488]" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Public Works Tweet May 15
Carleton Public Works Initiative
The Public Works Initiative tweeted about empty bowls on the day of the event.
Tweet text: "Virtual Empty Bowls 2020 is TODAY! Grab a bowl, snap a pic & and donate if you can! We look forward to seeing your pics here #carletonemptybowls and on insta http://instagram.com/carletonceramics/… For full details [Backhand Index Pointing Right] http://go.carleton.edu/732" -
Community Action Center: Carleton Empty Bowls Virtual Event
Community Action Center
A news item on the website of the Northfield Community Action Center's website about the event.
Text: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics! Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, https://communityactioncenter.org/donate/, or text EmptyBowls to 44321." -
Community Action Center: Carleton Empty Bowls Virtual Event
Community Action Center
A news item on the website of the Northfield Community Action Center's website about the event.
Text: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics! Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, https://communityactioncenter.org/donate/, or text EmptyBowls to 44321." -
Empty Bowl 2020 teaser announcement
Kelly Connole
An Instagram post from the Carleton Ceramics account sharing the news that there would be a virtual empty bowls event.
Post text:
"We’re cooking up a plan for Carleton’s 16th Annual Empty Bowls— online edition May 15! Get a handmade bowl from a previous year ready to go and stay tuned for details! @kellyconnole @carletonccce @northfieldcac" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Carleton Ceramics May 15
Kelly Connole
Professor of Studio Art at Carleton and Empty Bowls organizer Kelly Connole with her kids on the day of Virtual Empty Bowls 2020. Post Text: We’ve got our bowls at the ready! Join us today for a virtual Empty Bowls! Miss seeing all your beautiful faces on the Bald Spot. Donate to your local food shelf or the CAC Food Shelf in NF if you can."
Empty Bowls 2020 full details announcement
Kelly Connole
The Instagram post giving the full planned details for the Virtual Empty Bowls event.
Post text: "Carleton Empty Bowls 2020— pandemic edition! Use a ceramic bowl (preferably an Empty bowl from a previous year!) on Friday, post a picture to your Instagram using the hashtag #carletonemptybowls and tag @carletonceramics! Please consider making a donation to the NF CAC food shelf or your local food shelf. Empty bowls and empty tummies exist now more than ever. In clay we trust!" -
Virtual Empty Bowls 2020 Poster
Kelly Connole, Justine Szafran, Erica Zweifel, and Elizabeth Lenora Budd
An annual on-campus event, the pandemic disrupted the Empty Bowls community meal to raise awareness and funds for Northfield's Community Action Center Food Shelf. Professor Kelly Connole, working with the Community Action Center and Carleton's Center for Community and Civic Engagement, organized a virtual replacement for the event. Description of the event: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics, #carletonceramics. Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, the Community Action Center website, or text EmptyBowls to 44321."
Virtual Empty Bowls 2020 Poster
Kelly Connole, Amanda Zeilinger, Justine Szafran, Erica Zweifel, Elizabeth Lenora Budd, and Anika Rychner
An annual on-campus event, the pandemic disrupted the Empty Bowls community meal to raise awareness and funds for Northfield's Community Action Center Food Shelf. Professor Kelly Connole, working with the Community Action Center and Carleton's Center for Community and Civic Engagement, organized a virtual replacement for the event. Description of the event: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics, #carletonceramics. Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, the Community Action Center website, or text EmptyBowls to 44321."
Empty Bowls 2020: Adriana Estill
Adriana Estil
Carleton Professor of English and American Studies Adriana Estil's Virtual Empty Bowls Instagram post.
Post text:
"My bowl isn't filled yet, but it will be soon in honor of #carletonemptybowls! Thanks to @carletonceramics and @northfieldcac for reminding us to nourish each other and our communities. You can venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls to support the CAC food shelf." -
Empty Bowls 2020: Brittany & Andrew
Andrew Farias and Brittany Dominguez
Instagram post from an account by Carleton students Brittany and Andrew for empty bowls.
Post text: "Today is what would have been one of Andrew and I ‘s favorite Carleton events, Empty Bowls, so in Honor of our tradition Andrew drew this very accurate description of me with last year’s bowls. You can still support the event and donate to the Northfield Community Action Center’s food shelf by venmoing: @carletonemptybowls. P.S. go vote in the CSA Elections here: https://apps.carleton.edu/orgs/csa/voting/electioncode" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Brittany & Andrew
Andrew Farias and Brittany Dominguez
Instagram post from an account by Carleton students Brittany and Andrew for empty bowls.
Post text: "Today is what would have been one of Andrew and I ‘s favorite Carleton events, Empty Bowls, so in Honor of our tradition Andrew drew this very accurate description of me with last year’s bowls. You can still support the event and donate to the Northfield Community Action Center’s food shelf by venmoing: @carletonemptybowls. P.S. go vote in the CSA Elections here: https://apps.carleton.edu/orgs/csa/voting/electioncode" -
Empty Bowls 2020: Iris Jastram
Iris Jastram
Instagram post by Carleton librarian Iris Jastram for Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
Post text: "My no-longer-EmptyBowl was made by my brother when he was a ceramics student here! Thanks @carletonceramics and @northfieldcac for this Virtual #carletonemptybowls celebration!" -
Empty Bowls Virtual Event
Terra LaChance
Event listing on the college calendar for Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
Text: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics, #carletonceramics. Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, the Community Action Center website, or text EmptyBowls to 44321.
Originally founded in 1990 by Michigan high school teachers Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom to give high school students a chance to impact the local community, the Empty Bowls project has become a prominent national and international movement with local potters, churches, artist organizations and schools. Since its inception in 2005 at Carleton, the project has raised over $91,000 for the CAC food shelf. This event is co-sponsored by Carleton's CCCE and Carleton's Department of Art and Art History." -
Empty Bowls Virtual Event
Terra LaChance
Event listing on the college calendar for Virtual Empty Bowls 2020.
Text: "For the past 16 years, Carleton Ceramics has hosted the annual Empty Bowls community meal on campus to raise awareness around hunger issues and funds for the CAC Food Shelf. With the covid-19 pandemic and a shelter-in-place order, that community gathering is just not possible, so Empty Bowls is going virtual for 2020! On Friday, May 15, please use an Empty Bowl from a previous event (or any other bowl!) and post a picture of you and your bowl on your Instagram page and tag @carletonceramics, #carletonceramics. Or post your picture to Facebook and tag the CCCE! Consider making a donation to the CAC Food Shelf or any local organization with a mission to fight hunger anytime during the week of May 11-16 in honor of the virtual event. A $20 donation is suggested, but any amount is much appreciated! Donate through Venmo @CarletonEmptyBowls, the Community Action Center website, or text EmptyBowls to 44321.
Originally founded in 1990 by Michigan high school teachers Lisa Blackburn and John Hartom to give high school students a chance to impact the local community, the Empty Bowls project has become a prominent national and international movement with local potters, churches, artist organizations and schools. Since its inception in 2005 at Carleton, the project has raised over $91,000 for the CAC food shelf. This event is co-sponsored by Carleton's CCCE and Carleton's Department of Art and Art History."