Browse comps and student work by academic department.
Graduated in 2010
Samuel Kipnis Ritter, History (HIST) 2010, To any which might take the pains to read it over: Authorial Authority in the Seventeenth-Century Sea Jounal of Edward Barlow
Andrew Douglas Ritts, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Limnological Analysis of the Groundwater, Biological, and Morphological Factors in Relation to Stratification and Dissolved Oxygen Levels of the North and South Basins of Roosevelt Lake, MN
Laura Elizabeth Roach, Biology (BIOL) 2010, Exercise Therapy and Relief of Depressive Symptoms
Britni Noelle Robinson, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, Black Male Identity
Andy Rooks, Economics (ECON) 2010, Competition and Consumer Utility: Evidence from the Healthcare Industry
Nathaniel Rosenblum, History (HIST) 2010, Social Science and Rights: Destutt de Tracy and the Shaping of a Notion
Nathaniel A. Ryan, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, Mechanic's Grand Manner
Nathaniel A. Ryan, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Microstructures of a deformed kyanite-quartz vein of the Raft River Mountains in northwest Utah
Callie Jenna Sand, Physics (PHYS) 2010, The Evolution of a Megastructure: Skyscrapers and the American Way
Michael Jared Sanders, Physics (PHYS) 2010, Water Erosion of Topsoil: Fundamental Physical Concepts
Emogene Ruth Schilling, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, Abstract Abstract
John D. Schlaefer, Economics (ECON) 2010, The Impact of Flex Fuel Technology in Brazil on the Cointegration of São Paulo Consumer Gasoline Prices and Sugar No. 11 Futures Prices
Laura O'Sullivan Schlosser, Psychology (PSYC) 2010, Effects of Methylphenidate and Environmental Enrichment on Spatial Memory in Rats
Meryl Rose Schumacker, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2010, The Square: A Prosocial Educational Television Show for 6-9 Year Old Audiences
Allison Clare Schwartz, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, [Images of sexual dimorphism]
Julia Elizabeth Schwarz, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Influence of lithology and climate on spring chemistry in the Upper Deschutes River watershed, Oregon
Chelsea Phipps Scott, Physics (PHYS) 2010, Glacier dynamics: Using velocity and temperature profiles to understand climate fluctuations
Chelsea Phipps Scott, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Kinematic modeling of deformation in the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
Beth Marie Seraydarian, Political Science (POSC) 2010, Implementation: How Local Expectations, once Dashed in Oakland, are Realized Using the Community Reinvestment Act and Public-Private Partnerships to Address Affordable Housing
Mengxi Shen, Chinese (CHIN) 2010, Qi—the psychosomatic component of Chinese medicine—ties between medicine, literature and philosophy
Mio Shimma, History (HIST) 2010, Instrumentalization of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere: How Three Indonesian Nationalists Promoted Indonesian Independence through Japanese Military Administration, 1942-45
Jinho Shin, Biology (BIOL) 2010, MicroRNA's Regulation of the Nodal Pathway
Joseph Andrew Sigrin, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2010, Distant Relations: The Formation of the Sephardic Imagined Community
Katie L. Silbiger, Psychology (PSYC) 2010, Evaluating Educational Initiatives for Gifted and Talented Students
Joseph Stephen Sjoberg, Economics (ECON) 2010, Cartel Enforcement and Competitive Balance: Evidence from Men's College Basketball
Jordan Buchanan Smith, History (HIST) 2010, More Rude and Anticque than 'ere was Sodom: Piracy and the Tavern Community in Port Royal, Jamaica, 1680-1692
Karen Elizabeth Spettel, Chemistry (CHEM) 2010, The Evolution of 3D NMR Isotope Labeling Techniques in Determining the 3D Structure of Large Proteins
Michael Aaron Stevens, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2010, Only Way You Gonna Take It Is if I'm Dead and Cold: Masculinity and Sexual Assault in Minnesota Prisons
Nate Jasper Stewart, Biology (BIOL) 2010, The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant-enemy interactions
Laura Elise Stone, Cognitive Science (CGSC) 2010, Stereotype Alteration through a Cognitive Dual-Process Lens: Examining Stereotype Knowledge Structures, Stereotyping Processes, and Perspective Taking
Stephanie Lauren Strother, English (ENGL) 2010, The Colonization of Representation / The Violence of Self-Deception
Jane Eleanor Sturges, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2010, The Fight for Same-Sex Marriage in South Africa: An Examination of Political Opportunity Structures
Laura Kim Sugerman, Chemistry (CHEM) 2010, Bottled Art: The chemistry of brewing beer
Mahima Swarup, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Tectonic evolution of the Menderes massif core complex and Alasehir graben, southwestern Turkey: counter evidence to a rolling-hinge mechanism
Smith Stuart Alan Sweeney, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Characterization of two atypical refractory inclusions from separate CV3 chondritic meteorites: Petrogenesis in the early solar system
Joseph Karl Swiggum, Physics (PHYS) 2010, Out of Silence: Sound Film Technology of the 1920s
Elizabeth Tan and Claire E. Brookmeyer, Dance (DANC) 2010, BASTE
Margaret Rose Taylor, Biology (BIOL) 2010, Modification of the Lignin Biosynthetic Pathway to Reduce Biomass Recalcitrance in the Production of Cellulosic Ethanol
Anne Elizabeth Triest, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2010, The Way that Can Be Told: Examining Popular Western Books on Daoism
Katherine Cannon Turnage, Chemistry (CHEM) 2010, Copper Binding to Aß42 and Alzheimer's Disease
Derek Vang, Biology (BIOL) 2010, Serotonin Modulates our Decision Making in Gambling
Mikaela Lee Van Sistine, Linguistics (LING) 2010, Pragmatic Particles in Colloquial Malaysian English: Description and Analysis in a Politeness Theory Framework
Ezra Velazquez, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2010, TownFork
Allison R. Vitkus, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Microfossil fauna from the Blue Earth Siltstone of the Lower Ordovician Prairie du Chien Group, Minnesota, USA
Colin Michael Wakeham, Biology (BIOL) 2010, The role of acetylcholine in rapid eye movement sleep
Julia Marjory Walther, Art History (ARTH) 2010, Out with the Obi, in with the Bustle: Japan's Transition to Western Costume in Meiji Woodblock Prints
Janae D. Walton-Green, Cinema and Media Studies (CAMS) 2010, Untitled: A Documentary
Sibo Wang, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Reconstructions of Late Ordovician crinoids and bryozoans from the Decorah Shale, Upper Mississippi Valley
Alexandra Molitor Waters, Studio Art (ARTS) 2010, Bits and Pieces
Alexandra Molitor Waters, Spanish (SPAN) 2010, La voz emancipada: Testimonios de un descubrimiento en la España contemporánea
Elizabeth Jane Weimer, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2010, Institutions and Place: A Study of Corn Ethanol Production in Southern Minnesota
Julia M. Weisman, French (FREN) 2010, Témoin à la barre: La France face à son amnésie collective dans "Muriel, ou le temps d’un retour" et "Caché"
Monica Ann Welke, Art History (ARTH) 2010, Rewriting Wright: Frank Lloyd Wright's Home and Studio as a Case Study for Historic Preservation
Trent Ward Wells, Political Science (POSC) 2010, Because We Said So! An Analysis of Public Opinion's Effects on Foreign Policy
Ashley Brittany Wentworth, Biology (BIOL) 2010, The unexpected evolution of extreme polyandry in Apis: Unique means of minimizing costs and maximizing benefits
William August White, Biology (BIOL) 2010, Family Feud: The Intersection of Polyandry, Viviparity, and Speciation
Spenser Drew Williamson, Economics (ECON) 2010, The effect contract position has on player performance in the NFL.
Sophie Gabrielle Williams, Geology (GEOL) 2010, Soil microbial biomass and respiration dynamics in a 14 year chronosequence of restored tallgrass prairie
Peter Richard Wilton, Biology (BIOL) 2010, Selfish Genetic Elements and the Evolution of Polyandry
Laura Akilah Treneir Woodland, Asian Studies (ASST) 2010, Orthographic Selection and Japan: Social Implications of Script Selection in Japanese Magazine Advertisements
Meghan Frances Wood, Biology (BIOL) 2010, The function of Nod2 in the recognition and regulation of microbes in the gut and the relationship between Nod2 and the pathogenesis of Crohn's Ddisease
Brianne M. Wooldridge, Psychology (PSYC) 2010, The Relationships of Positive Psychology: Specifically Personality and Social Interactions with Happiness
Naomi Kathleen Yoder, History (HIST) 2010, Scripture, Sexuality, and Society: Women and Authority among sixteenth-century Anabaptists
Allan Zhang, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2010, The Sustainability and Resilience of Indigenous Communities
Xiaozhou Zhu, Economics (ECON) 2010, Goals and Gains:The Impact of the World Cup Tournaments on National Stock Markets
Benjamin Zivan, Chinese (CHIN) 2010, Alphabetizing Chinese: Enlightened Reform or Misguided Idealism?
Amanda Sue Zoch, English (ENGL) 2010, With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage: The comitragic nature of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello
Graduated in 2009
Britta Anderson, Spanish (SPAN) 2009, Dumbo en Santiago: Los productos globales y las crisis de identidad en Las peliculas de mi vida de Alberto Fuguet.
Elsass Kirke Anderson, Geology (GEOL) 2009, Hydraulic conductivity of Pliocene & Pleistocene sediments in the San Diego Bay subsurface
Jonathan Aronson, Geology (GEOL) 2009, Overhauser magnetometer survey of Midcontinent Rift accomodation zone in southeastern Minnesota and implications for subsurface structure
Benjamin Barclay, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2009, Mixing oil and blood: oil vulnerability an propensity for militarized conflict after the Cold War
Elliot Bartis, Physics (PHYS) 2009, Physics and applications of pyroelectricity
Hal Baseman, Economics (ECON) 2009, Testing the effects of European monetary union on stock market interdependence using econometric analysis
Kane M. Bechstein, Economics (ECON) 2009, There's no wrong choice : personalizing incentives to maximize motivation
Anna Biewen, French and Francophone Studies (FREN) 2009, La loi Lonetti et ses dfauts: la politique de l'euthanasie en France
Sam Birnbaum, Economics (ECON) 2009, Have housing prices become more sensitive to the interest rate?
Ifrah M. Biyoow, Economics (ECON) 2009, Intrahousehold bargaining and decision-making : the case of Kagera, Tanzania
Lauren Blacik, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2009, We are them and then is now: the unique presentation of the past at U.S. World Heritage Sites
Andrew BoddySpargo, Political Science/International Relations (POSI) 2009, An embedded market approach to Chile's neoliberal transition
Elizabeth Bonawitz, History (HIST) 2009, An honest Englishman of good plain sense and meaning? Or a "robust true-born Briton"?: English constructions of Englishness, Britishness, and Scottishness, 1690-1740
Colin Bottles, Political Science (POSC) 2009, Political bosses or publics: who rules in democracy?
Robert Bradley, Economics (ECON) 2009, Paired risk preferences
Laura Bramley, English (ENGL) 2009, Nonsensical stories : morality, imagination and empowerment in Victorian fairy tales
Rosalind Brayfield, Linguistics (LING) 2009, Daa gweyn Aa gweyn: questions and foci in the Belizean Creole
Hannah L. Breckbill, Aparna Dua, Luke B. Hankins, and Robert W. Trettin, Mathematics (MATH) 2009, Challenge Math -- 2nd grade
Thomas Brenner, Physics (PHYS) 2009, The fundamentals of solar cells
Nick Brom, Michael Henneberry, Frederick Kieley, Daniel Mammel, Juan Medrano, Andrew Olson, and Robert Schmitz, Chemistry (CHEM) 2009, Interfacial electron transfer at semiconductor-liquid junctions: implications for powering the planet
Emily Brosius, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2009, "You are normal" : negotiating personhood within an adult day program for older adults with dementia
Adam Brown, Psychology (PSYC) 2009, The weakest link: bilingual lexical access and the orthographic size congruity effect
Sasha Houston Brown, Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 2009, Reproductive conquest and the seizure of life : a biopolitical analysis of government sponsored sterilization among native American women
Mikael Brucker, Physics (PHYS) 2009, Designing appropriate technology for the developing world
Kathryn Buckner, Geology (GEOL) 2009, Timing development: a new approach to ANWR
Kort Butler, Geology (GEOL) 2009, Preliminary seismic refraction survey of the Cannon River Wilderness Park
Hannah Campbell Gustafson, Religion (RELG) 2009, A comparison of ecofeminist theologies in context: Rosemary Radford Ruether of the United States and Ivone Gebara of Brazil
Karen Campbell, Economics (ECON) 2009, Entitlement's influence on economic behavior : evidence from dictator and ultimatum games
Nick Cesarek, Economics (ECON) 2009, Estimating the demand for education
Matthew Cole, Political Science (POSC) 2009, Political evil and the limits of liberal theory
Lauren Colwell, Geology (GEOL) 2009, Evidence for differential Louisville and Emperor-Hawaiian mantle plume motion based on 40Ar/39Ar geochronology
Tiffany F. Cox, Geology (GEOL) 2009, June 2006 seismic swarm and dike emplacement beneath the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field, Mexico
Tiffany F. Cox, Physics (PHYS) 2009, Molten rock: a perspective on magma genesis, magma chamber dynamics, and the effects of crystallization