The Economics department working paper series collects drafts of research in progress.
Working papers are not yet peer reviewed, but are circulated for discussion and comment.
Visit the Economics website for more information about the department.
Working Papers from 2024
Inflation Expectations and Political Polarization: Evidence from the Cooperative Election Study, Ethan Struby and Christina Farhart
Working Papers from 2023
Politics and eminent domain: Evidence from the 1879 California Constitution, Mark T. Kanazawa
Treasury Buybacks, the Fed's Portfolio, and Local Supply, Ethan Struby and Michael F. Connolly
Working Papers from 2022
Scholarly Activity among Economists at Liberal Arts Colleges: A Life Cycle Analysis, Jenny Bourne, Nathan Grawe, Michael Hemesath, and Maya Jensen
The efficiency of occupational licensing during the Gilded and Progressive eras: Evidence from judicial reviews, Mark T. Kanazawa
Shadow Rate Models and Monetary Policy, Ethan Struby and Michael F. Connolly
Working Papers from 2019
THE OTHER AMERICA: Inequality, Taxes, and the Very Rich, Jenny Bourne
Transaction Costs in Water Transfers: The issue of local control, Mark T. Kanazawa
Working Papers from 2018
Living a Lie: Theory and Evidence on Public Preference Falsification, John Duffy and Jonathan Lafky
Judicial Deference and the Efficiency of the Common Law, Mark T. Kanazawa
Quantity Versus Quality: Experimenting with the Margins for Social Information, Jonathan Lafky and Alistair Wilson
Macroeconomic Disagreement in Treasury Yields, Ethan Struby
Working Papers from 2017
Who Actually Benefits from Changes in Legal Standards? Evidence from Water Disputes in 19th Century California?, Mark Kanazawa
Explaining Changes in Sri Lanka’s Wage Distribution, 1992-2014: A Quantile Regression Analysis, Prathi Seneviratne
Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Labour Abundant Countries: Evidence from Sri Lanka, Prathi Seneviratne
Working Papers from 2016
Local consequences of climate change: State park visitations on the North Shore of Minnesota, Mark Kanazawa
Precedent and the content of the law: Lessons from the evolution of groundwater law in early 20th century California, Mark Kanazawa
A Work vs. Perk Model of Leadership and Organizational Culture, Benjamin Keefer
Sensitization and Extraordinary Persistence, Benjamin Keefer
Working Papers from 2015
Offshoring, Productivity, and Labor Income Risk, Prathi Seneviratne